The Weekly Buzz 🐝
From Palmer River Elementary School

May 17, 2024
Dear Palmer River School Community,
We had another fantastic week at Palmer River Elementary School. Our fourth-grade students demonstrated their dedication and perseverance as they successfully completed their mathematics MCAS tests for the year. This marks a significant milestone in their academic journey. They worked very hard and we are incredibly proud.
There are lots of fun events coming up soon! Check out the list of calendar dates below. We hope you enjoy the weekend!
Mrs. Kristine Kefor, Principal & Dr. Cheryl Leandro, Assistant Principal
email: kkefor@drregional.org & cleandro@drregional.org
phone: 508-252-5100
Upcoming Calendar Events for PRES
- Grade 4 Palmer River Project: May 20th to May 24th
- Grade 3 Carpenter Museum Trip: May 21st, 28th & 30th, and June 4th, 6th & 11th
- Grade 3 Wax Museum Presentations: May 23rd from 5:45 to 6:30pm
- Memorial Day/No School: May 27th
- Grade 4 Natural Resource Trust Trip: May 28th and May 29th
- Kindergarten Barn Babies Visit: May 30th
- IROC Digital Safety Program: May 30th
- Incoming Kindergarten Screening/No School for Kindergarten: June 4th & June 5th
- Fourth Grade Music and Art Showcase: June 6th
- Fourth Grade Step Up Day at BMS: June 11th
- Grade 3 and 4 Bristol County Savings Bank Banking Visit: June 13th
- Field Day PreK to Grade 4: June 13th
- Boosterthon Fun Run Prek K to Grade 4: June 14th
- BMX Show PreK to Grade 4: June 17th
- Grade 4 "Escape Elementary School" Event: June 18th
- Juneteenth/No School: June 19th
- Half Day: June 20th
- Grade 4 Clap Out: June 21st
- Half Day/Last Day of School: June 21st
Congratuations to fourth grader Albert Antonio who received a "perfect score" on last year's mathematics MCAS test. Albert was honored at this past week's School Committee meeting where he was recognized by Superintendent Runey. Great job, Albert!
May's Monthly Mindset is...
PRES School Lunch Menu
Please click THIS LINK to view a printable PDF of May's Lunch Menu.
Scenes from the Week!
The Mystery Hatch with Mrs. Sullivan
Click the image to learn more...
The Boosterthon Fun Run is Coming to PRES!
Community News
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District has recently made a community connection with Community & Social Services | Old Colony YMCA. Their Family Resource Center is available to both Dighton and Rehoboth families and has much to offer in the form of support. Please feel free to check out all that they have to offer by using the previous links, or accessing their May Calendar.
The Portrait of a Graduate
Palmer River Elementary School
The Dighton-Rehoboth Regional School District
Website: https://pres.drregional.org/
Location: 326 Winthrop Street, Rehoboth, MA 02769
Phone: 508-252-5100/Fax: 508-252-5110
Dighton Rehoboth Regional School District does not discriminate based on race, color, religion, gender, national origin, age, marital status, veteran status, disability, sexual orientation, gender identity, or any other legally protected group.