Parent Newsletter
August 14, 2024

From the Principal
Dear Parents,
The month of September welcomes many fun activities and events so check out the CSE calendar below to get things on your schedule. Soon, the Football Players, Star Steppers, and Cheerleaders will be greeting students as they come to school on Fridays. We encourage everyone to wear Eagle spirit attire on Fridays. This instills school spirit and pride in being a Lindale Eagle!
Our APEX fundraiser is September 3-13. This is the only fundraiser we do all year! Your child's teacher will be emailing you daily about class goals and how to donate or pledge toward our Team Event day on September 12. Parents can attend on Team Event day during your child's PE time and cheer them on during the obstacle course. See the times below. This year our campus is raising funds for playground improvements.
Walking Wednesdays begin September 4th. Our students need to wear comfortable clothing and tennis shoes on Wednesdays since they go to the track and walk laps during their PE time. Starting October 2, parents may attend Walking Wednesdays with their child. Once this begins, you can meet your child at the track . . . you will not need to sign in at the office. This gives Mrs. Laing and Mrs. Collins four weeks to get rules and procedures in place. See the tracking times below.
We are excited to welcome lunch visitors on Monday, September 9. All visitors must have a state issued ID to be scanned in the office. If the person eating with your child is not listed in Skyward, please call the office and let us know beforehand. Visitors will receive a sticker to wear and can wait for the student in the cafeteria where we have designated tables set up. Visitors may eat lunch with their child only. Please do not bring lunch for another child or ask if another child can come sit with you. Once lunch is over, check out in the office. Visitors are not allowed to go to the playground or to the classroom.
Let's have a great year at CSE!
Connie Forsyth
No School Monday!
September Kone Ice payment 👇
Calendar of Events
2- Holiday - no school (comp day)
3-13 - APEX Fund Raiser
4 - Walking Wednesdays begin (no parents until October 2)
9 - Lunch visitors begin
12 - APEX Team Event - Obstacle Course in the gym - parents may attend
20 - 2 hour Early Release Day / Class t-shirt money due
24 - PTP Snack Bar in Lounge - THANK YOU !!!
26 - Report Cards & College shirts with jeans
27 - Fall Pictures / Kona Ice (pay online only before 8am)
1-25 Grandparents' month for lunches
3 - 2 hour Early Release / Parent:Teacher conferences
4 - School Holiday
7 - Inservice Day, no school
8-11 Canned Food Drive
10- Flannel Thursdays begin (see flyer)
21-25 - Spirit Week (see flyer)
25 - Kona Ice (pay online only before 8am) / PTP Tailgate Lunch - THANK YOU!!!
7 - Fall Picture retakes / Report Cards & College Shirts with jeans
14 - 3rd grade music program at PAC 6:30pm
15 - Career Day - students can dress up to show what they want to be when they grow up
18 - 22 Feathers for Friends
19 - PTP Thankful Luncheon - THANK YOU!!!
20 - Camo Day & Turkey Trot during Walking Wednesday
21 - Flannel Thursdays end
Class t-shirt orders are due SEPTEMBER 20 👇
Car Line Reminders
- Our car line is a phone-free zone by law. No texting or calling.
- Have your car tag visible the whole time during car line.
- If you do not have your car tag, please park and bring your driver's license to the office.
- Do not get out of your car during car line. This is for safety and to keep the line flowing.
How do I put money on my child's lunch account?
You can put money on your child's lunch account by going to the LISD website and using the Lunch Money NOW! link under QuickLinks.