February 2025
College of Education & Professional Studies Newsletter
Annual AACTE Conference held in Long Beach, California
Some of the CEPS faculty and staff attended this year's annual American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education (AACTE) Conference in Long Beach, CA.
AACTE is the leading voice on educator preparation. AACTE’s member institutions and programs prepare the greatest number of professional educators in the United States and its territories, including teachers, counselors, administrators, and college faculty.
Needless to say, Jax State was well represented.
Dr. Rusell Hammack promoted to Full Professor
Congratulations to Dr. Russell Hammack for recently being promoted to Full Professor.
Dr. Hammack has been a member of the Jacksonville State University Department of Teacher Education for ten years. During his tenure at JSU, he has had 8 publications in peer reviewed social studies journals, including Social Studies Teaching and Learning, the Oregon Journal for the Social Studies, Teaching Social Studies, and the Journal of Social Studies and History Education. He has presented 37 times at local, state, and national conferences such as the Alabama Council for the Social Studies and the National Council for the Social Studies. Dr. Hammack is currently serving on the Institutional Review Board, Graduate Education Program Directors/Advisors Committee, and the Continuous Improvement Committee. He also serves as the Alabama House of Delegates Representative at the National Council for the Social Studies, and he is also President of the Alabama Council for the Social Studies.
The CEPS is very proud of you and this huge accomplishment!
Dr. Calhoun presented at the 2025 Future Teachers of Alabama State Conference
Dr. Christie Calhoun of the Center for Evaluation, Research, and Innovation (CERI) presented information about Jax State’s College of Education and Professional Studies innovative pipeline initiatives for teachers at the 2025 Future Teachers of Alabama State Conference at Auburn University on Wednesday, February 12. The ballroom was full of aspiring educators.
The future looks bright, Alabama!
Dr. Calhoun also attended the Hartselle State of Public Schools event this month. The district, partners, and community celebrated 50 years of Hartselle City Schools. Superintendent, Dr. Brian Clayton shared the district’s state standings in academics and athletics. Hartselle is a strong district and home to many Jax State College of Education alumni.
Regional Inservice (RIC)
Andrea Taylor, named AI Innovator for 2025
The CEPS is excited to share that Andrea Taylor from the Regional Inservice Center (RIC) has been selected as a 2025 AI Innovator and will be presenting at The AI show in San Diego, CA April 5-7th.
Please scan the QR code for more information on registration:
Alabama Science Teachers Association (ASTA) 2025
Dr. Jennifer M. Troncale, Dr. Kyoko Johns, and Dr. Michael Alvidrez gave a presentation at the Alabama Science Teachers Association (ASTA) Conference. Their session centered on leveraging digital resources to develop content literacy strategies across various disciplines, aiming to provide educators with the tools they need to foster deeper understanding and engagement in their students.
AAEI Grant Awarded
With support from the CEPS CERI program, Drs. Renee Baptiste and Sarah Burns were recently awarded the Alabama Arts and Education Initiative Grant in the amount of $20,00.00.
The Alabama Arts Education Initiative (AAEI) is a program offered by the Alabama State Department of Education to strengthen the development and implementation of a comprehensive arts education program in public schools and community organizations in Alabama. This grant will greatly benefit Jax State's music education students as well as the local school community.
Please see the link below or contact Dr. Christie Calhoun to learn more about CERI and the services that are offered.
Jax State Student Symposium
The CEPS would like to recognize the outstanding work of our Teacher Education & CEPS students in Secondary Science Education at the Jax State Student Symposium this month.
Two of our talented students showcased their projects and research, highlighting the power of innovation and inquiry in science education.
Featured Presenters:
John Osborne – Can an Instant Pot Sterilize a Bacterial Culture?
Co-authors: Makenna Case & Emily Ligon
Nallely Vega Ocelo – Can an Instant Pot Sterilize Media?
Co-authors: Emmie Grizzard & Lucy Avina
Please join the CEPS in celebrating these future educators!
Redbird Willow Farm visited Jax State CDC
The little ones at the Jax State Child Development Center concluded their study of pets and animals with a visit from our friends at Redbird Willow Farm.
If you are around our area, please visit the "Little Farm with a BIG Personality!"
Please follow the new CEPS Instagram page
Regional Inservice Center
School Librarians:
We invite you to join us on April 3, 2025, at the Jax State Regional Inservice Center for a full day of professional learning tailored specifically for school librarians!
Our Exemplary School Libraries work session is scheduled from 10:00 AM to 12:00 PM. Additionally, we've expanded the day with more opportunities that you won't want to miss.
Mentor Program
Lit. Block
Students had the best time in Lit. Block this month as they played charades with compound words. They were encouraged to act out each separate part of the vocabulary word while their group worked together to discover the meanings.
