Trebein Tribune
October 2022
Trebein Elementary School
Website: https://www.gocreek.org/apps/pages/Trebein
Location: 1728 Dayton-Xenia Road, Xenia, OH 45385
Phone: 937-458-2300
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/beavercreekcityschools
A Note from our Principal, Mrs. Walk
Hello Trebein Families,
I absolutely love this time of year! Your spirit of community shines through in so many ways.
Thank you for:
- Helping to make sure your kids are ready to learn and grow each day, paving the way for their success.
- Learning our routines and procedures so our school can operate smoothly and safely.
- Pulling together for our Fun Run Donation Drive so our kids can have additional learning experiences and an overall exceptional school experience.
- Helping students to participate in spirit days to bring a sense of belonging to our kids as they look forward to the excitement of something a little different at school.
- Stepping up to volunteer and donate your time, energy, and resources in many areas around the building.
- Committing to coming in for parent-teacher conferences so we can work as a team and support each other's efforts.
- Prioritizing your family and instilling a love of learning in our children.
- Demonstrating through your actions and words the importance of taking care of each other in this big world.
I admire and respect you more than you will ever know!
Lisa Walk, Principal
A Great Start To The Year!
🍁 So Much Fun at the Fall Festival 🍂
A big thanks to our 5th grade helpers for helping set up Fall Fest!
Military Connected Students Services
Services are available at Trebein Elementary for military connected students through the Military and Family Life Counseling program.
Military Lunch Bunch
Support for deployment, moving, social skills, adjusting to a new school
Information on base and community resources
Short term counseling
If you are interested in your child participating, please let your child’s teacher know or reach out to the MFLC at 937-689-1193.
Last Call for the 2022-2023 Trebein Directory!
We invite you to visit https://trebeinpto.membershiptoolkit.com/ to register and view our directory in real time, as well as sign up to volunteer, view calendar events, and more!
Here's what you need to do:
- Go to https://trebeinpto.membershiptoolkit.com/
- Click on the Register/Login button
- If you already have an account with another organization that uses Membership Toolkit, you can use the same email and password to login. You can then proceed to the numbered steps below.
- Select "Create Account" and fill in the name, email, and password information.
- Click "Verify My Email" and then check your email for a link to complete the process. The link expires in 2 hours. If you do not receive the email, check your spam or junk folders.
- Once you have verified your email address, log back in and finish the registration process.
- Complete the Parent/Family and Student Information
- Complete the Directory/Publish Preferences
- Once these forms are complete, you will be presented with a form for PTO volunteer opportunities.
Once the Primary Account is set up, the Primary User can "invite" other email addresses to access his/her account. This allows the Secondary User to have their own login information, but still have access to the family account.
Trebein Wolf Pack in the Beavercreek Homecoming Parade
Beavercreek's Character Education Theme is "Orange and Black on a Mission"
Thank Your for Giving Back!
Trebein PTO's 8th Annual Fun Run
Hello Trebein Families!
The Fun Run fundraiser has officially kicked off and WOW!!! Currently, you have helped to raise over $35,000! That’s amazing! The fundraising period will continue until October 5th, so be sure to register if you haven’t already. Please visit https://www.getmovinfundhub.com/login and use the school identifier code: 5d31e911c4d49 to get started! In addition to helping raise funds for Trebein, your student can also earn prizes!
Individual Prizes:
$5.00 - A Timmy water bottle sticker
$25.00 – Spin-the-wheel at lunch for a prize
$50.00 – A Trebein logo notebook
$100.00 – Trebein Fun Run Spiritwear Dri-Fit tee
$150.00 – Pizza party, Kona Ice, and bounce house
Top three earning classrooms will get a donut party!
Top individual earner will get free ice cream every Friday for the whole school year!
School-Wide Prizes:
$10,000 – Spirit stick
$15,000 – Stuffed Animal Day
$20,000 – Pajama Day
$25,000 - Popsicles at the Fun Run
$30,000 – Technology Day
$35,000 – Toss water balloons at Mrs. Walk!!!
Additionally, the whole school will get to celebrate at the Coy Middle School track for the Fun Run on Friday, October 7th!! Fun Run chairs Tory Cope and Kristina Brackenhoff have been hard at work to make the event a huge success! If you’d like to help them out, please click on the following link to sign up.
Thank you for your support to Trebein! You ensure continued funds for school and family events, new technology, field trips, classroom grants, and so much more!
Jenna Cody
Trebein Fundraising Chair
Fun Run Reward Day - Stuffed Animal Day!
Fun Run Reward: Pajama Day is October 4th
The Fun Run Sock Monkey
Volunteer Opportunities
2022 Fun Run - October 7
To volunteer, sign up https://bit.ly/3fjPxQj
If you have any questions, email: volunteer4trebein@gmail.com
Thank you Trebein Families for your continued support of our events!
Did you know as a parent or guardian of a student at Trebein, you are an automatic member of the PTO? The Trebein PTO, consisting of parents and teachers, works to support and enrich all students' school experiences.
PTO Executive Board Members
President: Meghan Morgan - TrebeinPresident@Gmail.com
Vice President: Jenna Stites - TrebeinVicePresident@Gmail.com
Treasurer: Stefanie Bryant - TrebeinTreasurer@Gmail.com
Secretary: Kylie Sobota - TrebeinSecretary@Gmail.com
Historian: Kim Wassmuth - TrebeinHistorian@Gmail.com
Fundraising Coordinator: Jenna Cody - Fundraising4Trebein@Gmail.com
Volunteer Coordinator: Handan Kilbourn - Volunteer4Trebein@Gmail.com
Want to stay up to date with PTO happenings at Trebein Elementary? Follow @TrebeinPTO on Facebook and share our page with your Trebein friends!
Upcoming Events
October PTO Meeting
*Free childcare available
Tuesday, Oct 11, 2022, 07:00 PM
Trebein IMC
Virtual Parent Workshops
Beavercreek Touch-a-Truck & Trunk-or-Treat Event
Bring the kiddos to City Barbeque Beavercreek our Trunk-or-Treat & Touch-a-Truck on Sunday, October 16th from 11am-1pm
20% of sales from those who eat at City BBQ during the Touch-A-Truck event will be donated to
The Miami Valley Down Syndrome Association!
Come out and see the vehicles on display! Kids can touch, sit, and play!
If you have anything to contribute to the newsletter, please send an email to