The Cougar Chronicles
January 4, 2025
Welcome Back! We hope you had a restful break.
Students return on January 8, 2025
As we begin the 2nd semester, please make sure that your student is at school EVERY DAY and on time.
Students must have a school I.D. around their neck, follow the dress code, and no electronic devices during instructional time.
From Mr. G
TJH Families -
We hope you all had a joyous and restful holiday season filled with cherished moments with family and friends!
We are excited to see our students return to campus refreshed and ready to learn on Wednesday, January 8th. The remainder of the school year promises to be an exciting time, filled with engaging learning experiences, exciting school events, and continued growth for each of our students.
We understand that adjusting back to the school routine can sometimes be a challenge. Please know that we are here to support you and your children in any way we can. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact us here at TJH.
We look forward to a successful and rewarding second half of the school year!
ATTENTION 8th Grade Parents!
Level Up & Get Prepared for 9th Grade!
As your child prepares to transition into high school, now is a great time to start thinking about the courses they will take in 9th grade. The choices your child makes in the coming months will help lay the foundation for their high school journey.
We encourage you to do two things:
Checkout the Tomball High School Course Catalog! It contains valuable information about 9th grade courses and beyond.
HS Course Catalog Link:
High School Course Catalog 2025-2026
Take a look at the information flyer below, it contains all of the information for parent and student events in preparation for 9th grade!
PTO Information
Hi Cougars!
Hope you all have enjoyed a wonderful holiday break!
As we get started for the new year, we are excited to kick it off with a celebration for our honor roll students on January 28. We will need a few volunteers after lunch for about two hours. If you want to help, you'll find all the details and can sign up here: Honor Roll Celebration.
We also really need help with the weekly Student of the Week pizza delivery! We only have one kind volunteer signed up between now and the end of the school year. Please take a look and help if you can: Student of the Week Signup Genius.
Our next PTO meeting is coming up on January 23. We're starting to plan our spring fundraiser and would love your ideas and help. Join us at 1pm in the TJHS library!
Chris Doherty
PTO Vice President
ONE TEAM, ONE GOAL 2024-2025
Mandatory Meeting
Mandatory Cheer Interest Meeting! If you are interested in trying out for TJH Cheer for the 25-26 school year see the flyer.
Which STAAR assessment does my child take?
Upcoming Testing Dates:
Jan. 28th- RLA DBA
This will run as a Testing Environment Day and will be our practice run for STAAR. Please make sure your child arrives to school on time! Testing will begin promptly at 7:30am.
TELPAS Testing Dates
Jan. 25 & Jan. 27- Listening & Speaking Portion.
March 4- Reading & Writing Portion.
STAAR Testing Dates:
April 10th- 8th RLA
April 15th- 7th RLA, 8th Social Studies
April 22nd- 8th Science
April 29th- 7th & 8th Math, Algebra I EOC (current Geometry students will take the 8th Grade Math STAAR)
Link for STAAR FAQs:
Student Spectators at the TJH Sporting Events
If you drop off your TJH student at a sporting event to be a spectator, they are expected to have appropriate behavior. There will be an announcement made 30 minutes before the event is to end. Any TJH student spectator who is still at the event after 30 minutes could lose the privilege of attending another event.
The store link for our school just went live a few hours ago.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up
Please make sure that you have your student here on time each day. Here the student drop-off/pick-up area. Please do not drop off or pick up your student in the staff parking lot, this is a safety concern. The two lanes merge, so please be courteous of cars merging. Your patience is appreciated.
Bus Transportation Info
Bus schedules will be available on August 2, 2024 on Smart Tag Admin and Parent App.
If no bus information is available in Smart Tag Portal, refer to infofinderi via
Wear ID tags on Lanyard around neck while loading and unloading.
