College & Career News
I blinked and January and February has gone by...how does this happen???
We are in the midst of application season - please be sure to get those applications complete this month! If you haven't completed your applications yet, you will want to do that so you can participate in our ACCEPTED posters that will be due at the end of February. We are busy with college application, scholarships and already have over $22.7 MILLION in accumulated scholarships turned in! WAY TO GO CLASS OF 2025!
This is a live newsletter, so feel free to come back here as often as you need to see updated information!
Please check out the rest of the newsletter for so much information!
FINANCIAL AID Deadline 2/15/25:
Students must complete one of the following for graduation and UPLOAD PROOF INTO SCHOOLINKS (Click the blue link for instructions)
97 of you still need to be sure to upload the proof of this to graduate!
- FAFSA - The 2025-2026 FAFSA (required for the class of 2025) is NOW OPEN @ FAFSA® Application | Federal Student Aid
- TASFA - the TASFA form will open soon! When it opens, you can find it on the TASFA website HERE.
- Opt-Out – If you do not wish to complete the FAFSA or TASFA, you can complete the OPT-OUT FORM and upload your completed form into SchooLinks.
Cap & gown are officially on sale. They are NOT included in the senior package.
If you haven’t ordered cap & gown for graduation yet, you still have time to make that happen. If you only want cap & gown, you can follow the steps HERE to order online!
The other thing we have ready for you is a list of Senior Dates! These dates are mostly set but could be subject to change. If they do, we will be sure to notify you! For a list of the Important Senior Dates you can find them HERE!
The next ACCEPTED shirt distribution will be on Friday, February 7th. Make sure you upload your ACCEPTED letters in SchooLinks and complete the form that is sent (to students) no later than noon 3/20 be included in this round.
SENIORS - Have you applied yet??
- Apply to a 2 or 4 year college! Use http://www.applytexas.org OR http://www.commonapp.org
- Apply to a trade school! https://www.tstc.edu/
- Request transcripts through SchooLinks. The registrar will be processing transcripts that are requested through SchooLinks. (See below for instructions on how to do this)
- Apply for scholarships! I post lots of scholarships down below so check back often.
- Finalize college plans. Narrow your list, choose a college, find a roommate, living arrangements, orientation, register for the TSI testing if needed.
- Explore career options!
ACCEPTED: As you get ACCEPTED to any college, university or military (even if you won't be attending) please upload them in SchooLinks. (Step-by-Step instructions found below). Once you've done that, I will send you an email with a link on what size shirt and if I can celebrate you on social media or not. You (the student) can fill that out and then send me a picture to use (if you'd like) and I will pass out ACCEPTED shirts once a month.
SCHOLARSHIP OFFERS: As you get scholarships (even if you won't be using them) please upload them in SchooLinks. (Step-by-Step instructions found below). Each offer will be found in the graduation program so please be sure you turn in all offers even if you will not be accepting it.
OFFICIAL transcripts must be requested in order to make all of your college applications complete. To request an official transcript you can go to SchooLinks - see instructions below.
Wishing you the best!
Have a great day!
College Visits at THS in the CCR office (E138)
Upcoming Events
Free College & Career Event
We encourage students to register at: https://gotocollegefairs.swoogo.com/findyourpath25
Event Details:
• Date: Saturday, March 22nd, 2025
• Time: 9:00 A.M. to 1:00 P.M.
• Location: George R. Brown Convention Center, Hall C
Saturday, Mar 22, 2025, 09:00 AM
George R. Brown Convention Center, Avenida De Las Americas, Houston, TX, USA
Requesting Transcripts in SchooLinks
Requesting Letters of Recommendations in SchooLinks
Uploading Accepted Letters in SchooLinks
Uploading your Scholarship Offers in SchooLinks
Requesting an Official Transcript for Scholarships or NCAA
How to Share Class Rank on College Applications in SchooLinks
Updating your Financial Aid Status in SchooLinks - Graduation Requirement
SENIOR WORKSHOP - How to apply, find scholarships, request transcripts and more!
Class of 2025 College Application Timeline
2025 College Auto Admissions
Free Tuition
Based on Family Income
Free Tuition
Free Tuition
NCAA - On Demand Video
Certificates, Licenses, & Alternate Career Programs
Military Branch Recruiter Contact Information
United States Air Force
Enlisted Accessions Recruiter
COMM: 800-423-8723
AETC 341 RCS/41AF7
12881 Westheimer
Houston TX 77082
United States
United States Army
SGT DeJesus, Gian Carlos
U.S. Army Recruiter
Rosenberg Recruiting Station
Cell 📱: (713) 385-3846
Office ☎️: (281) 239-7733
Fax 📠: (281) 239-7799
Email 📪: gian.c.dejesuscaban.mil@army.mil
United States Marines
Sergeant Palacio, Tom P. (THS)
RSS Rosenberg
Cell: 281-202-9898
Office: 281-342-4466
Email: Tom.Palacio@Marines.usmc.mil
28120 Sw Freeway, Ste 502 C
Rosenberg, Tx 77471
United States Navy
Adrianna Delacruz
Navy Talent Scout (THS)
Cell: (713)829-6708
Email: adrianna.a.delacruz.mil@us.navy.mil
Address: 28120 Southwest Fwy, Suite 502B
Rosenberg, TX 77471
Texas Army National Guard
United States Coast Guard
MST2 Brandon Nidiffer
US Coast Guard
Recruiting Office Houston
3111 Woodbridge Dr Apt 160,
Houston, TX 77087
What Should I Be Working on Now if I'm NOT a Senior?
Volunteer Opportunities
Summer Camps
HOBY Capital Area Leadership Seminar
· Event: HOBY (Hugh O’Brian Youth) State Leadership Seminar - Texas Capital Area
· Location: University of Texas at Austin
· Dates: June 6-8, 2025
For more information on the 2025 seminar, including instructions on how to register students, please see our Registration & Seminar Guide. Registration is filling up, but there are still a few available spaces!
About HOBY: HOBY is a nonprofit youth leadership organization that serves high school sophomores (rising juniors) by helping them to develop their leadership potential. Our curriculum focuses on topics such as personal empowerment, navigating group dynamics, and creating meaningful social change. You can learn more about the organization and our programs here.
What to Expect: Students who attend the seminar can expect to hear from dynamic, engaging speakers; participate in well-rounded curriculum that explores three different aspects of leadership (personal leadership, group leadership, and service leadership); socialize and interact with diverse students from all over the Central and South Texas region; and boost their college resumes by participating in community service. As a 2008 HOBY alumna and 15+ year volunteer, I can personally attest to the power and impact of HOBY programs, and I would love to work with you to register a student to represent your school!
Registration & Scholarships: The fee to attend the seminar is $425/student (please note that this includes all lodging, meals, and other expenses; however, students are responsible for their own transportation to and from the seminar). The registration fee may be paid by the school or by the student’s parents/guardians. Limited scholarships are available for students who require financial assistance and/or come from marginalized backgrounds or identities. For more information on scholarships, please contact me (alisonmiller@hobytxca.org).
Friday, Jun 6, 2025, 07:00 AM
Contact your CCR
Travis High School | College & Career Readiness Advisor
Austin High School | College & Career Readiness Advisor
Email: becky.martinez@fortbendisd.gov
Phone: 281-634-9264
Twitter: @Tracks4Tigers