Notes for New Members
Lincoln County 4-H December 2024 - January 2025
Issue 2 of 4
Please complete your 4-H Enrollment NOW!
A reminder that 4-H'ers must re-enroll in 4hOnline every year. Please take this time to review your information, update your contact information, and update your health information, and addresses.
Enroll or re-enroll directly in 4-H Online
- 4-H Online tip sheet for enrolling and re-enrolling English version
Project Selection
Deciding on projects in 4-H can be overwhelming at times. 4-H has something for everyone in grades Kindergarten through one year past high school. For those members in grades K-2, we have a program called Cloverbuds. Browse through the MN 4-H Projects & Resources website to see all of the 4-H projects and to learn about what you can do in 4-H. When looking through the list, choose a few for the first year that you would like to learn about and exhibit at the County Fair. You will also find some great project resources under each of the categories.
Now that you have decided on a project, it’s time to set some goals. What do you want to do and learn in this project? Make your goals challenging, but don’t make them so hard that you cannot reach them. Ask yourself these questions.
What do I want to do this year?
What can I learn?
Who will help me?
When am I going to do it?
Where do I want this project to take me in one, two, or three years?
Many people in your community can help you with your 4-H project. The 4-H curriculum that is found on the MN 4-H Project website is a great resource for ideas. Think about talking to a local person involved in your area of interest. For example, maybe you would like to do a wildlife project on lake conservation. Find a contact for your local DNR personnel and set up a time to meet with them. Your county may also offer a project day where they are offering a workshop for members to participate in; watch for emails and the newsletters for those and signup.
Projects and Resources
There are many different types of 4-H Projects you can choose from. Here is a listing of them, but you can also refer to the Projects & Resources website for more information.
Science, Engineering & Technology
Science of Agriculture, Engineering Design, Robotics, Aerospace, Computers, Video, Photography, Electric, Small Engines, Shop, Bicycle
Citizenship and Leadership
Citizenship, Global Connections, Youth Leadership, Community Pride & Service Learning,
Healthy Living
Health, Food & Nutrition, Safety
Animal Science
Science of Agriculture, Exploring Animals, Pets, Dogs, Cat, Dairy cattle, Beef cattle, Dairy goat, Meat goat, Horse, Poultry, Rabbit, Lama, Sheep, Swine, Veterinary Science
Expressive Arts & Communication
Photography, Video, Crafts & Fine Arts, Performing Arts, Communication & Demonstration
Shooting Sports & Wildlife
Shooting Sports & Wildlife, Water/Wetlands, Wildlife Biology, Fishing Sports
Family & Consumer Science
Consumer Education, Clothing & Textiles, Quilting, Home Environment, Child & Family Development, Food & Nutrition
Gardening & Agriculture
Indoor Gardening, Forest Resources, Vegetable Gardening, Flower Gardening, Plant & Soil Science, Crop Sciences, Fruit, Potatoes, Lawn & Landscape Design, Tractors,
Environmental & Earth Science
Exploring the Environment, Entomology, Forest Resources, Geology, Shooting Sports & Wildlife, Water/Wetlands, Wildlife Biology, Fishing Sports
Other Learning Opportunities
Self-Determined, Cloverbuds (K-2)
What Are Cloverbuds?
Most Popular Minnesota 4-H Projects
1. Photography
2. Crafts & Fine Arts
3. Food & Nutrition
4. Shop Science
5. Clothing & Textiles
6. Self-Determined
7. Flower Gardening
8. Cloverbuds (K-2)
9. Vegetable Gardening
10. Horse
4-H Curriculum
4-H has some important dates to keep in mind. If youth/families miss deadlines, they are still able to participate, however there are consequences for missed deadlines. The consequences vary by deadline.
Important Deadlines to Remember
February 15 - Market Beef & Dairy Steer ID Deadline (More information to follow)
May 15 - Enrollment Deadline to participate in MN State Fair
May 15 - Animal ID Deadline (More information provided in the spring)
June 25- County Fair Registration Deadline (information provided in the spring)
One-Time Member Exemption
There is a one-time exemption that is available to members that have missed a deadline. This will allow them to remain eligible for things like State Fair or Champion placings. They are only allowed ONE exemption during their 4-H career, so please consider your options carefully when choosing to use this option. Some restrictions do apply, so please consult the Extension Office.
4-H Extension Educator, Gabby Nemitz
319 N Rebecca PO Box 29 Ivanhoe, MN 56142
If you do not follow us on Facebook, now is a good time to do that.
You can follow us on Facebook.
We’re also on Instagram @lincoln_mn_4h