Board Meeting Summary
February 16th, 2022
General Information
On February 16th, 2022 at 5:00 pm, President Snider called the February Regular Board of Education to order. During board input, the Northwest Division dinner on April 6th was discussed. The dinner will be held at Dakota High School and registration is now open. Superintendent Kashner asked BOE members to contact him if they are interested in attending and he will register as a group. Visitor Kent Schoeny was welcomed and addressed the BOE. Mr. Schoeny thanked the BOE for their service and for making masks recommended this past week. He asked that they continue to fight for local control. The PreK board report was shared and Superintendent Kashner commented that he was encouraged by the numbers at registration and is confident that we will have a full PreK class. Superintendent Kashner shared that he was contacted by the Mayor of Shannon and that a sign to recognize the National FFA Dairy champions has been ordered and should arrive soon.
Information regarding Old Business, New Business, and the Superintendent Report is listed below.
Meeting was adjourned at 5:45 p.m.
Old Business
Sjostrom and Sons were awarded the front entrance and remodeling project at a bid of $1,287,500. The estimated cost for this project was $1,500,000. Superintendent Kashner shared that he was pleased to receive six bids and that speaks well for the interest in future construction project bids. The front entrance at EJSHS will break ground in early June 2022 and be finished in December 2022. Plans are in place to have a temporary front entrance in place for the start of the 2022-2023 school year. The 2nd floor remodeling project at EES will being in June 2022, and completed by August 6, 2022.
Helm Mechanical was awarded the mechanical contract at EES with a low bid of $635,000. Superintendent Kashner shared that two companies had the exact same low bid. After consulting with the companies, legal counsel, and the architect, a coin flip was utilized to award the bid. Superintendent Kashner commented that both companies are highly reputable and have done terrific work for us, and a coin flip was the fairest way to break the tie. The estimated bid for this project was $500,000. Overall, the district saw the two bids come in under bid by roughly $85,000.
The BOE authorized Superintendent Kashner to utilize additional hour early outs as long as it does not exceed six total hours. The purpose of these hours will be to provide additional time for teachers to prepare lessons, work with students and preparatory time. Superintendent Kashner and the BOE thanked staff for their hard work and acknowledged that this time could be beneficial. A discussion was held on how early outs affect elementary families the most in regards to child care arrangements. Superintendent Kashner will work with the association to finalize those specific dates in the near future. The 2022-2023 calendar was updated to align parent teacher conferences to be held on Thursday and Friday of the first week of November and to change in-service dates.
New Business
The 2023-2024 calendar draft was presented and mirrors the same criteria utilized to create the 2022-2023 calendar. Superintendent Kashner shared that a committee of a variety of employees were utilized to gather feedback and he thanked them for their work.
A one year contact with Helm to provide quarterly maintenance on mechanical devices in the district was approved for each building. Member Heldt commented that this will help catch issues ahead of time while providing additional support. Member Preston agreed that this will be an additional layer to prevent issues further on. The contract was approved for $10,000 at EES and $16,000 at EJSHS.
Approval to solicit bids on a white mini bus and minivan was granted. Superintendent Kashner shared that a current vehicle utilized by the district has high mileage and is in need of being replaced. After discussion, bids will be considered for both an additional mini bus and minivan. The BOE does not consider it likely to approve both vehicles, but wanted to gather information on both to make an informed decision. Superintendent Kashner commented that with the current price on vehicles, it will be a wait and see approach and hope for the best.
Superintendent Report
Personnel and Job Vacancies
Eastland CUSD #308
Location: 601 South Chestnut Street, Shannon, IL, USA
Phone: (815) 493-6301