Mrs. McManus' Class
March 2025

Mark Your Calendars
March 3rd- 7th Read Across America Celebration (Schedule of Events Below)
March 9th Daylight Saving Time Begins
March 13th Math Check-In
March 26th Progress Reports
March 28th PTO 3-5 Dance
MOY Parent Conferences
I would like to meet with each of you to discuss your child's progress this year. It is essential for you to understand your child's current academic standing and the steps needed to achieve proficiency in 3rd grade. If you attended the BOY conference, we have already talked about the Read to Achieve Law and its impact on your child's promotion status at the end of the year.
During our MOY conference, I will provide updates on your child's performance and their progress in meeting the expectations set by the Read to Achieve program. Please sign up for a time that is convenient for you. If none of the available times work, let me know, and I will do my best to accommodate you. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/20F0D45AAA72BABFD0-55260068-moyparent
Classroom News and Reminders
New News
Updated School Calendar- The school calendar has been updated! I have linked it at the bottom of the Smore. Please take a look at it to see the changes.
We are in need of Kleenex, Clorox Wipes, alcohol prep pads (for cleaning computers), and paper towels. We have NO Kleenex left and are running very low on everything else.
Yearbooks-We are still taking orders for our 2025 yearbook. You can order a yearbook by returning the envelope and payment to school OR by ordering directly online from our website by March 14. https://wes.wilkescountyschools.org/apps/news/article/2021477
Nightly Homework Changes -Thank you for your supporting your child at home by ensuring that homework is completed each evening. As we begin the new year, we will focus on building reading stamina by extending nightly reading to 30 minutes. Please continue to encourage your child to practice skip-counting each night using the assigned number 4 times. This practice in skip-counting fluency is essential for your child to efficiently solve multiplication and division problems. (I linked some fun skip-counting songs at the bottom of the Smore.)
Is your child reading their Released Passage on both Monday and Tuesday? The goal of the rereading is to help build fluency. Please be sure that your child is reading on Monday and rereading on Tuesday.
Field Trip Payments- Please be sure that you are caught up on field trip payments. You can pay with cash, by check to Wilkesboro Elementary, or through our new SchoolCash Online payment system. There is a $2.50 transaction fee when paying online.
Old News, but still important!
REMIND- Are you missing REMIND messages when they are sent? Did you know that you can change your settings and messages will come to you as a text message. It's great! If you need additional directions for this please reach out.
Ice Cream- Your child may purchase ice cream on Fridays during lunch. Please send this money in a sealed envelope with your child's name on it. Remember that the cost has gone up to $1.25. You can also add the money to your child's lunch account by clicking the link below. (You will need to register for an account.)
Snack- Please make sure that your child brings a small snack and a water bottle to school each day. Do not send flavored water or any other type of juice drinks for snack.
Folders/Planners- Please check, sign and clean out the planner each night. Look over and discuss any graded work and keep it at home.
Our school will be transitioning to REMIND for all parent communications over the next week. This app offers many important features such as two-way messaging, language translation, and direct to phone or email messaging that is set up by each user. Your family will need to take action to sign up. The link below will allow you to join my classroom REMIND. (Please use your name to sign up. )
Our Class Remind: https://www.remind.com/join/mcmanust3
School Remind: https:// www.remind.com/join/wegrow24
Special Clubs and Groups
WES Run Club: https:// www.remind.com/join/werun24
Classroom Wants and Needs
Immediate Needs
Kleenex, Paper Towels and Clorox Wips
Amazon Wish List
Books Fairies Needed
Our third-grade team is raising money to put books in the hands of our students. One of the biggest joys of teaching is seeing a student fall in love with a book. We hope to be able to send home at least one book each month with every student in our grade. Growing lifelong readers is the goal —and your contribution will help do just that! Click the link above to donate to our campaign and be sure to share this link with family and friends. Thanks so much!
Learning Targets
Addition and Subtraction Strategies
Multiplication Strategies
Division Strategies
Ask and answer questions to demonstrate understanding of a text, referring explicitly to the text as the basis for the answers.
Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text that are relevant to a grade 3 topic or subject area.
Identifying the organization of a text. (cause/effect, problem/solution, description, sequencing and compare/contrast)
Identifying the central message and supporting details of a text.
Identifying the main idea of a text.
Determining what character traits best describe a character in a text.
Shades of Meaning
Multi-Meaning Words
Common and Proper Nouns
Singular and Plural Nouns
Possessive Nouns
Prefixes and Suffixes
Verbs (Present, Past and Future)
Identifying Complete Sentences
Capitalization and Punctuation (Proper Nouns and Titles)
Complete Sentences
Cursive Handwriting (Lowercase and Capital Letters)
Solar System
Social Studies
It’s not always easy to be Honest in our words, actions, or thoughts with others or with ourselves. Practicing Honesty with ourselves allows us to identify emotions, be aware of our emotions, regulate emotions, and advocate for our emotions. This month's focus for 3rd grade is practicing Honesty to help with emotion advocacy.
Click here to download the Grade 3 Honesty Newsletter
Conversation Starters:
- What is 1 strong emotion you had this week? How did you react or respond to it?
- Share how being Honest with ourselves can help us to be more confident, calm, or focused?
Support Our School
Box Tops for Education
Please click the link below to get more information on how to support our school. It takes less than five minutes to download the app and get started.
Lowes- Cart to Class
With Cart to Class, Lowes Foods will give up to a quarter million dollars to local schools. Lowes Foods guests will link their Fresh Rewards cards and schools will be rewarded based on how much they spend on private brand products. Guests can select up to 3 participating schools when enrolling in the Cart 2 Class program. To enroll, please click the link below and click on the button for "enroll in Cart 2 Class.
WES Spirit Rock
Rent the WES Spirit Rock by clicking the link below. Please note that the dates are not in numerical order.
Would you like to volunteer to help in a classroom, the school, or on a field trip? Please click the link below to complete the application in Volunteer Tracker.
Breakfast and Lunch Menus
2024-25 School Calendar
Fun Websites/Resources
Pencil Pete Cursive Writing Practice
Skip-Counting Songs (These are catchy!)
Skip-Counting by 3's
Skip-County by 4's
Skip-Counting by 6's
Skip-Counting by 7's
Skip-Counting by 8's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4kjgdSiKvmY&list=PLBKguK5HqJvkGWF_Wd3VnpCjyEnb0MIFu&index=5
Skip-Counting by 9's https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P4oB5KSoKsY&list=PLBKguK5HqJvkGWF_Wd3VnpCjyEnb0MIFu&index=6
Contact Mrs. McManus
Email: mcmanustr@wilkes.k12.nc.us
Website: http://wes.wilkescountyschools.org/
Location: 1248 School Street, Wilkesboro, NC, USA
Phone: 3368384261