Peirce School Family Newsletter
September 2018
Principal's Message
Greetings Peirce Families,
It was great to see our students back in the building this week - the first week is all about structures, routines and developing community, our students and teachers worked alongside of each other for team building activities, setting classroom agreements and creating a safe environment for learning.
- Before school started, we received 1 additional Sp.Ed. teaching position and 2 additional Sp.Ed. Classroom assistant positions from CPS.
- 10th Day Budget adjustments will be made based on our enrollment as of September 17th. Please complete this survey to provide input around where you believe additional dollars should be allocated.
- Congratulations to Ms. Thompson for writing and receiving our Out of School Time Grant - $36,000 was allocated to Peirce from CPS to support after school programs. Enrollment applications will go out at the end of September/Early October.
- The turf replacement project will begin on Monday, September 10th and continue for approximately one month. See email sent on Friday, September 7th with more information.
Cheers to a successful 2018-2019 school year!
Lori Zaimi
Parent OR Staff Shout Outs
Sp.Ed. Information Session - Thursday, September 13th
Kindergarten: Room 110, Ms. Fabianski & Mr. Cortright
1st Grade: Room 105, Ms. GIbson & Ms. Fitzgerald
2nd Grade: Room 224, Ms. Baumgarten & Ms. Graney
3rd Grade: Room 203, Ms. Lynn & Ms. Wasson
4th Grade: Room 204, Ms. Sweeney & Mr. Trad
4th Grade: Room 209, Ms. Drase & Ms. Frauenheim
5th-8th Grades are Departmental with a variety of co-teaching partnerships
No Dogs (Pets) on School Grounds
Open House
7th & 8th Grade families are invited to learn more about the HS Application process/Go CPS at 6pm in the gym. While this is optional for 7th grade families, it is never to early to begin learning about the HS Process.
Volunteering Protocols
Parent Communication
Student Fees - Pay Online
September 2018
11th - Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm, Fieldhouse
12th - PSO Sponsored Parent Mixer - Cescas @ 6pm
13th - Special Education & Inclusion Information Session, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
13th - 7th & 8th Grade New York City Travel Meeting, 5:00pm, Gym
14th - PSO Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
20th - Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm, Gym
21st - International Day of Peace
21st - Parent Advisory Council Principal's Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
21st - Parent Advisory Council Organizational Meeting, 8:45am, Fieldhouse
27th - Peirce Day @ Potbellys on Clark, Sponsored by Friends of Peirce
27th - Open House, 5:00 - 6:30pm
27th - 7th & 8th Grade Go CPS Parent Meeting, 6:00pm, Gym
28th - Bilingual Advisory Council Informational Meeting & Organizational Meeting, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
October 2018
5th Student Council Elections
5th Progress Reports Distributed
5th NYC Travel Scholarship Application Due
5th Small Group Parent Tour, 8:15am
8th No School - Columbus Day
9th & 10th Picture Day
9th HS Information Session @ Senn HS, 5:30pm (7th & 8th invited)
9th HS Fair @ Senn, 6:15pm
9th Friends of Peirce Meeting, 6:30pm, Fieldhouse
10th Peirce Day at Chipotle
12th Parent Advisory Council Meeting: Restorative Practices @ Peirce, 8:15am, Fieldhouse
14th Edgewater 5K
17th International Reading Night, 5:00 - 6:30pm
18th Box Tops Collected
18th Local School Council Meeting, 6:00pm
19th Peirce Service Organization Meeting, 8:00am, Fieldhouse
19th Harbor Night - Friends of Peirce Fundraiser
25th Student Council Installation Ceremony
26th PSO Sponsored Halloween Dance, 5:00 - 6:30pm
31st Halloween Parade, 1:30pm (All students)
Welcome New Peirce Staff!
Pegeen McGhan, 4th-8th Sp.Ed.
My name is Pegeen McGhan, and I am very excited to be joining the Peirce Elementary School staff this year, teaching Diverse Learners in a Separate Setting. My students come from both the PYP and MYP realms, as I have fourth through eighth graders who come to Room 300 for Language Arts and/or Math instruction. Though I am new to Special Education, having received my LBS1 endorsement this summer, I am not entirely new to Peirce. Last year, I taught PYP Art for three months while Ms. Buchbinder was out on maternity leave, and I have subbed at Peirce for a few years now in every grade from Pre-K to eighth grade. I also have two children at Peirce, one who just started Kindergarten and one in fourth grade.
I earned my teaching credential in California in 2006, where I taught third grade, Kindergarten and sixth grade. In 2013, I moved to Chicago from foggy San Francisco with my husband and children to be closer to family-- I grew up in Flint, Michigan and my husband is originally from Chicago. It has been great to have a closer connection to the kids’ grandparents and extended family.
Before going into teaching, I worked for many years as a theater artisan in the Bay Area, designing and building props, sets, masks, puppets and costumes for numerous theater companies, both large and small. Some of the things I love about both teaching and theater include working with people toward a common goal, engaging in creative problem solving, and the multidisciplinary nature of both endeavors.
In my free time, I enjoy dancing, making stuff, being out in nature, exploring Chicago and spending time with my family and friends.
Ruben Ivy, Pre-K Assistant
Anh Nguyen, Pre-K Assistant
Key Contact List
Recurring Information
Breakfast & Lunch Menus
Daily Specials Rotation
Parent-Student Handbook
Student Code of Conduct
Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Location: 1423 W Bryn Mawr Chicago, IL
Phone: 773-534-2440