Delivery Policy
According to the Student Handbook: Deliveries of personal nature (such as flowers, balloons, gifts, cards, etc. for birthdays, homecoming, Valentines Day etc.) will not be permitted. Food may be brought for your student only (not a group of students) and only by a students parent or grandparent and if the parent is not having lunch with the student, must be left at the front table. The receptionist will not send for the students nor monitor who takes the lunch. Doordash, uber eats, etc. deliveries will be turned away at the door.
Dress Code
Please make sure that your student is following the TJHS dress code. It will be strictly enforced.
Highlights of the Dress Code that all students should be aware of include but are not limited to:
- All students must wear clothing that adequately covers the body. Shorts and/or skirts must reach the mid-thigh. Spaghetti straps, strapless, backless, see-through and low-cut tops are not allowed. Tops must cover the midriff.
- Students are not allowed to wear hats, bandanas, or other head coverings. Please leave your hats at home.
- No Pajamas. No slippers.
- Hair should be clean and neatly groomed. It should not cover the eyes or be colored (including partial coloring or tips) or styled in any way that is distracting to the learning environment (i.e. unnatural hair colors, such as but not limited to, pink, purple, blue, green including highlights and tips). All students will be free of facial hair.
If it is determined that a student’s grooming or clothing violates the school’s dress code, the student will be given an opportunity to correct the problem at school and return to the classroom. If the problem cannot be corrected at school, the student may be assigned to in-school suspension for the remainder of the day, until the problem is corrected, or until a parent or designee brings an acceptable change of clothing to the school. A student who wears a hat or unacceptable jewelry will be asked to correct this violation of the dress code. A student who continues to violate this part of the dress code will surrender the item to an administrator. These items may be kept by the administrator for a period of time to be determined by the administrator, including until the end of day or the end of the year or until the parent comes to the school to retrieve the item.
Full version of TISD student handbook:
Texas House Bill 114 was passed by the Texas legislature last spring and requires school to place students in the District Alternative Education Program (DAEP) any student who is in possession of, uses, sells, gives, or delivers an e-cigarette (or vape) on school grounds or at any school related event. What this means for your student is that if your student has an e-cigarette (even if nothing is in it) on school grounds or at a school related event, he or she will be recommended for a DAEP placement of at least 10 days. Your student is responsible for any item in his or her possession, even if it does not belong to your student. **To note, this means just the device alone will result in DAEP; it does not have to contain any nicotine or THC at all. Please talk to your student about not "holding" anything for anyone, and to guard their backpacks/lunch boxes/possessions at all times. Lockers in pe/athletics must be locked at all times.
**Please see the district letter below for full information**
New Law: Mandatory DAEP Placement for E-Cigarette Violations
Cell Phone Usage
Students are allowed to bring their cell phone to campus. However, students are only permitted to use their phones/earbuds/electronic devices before school, during lunch, and after school. This includes the use of apple watches for any non-watch function.
TJH is a 1:1 campus and any activity that requires a device in class, teachers will rely on our district technology to support learning in the classroom.
If a student has his/her device out during a time that is not permitted, the device can be taken to the office by any staff member at TJH.
1st Offense: Student can pick up after school
2nd Offense: Parent must sign for the phone and can pick it up
3rd Offense: $15.00 fine and parent must pick up and sign for the phone
A $15.00 fine and parent pick up each time after 3rd offense
I.D. Badge Required
For safety reasons, students are required to wear an I.D. badge around the neck daily and at all times. Please remind your student/students about this district requirement. The replacement cost for replacing an I.D. badge are:
$3.00 for the I.D.
$1.00 for the lanyard
$1.00 for the plastic sleeve
Those students who do not have an I.D. will be sent to the office
TJHS Staff Contact and Social Media Links
Tomball Junior High School
Your 2024-2025 TJHS Administration and Counseling Staff
Charlie Gerszewski - Principal
Diana Herbst - Assistant Principal - 7th Grade
Dr. Clint Vick - Assistant Principal - 8th Grade
Tony Scherrman - Counselor - 7th Grade
Latasha Thompson - Counselor - 8th Grade
Location: 30403 Quinn Rd. Tomball, TX 77375
Phone: 281-357-3000