October Principal's Newsletter
October 3, 2024
Celebrating our September Citizens of the Month and Summer Reading
We kicked off our October with our Citizen of the Month Assembly with Mayor Wallace and Borough Council President, Helen Hlahol. Students selected were recognized for displaying our BARK (Be Safe, Always Try Your Best, Respect Self and Others, and Kindness Matters) expectations throughout our school community. We also recognized 45 of our students who completed their Summer Reading Project.
Kindergarten Citizens of the Month
1st Grade Citizens of the Month
2nd Grade Citizens of the Month
3rd Grade Citizens of the Month
4th Grade Citizens of the Month
5th Grade Citizens of the Month
During our first month of school, students learned about our new BARK expectations and strongly encourage you to practice these with your child.
B - Be Safe
A - Always Try Your Best
R - Respect Myself and Others
K - Kindness Matters.
Please review our SWPBS Handbook that includes more information about our BARK system.
This month Grandview students earned 1,143 BARK Bones and Morrisville Intermediate students earned 515 BARK Bones, totaling 1,658 BARK Bones for the month of September!
Congratulations to the following students who have been selected as a BARK Bone winner for the month of September.
Ariella - Kindergarten
Majestic- 1st Grade
Jazir - 1st Grade
Miles - 1st Grade
Maverick - 1st Grade
Shayara - 1st Grade
Genesis- 1st Grade
A'lijah- 1st Grade
Vanessa - 2nd Grade
Musfirah - 2nd Grade
Will- 2nd Grade
Teaghan - 2nd Grade
Xavier - 2nd Grade
Erika - 3rd Grade
Scarlett - 3rd Grade
Mia- 4th Grade
Ky'Rie - 4th Grade
Fabien - 4th Grade
Gwendolyn - 4th Grade
Shane - 4th Grade
Levi - 5th Grade
Julian - 5th Grade
Sha'miia - 5th Grade
Gabby - 5th Grade
Na'eem - 5th Grade
Our data is showing us this month that 35% of incidents are occurring in the classroom and 40% are occurring on the playground. Our staff and students will be revisiting and practicing our Bulldog Blueprints lessons for these areas.
New Walker Dismissal Procedure for Grandview Elementary
To ensure a safe dismissal for all, we will implement a new Walker Dismissal Procedure for Grandview Elementary, effective, Monday, October 7th.
A reminder that if you are walking on foot to pick up your child, your child is considered a "walker". Please pick your child up at the side cafeteria door at Grandview Elementary in a single file line and the Morrisville Intermediate School Lobby door at Morrisville Intermediate School in a single file line.
Grandview Elementary:
We ask all parents/siblings to bring their child's/sibling's dismissal placard and line up along the side of the building. One staff member will take the names of the students, while two staff members will line up the students in a line along the windows inside the cafeteria. Three staff members will walk two students at a time directly to the parent/sibling, like we walk the students in the car line to the cars and put them in the car.
We recognize that this process may take a little longer and appreciate your patience to ensure we get all our students out safely.
Please use the link below to sign up for a spot!
We look forward to seeing you there!
Looking to Help Your Child Strengthen Their Phonological Awareness?
Phonological Awareness consists of many skills relating to oral sounds such as rhyming, identifying syllables, and segmenting a sentence into words.
Phonemic awareness is about individual sounds in spoken words. You can practice these skills by having your child say words with the same beginning sounds (bike, bell, blue, boy) or changing sounds to make a new word (change the /t/ for /m/- tap becomes map).
Please click on this link to learn more!
A Message from Mrs. Galante, our English Language Development Teacher
Did you know your English language learner can practice their skills at home? Please visit www.imaginelearning.com or download the Imagine Learning app onto a tablet. Email Mrs. Galante (tgalante@mv.org) if your student needs help with their username and password.
A Message from our Guidance Counselor, Ms. Leary
Looking for 5 easy Social Emotional Learning activities to do at home with your child? Click the link below to learn more!
This Month in Classroom Champions is all about Goal Setting
We are so excited to partner our K-5 students with Rosie Brennan!. Rosie is a two-time Olympian in the sport of Cross Country Skiing.
This month is all about Goal Setting with Rosie Brennan!
One of the best predictors of academic performance is the ability to set goals, make a plan to reach them, and stay focused on them despite obstacles and distractions. Goal setting is part of critical thinking and good decision making. Students may already recognize the importance of setting goals on their way to accomplishing a task, but they may not know where to begin or how to strive toward their goals.
Goal setting is a practice — one you have to do again and again. Such a habit will become part of your approach to life and to challenges. Don’t assume that older students know what a goal is — everyone needs a working definition and a personal connection to internalize this mindset.
- Goals can help incite action and behaviors.
- Goals can channel focus.
- Goals can encourage progress.
- Goals can promote mastery.
We look forward to seeing Goal Setting in action this month!
Our Citizen of the Month trait for October will be focused one students who have set strong goals and is working to achieve them.
You can learn more about Rosie Brennan by clicking here.
You can learn more about Classroom Champions by clicking here.
Parents Make the Difference Newsletter
Check out this month's Parents Make a Difference Newsletter linked below.
English: https://www.parent-institute-online.com/download2.php?13105-PMD1-X833786
Spanish: https://www.parent-institute-online.com/download2.php?13105-PMD3-X833786
Important Dates this Month
- 10/1 - Citizen of the Month Assembly - Students and Staff Only
- 10/2 - School Custodian Day; Student Government Meeting 8 a.m.; 2nd Grade Garden Lessons; Chorus 3-4p.m.; 4th and 5th Grade Band Parent Meeting 6:00 p.m.
- 10/3-10/4 - District Closed in Observance of Rosh Hashanah
- 10/6-10/11 - Fire Prevention Week
- 10/8 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.; Walnut Street Theater - Students and Staff Only
- 10/9 - Fire Truck Visits K-2 Students and Staff Only; Chorus 3-4 p.m.
- 10/10 - Chorus 8:00 a.m.; PTO Meeting 6 p.m.
- 10/11 - Performance Concerns Sent Home
- 10/15 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.
- 10/16 - Chorus 3-4p.m.; School Board Agenda Meeting 7:00 p.m.
- 10/17 - Chorus 8:00 a.m.
- 10/18 - Trunk or Treat - 5:30 p.m. at Grandview Elementary
- 10/22 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.
- 10/23 - Chorus 3-4p.m.; School Board Meeting 7:30 p.m.
- 10/23-10/31 - Red Ribbon Week
- 10/24 - Chorus 8:00 a.m.
- 10/27 - World Occupational Therapy Day
- 10/29 - Bells Practice 8:00 a.m.
- 10/30 - Chorus 3-4 p.m.
- 10/31 - Chorus 8:00 a.m.; Classroom Fall Activities 1:45 p.m.