Special Area Newsletter
December 2024
Music with Ms. Peters
During the month of December our K-1 students will end our fall songs and will continue their adventures to catch our Rest Villain by creating, performing, and responding to a variety of musical elements and exploring music from around the world. Adventures will take students to Russia and on a Frozen Adventure.Students have been busy identifying, creating, and performing rhythm on a variety of instruments and singing.
2nd-5th grades are creating, performing and responding to a variety of musical elements. Students will begin our unit on Sound. We are grateful to have received a Bright Ideas Grant for our "From Sound to Story: Exploring STEM, Music, and Literacy" engaging and innovative interdisciplinary unit.
Intermediate Chorus Shrek Jr. audition videos were due on Dec. 1st. The results will be posted before Winter Break.
VPE Ballet:
We enjoyed a great field trip to see the Nutcracker! We are so proud of our VPE Ballet dancers for their courage, determination, and hard work! VPE ballet has not ending. Thank you to our VPE students and families for your support!
Winterguard Guard Information: click here to join the clinic and audition: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeDb2Jr0ctHhHO6U7ML2NIFj5-fTeGAnsp9rqJY4HFK2zKGbQ/viewform?usp=sf_link
Winterguard Clinic is Sunday, December 3rd 12-4
Winterguard Audition is Thursday, December 10th 12-3
Intermediate Chorus sings the National Anthem at the UK Women’s Basketball Game on December 9th. Meeting time is 4:15 and game time is 6:00 p.m.
Upper Primary Chorus Performance (2/3):
The Upper Primary Chorus(2nd/3rd) will perform our "Pajama Party Musical" for VPE Literacy Night. Students will wear their own pajamas or red chorus shirt and jeans/dark pants.
Thursday, March 6th5:30-7:00 p.m.Students will meet in the gym at 5:30 p.m. when doors open. The performance will begin at 5:45 p.m.
Intermediate Musical (4/5):
The 4th and 5th Grade Intermediate Chorus will present Shrek Jr. to the school at 1:00 and 6:00 for the community show.Thursday, March 27th.1:00 school show 6:00 community show ( 5:30 call time for students to meet in the cafeteria. If your student requires make up, they may have a different call time)
Lower Primary Chorus (K/1):The Lower Primary Chorus will present our "Adventures around the World" show at 5:45 p.m. in the gym.April 24th 5:30-7:00 p.m.
Library with Ms. Ault
Thanks for making the fall Scholastic Book Fair one of the best yet! I really appreciate all the people who donated their time to make it so successful! I know students are already looking forward to the next week long fair in April!
VPE will be participating with the Lexington Counter Clocks in their "Hit the Books" program. So to start the month in library, all classes are designing a book mark which will be entered in their contest. More details about the program will be coming home in January.
In addition, students will be reading holiday related books throughout the month of December. Happy holidays!
P.E. with Mr. Penrod
STEM with Ms. Sproles
Veterans Park students will be participating in the annual worldwide event "Hour of Code"! We will dedicate at least one hour to learn about computer programming and coding. Some grade levels will do both unplugged and plugged versions, but everyone will work on problem solving. This is a fun event we look forward to each year.