Lit. Block Students enjoyed a fun filled Valentine's Day
In preparation for Valentine's Day, Lit. Block students spent some time getting to know a few great books! Students had a speed-dating event where they had a short amount of time to find the book of their dreams. They read books ranging from those written for young children all the way up to young adult. This activity is a fun way to engage students of all ages to find their passion for reading. Every date with a book was sealed with a sweet (Hershey's) kiss.
Content Block
Content Block wrapped up the math portion of their concentrated schedule with the edTPA workshop and delicious food!
A fun-filled day at Kitty Stone Elementary
Content Block students shared the math stations they developed with Kitty Stone Elementary's second and third graders on Tuesday, February 12th. They did a fantastic job creating fun and engaging games and activities that addressed the math content standards. They enjoyed working with the younger students!
Cocky's Cafe
Attention all students and faculty!
Remember that you still have time to order lunch from Cocky's Cafe in March and April.
Mrs. Kelly Murray
Our staff highlight for the month of February is Mrs. Kelly Murray. Kelly is the Certification Officer for the College of Education and Professional Studies at Jax State University. Mrs. Murray graduated from Jax State in 1985 with degrees in Management and Marketing and spent her early years after college working in advertising and marketing in Atlanta, Georgia, primarily as a corporate meeting planner.
Mrs. Murray moved back to Alabama and began working in radio broadcasting, doing everything from sales to traffic manager to commercials, and even a short stint on-air on Saturday mornings. Soon after her daughter was born, she and her husband bought an environmental business, which they sold in 2009. Kelly knew that she was too young to retire, so she sought employment here at her alma mater, Jax State.
Kelly's first position in 2012 was Coordinator of Student Records in the Registrar's Office. She then moved to CEPS as a Certification Advisor, then as Coordinator of Teacher Education Services. Now, as Certification Officer, she feels that she has truly found her place. She loves day-to-day aspects of the position. She works with a wide variety, from our teacher candidates to the Alabama State Department of Education. She has the privilege of working with an amazing team and feels so fortunate to get to collaborate with such a wonderful mix of personalities and positions. Mrs. Murray truly loves her job and does not plan to retire anytime soon.
Kelly has been married to her husband, Steve, for almost 32 years and they have one child, a daughter, who is married and lives with her husband in Atlanta. The Murrays live on a mountain on 20 acres outside of Jacksonville, which allows their three dogs to run and play without having to be fenced in. Kelly and her husband love to travel and were blessed to celebrate their 25th anniversary in Ireland. Having been an army brat growing up, she has also had the privilege of living in Japan for several years during her early high school days. She and her family were always ready for a new adventure.
Mrs. Murray enjoys seeing a process from start to finish, and is able to have that opportunity every day, working with our student candidates as they move from eligibility to internship to graduation, certification, and beyond. If there is anything that Kelly can do for you, please don't hesitate to go see her in Room 405 of Pod 4.
We are very thankful to have Kelly on our team, as she is a huge asset to the College of Education & Professional Studies and Jax State University.
Corrie Drake
Our February student spotlight is Mrs. Corrie Drake. Mrs. Drake is in her final semester at Jax State to become a teacher. Corrie's focus is on Early Childhood/Elementary Education, and it is a passion that she has had for most of her life! She plans to graduate in May 2025 and hopes to work somewhere near the Jacksonville area.
Mrs. Drake resides here locally with her husband of almost a year, Brady. In her free time, she enjoys going to Braves games, taking walks on Ladiga Trail, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.
Jax State has brought Corrie so many great friendships, especially from her education undergraduate program and college group at Jacksonville Church of Christ. She is honored to be the student spotlight for February.
Congratulations, Mrs. Drake on all of your accomplishments while here at Jax State. The CEPS wishes you well in all of your endeavors.
Outstanding Faculty Nominations
Aimee Weathers
Torsten Dryden
Diane Best
Barbie Norvell
Outstanding Staff Member Nominations
Lynn Steward
Annaleigh Harris
Outstanding Undergraduate Student Nominations
Korie Williams
Jaylen Smith
Melinda Marcum
Cami Stewart
February Birthdays
Cindy Pair
Kelly Roper
Teresa Gardner
Kim Oliver
Betty Brooks
Kenneth Drain
Joseph Akpan
Galentine's Day Lunch
We were missing a few, but we enjoyed a fun Galentine's Day lunch outing at Struts. The CEPS work family is the best!
Email: amroberts@jsu.edu
Website: https://www.jsu.edu/education/index.html
Location: 115 College Street Southwest, Jacksonville, AL, USA
Phone: 256-782-8200
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/JSUEducation/
Twitter: @JSU_SoE