West Campus News
*** Going Green Edition ***
What does going "GREEN" starting on Thursday, September 17, mean for West Campus?
- All On Campus students will report to school on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Students will no longer report by alphabet group.
- All Extended Campus students will join WebEx classes on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays. Students will no longer log in by alphabet group. Failure to log in to WebEx may result in courses being placed on Odysseyware.
- Students will not report on Wednesdays, however there may be special WebEx meetings assigned to your student to check in with teachers. If your student would like to report on a Wednesday for additional support in a class, please arrange that with the classroom teacher or Ms. Payton.
How are we keeping your student safe?
- With the current number of On Campus students, class sizes will be under 10 per room. Students will be socially distanced while in the classroom.
- Plexiglass has been placed on all tables in the coffee shop and commons to serve as a barrier while eating. Students will sit 2-3 at a table.
- Masks are still required for all staff and students while in the building.
- All staff encourage frequent hand washing and/or sanitizing.
- Frequently touched hard surfaces are sanitized throughout the day.
Special Schedule Changes
- Monday, September 21st is a Professional Development Day for staff. Students will not report on campus or via WebEx.
- Tuesday, September 22nd is the district's ACT date. Only seniors will report on September 22nd to take the ACT. All West Campus students will take their ACT at West Campus. Students should arrive by 8:00 a.m. Students will be dismissed between 12:00-12:30 so please have transportation plans arranged. If your child will need district provided transportation, please let Michelle Schilmoeller know as soon as possible (402-390-8214) Lunch will be served for students who would like it.
- Students will have school on Wednesday, September 23rd, Thursday, September 24th, and Friday, September 25th to make up for missed instruction on September 21st and 22nd. On Campus students should report and Extended Campus students should participate via WebEx on those dates.
The amount of patience, support, and flexibility all of you have shown throughout this pandemic is definitely noticed and greatly appreciated. Thank you!
West Campus
Email: schilmoeller.michelle@westside66.net
Website: https://westcampus.westside66.org/
Location: 3504 South 108th Street, Omaha, NE, USA
Phone: (402)390-8214
Facebook: facebook.com/westsidecommuntiyschools
Twitter: @westside66