Grades 6-12 Science
October 2022 Secondary Science Newsletter
Secondary Science Department
Email: jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Website: https://www.ccsoh.us/site/Default.aspx?PageID=2577
Location: 3700 South High Street, Columbus, OH, USA
Phone: (380) 997-0466
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ColumbusCitySchools/
Secondary Science Pedagogy in a Nutshell
Ohio Science Standards Based: As you look at your performance tasks, the first thing we would like you to do is to determine to what standard it aligns. Does it even align to a standard? We have found that often a teacher has a lesson or activity that they just love and want to continue to have the students experience. However, we are a standards-based district and your work must align to the state standards. We recommend that you put it aside and find another lesson or activity that you will come to love just as much that aligns to your standards. Time is short enough if we are simply teaching to the state standards. Here is the link to the CLT folder. Within that folder, you can find your specific course and the "red" district documents that go along with it. You will find in the first half of the document your scope and sequence that must be followed. The second half of the document has your essential information, learning targets, links to Tier 1 and Tier 2 vocabulary, lesson samples, and sample assessment questions for each standard. https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1rAgGPpJszPXfKUcZSsg5GR9ubbtSAJdq?usp=sharing
Teacher Clarity: Learning Intentions and Success Criteria on the board each day. Remember, this is NOT your activity. This is the actual learning you want for the students. For middle school, this should be the science concept found in your standard's content statement. See the document below.
5E Learning Model: recommended by ODE; district curriculum documents; Canvas courses; new platforms. See the document below to help with the description, teacher behavior, and student behavior.
Cognitive Demands: stretching student processing through cognitive demands in every unit. EVERY teacher should be exposing their students to higher cognitive demands in EVERY unit. See the document below to help with clarification of the cognitive demands. In order to get to the level of D cognitive demand, it cannot be a cookie cutter activity or lab. The student must design the lab himself/herself or think critically and logically about relationships between evidence and explanations, constructing and analyzing alternative explanations. This goes well beyond communicating science concepts. When we assign the same lab to students written out step by step, we are doing an activity from the R to C levels. Please see the document below that gives descriptions of the cognitive demands.
Phenomena-Based: recommended by ODE; district curriculum documents; Canvas courses; new platforms. This is a great way to begin your Engage portion of the unit.
Nature of Science: incorporate into daily classroom instruction. Please see the document below with the state Nature of Science for the different grades.
State Standards for Literacy: include literacy (reading and writing) in each unit. Using the proper writing document can help you to raise the cognitive demand in a unit. Please see the literacy standards below.
Your new platforms are Ohio standards based, written as phenomena-based, on the 5E Model, bringing kids through the cognitive demands in activities. This is why we adopted them. Your new platforms are your primary resource. Again, they are the resources you should be using but this does not mean that you are not conducting activities, inquiries, investigative labs, etc.
Each of the facets is a great topic to explore in depth in your TBTs.
It's Coming...Ohio Total Solar Eclipse!
April 8, 2024
Come Early; Stay Late!
See the website for information to help you begin explaining to your students.
Articles that May Interest You
-How to Deliver Instruction that Sizzles: https://tinyurl.com/4set72cj
-How Does Heat Affect Student Learning and Well-Being: https://tinyurl.com/5e3prdv8
-The Pandemic Was a Wrecking Ball and We're Still Tallying the Damage: https://www.edweek.org/leadership/the-pandemic-was-a-wrecking-ball-for-k-12-and-were-still-tallying-the-damage/2022/09
-What Will It Take to Transform Public Education (in 4 Charts): https://tinyurl.com/2p8whyw8
-Standardized Tests Aren't the Only Meaningful Data on Student Achievement: https://tinyurl.com/29ttesj4
-What Can Educators Do to Incite Lasting Change: https://tinyurl.com/48xukhcz
-5 Transformative Ideas to Address Education's Biggest Challenges: https://tinyurl.com/yf333uhc
-How Technology Should Influence Learning for this Generation: https://tinyurl.com/v5zdf24h
-Do I Belong? How to Help Students Navigate Social Relationships: https://tinyurl.com/26sau6w6
-Sustainable Systems for Quality Teaching: https://tinyurl.com/bdhj8b7k
-Safety Lessons Learned from the Covid19 Pandemic: https://tinyurl.com/ycys77md
Intentional Planning PD:
Presenter: Jennifer Nord
Date/Time: October 19, 2022 from 4:00 - 6:00 p.m.
Location: https://ccsoh-us.zoom.us/j/9645181171
Target Audience: 6-12 Grade Teachers PDS
This year's event is Saturday, October 29th, 9:30a - 3p. in 18th Ave. Bldg., Rm. 160.
(see flyer below)
CSCC: Fantastic Fridays are back!!!
The Biological and Physical Sciences Department here at Columbus State is once again hosting the Fantastic Fridays program for the 2022-2023 school year. Attached below you will find the welcome letter with information regarding the program and the link for registration. Please read the letter carefully, especially if you have visited us in the past as our policies may have changed since you were last on campus. Online Registration
Student Wildlife Research Symposium:
Call for proposals for the 5th annual Wildlife Research Symposium. (see flyer below)
It’s Natalie, from Planet Aid, officially inviting your school(s) to participate in our national clothing drive contest celebrating America Recycles Day!
Here are some details...
Who: Your school and your community.
What: The “America Recycles Clothing Drive Contest.”
When: Monday, October 31st through Friday, November 18th.
Where: Schools across 15 states.
1. Click the button below to schedule a meeting or secure your school's spot in the contest.
2. Receive your free clothes collection bin.
3. Mobilize your community to donate their excess clothing, shoes, and textiles (bags, belts, blankets, etc.)
2023 Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit Call for Presenters open
The Ohio Teacher Leadership Summit is June 14, 2023, in Columbus. Event organizers are accepting proposals to present through Nov.16.
Hispanic Heritage Month
Hispanic Scientists and Engineers
25 Hispanic and Latinx Trailblazers in Science and Biotechnology to Know
Evolving List of Influential Hispanic and Latinx Scientists
SMATE: STEM role models, videos, podcasts, books, journals, scholarships, careers, leadership & resources, data
Resources You Might Find Useful
Teacher Linda Kennedy: Thank you!
-Visualized the World's Population at 8 Billion, by Country This is really cool!
-Why do we have different seasons? https://tinyurl.com/3hrzsnt5
-The Equinox Isn't What You Think It Is
Ditch that Textbook:
-20+ Sources of Free Digital Content for your Class: https://ditchthattextbook.com/digital-content
-How to Use Google Classroom Addons with Adobe Express: https://ditchthattextbook.com/google-classroom-add-ons
-360 Videos with TeachFlix: https://ditchthattextbook.com/teachflix
-5 Ways to Build School Culture with your Interactive Display: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NuK07EU1-RY
Ward's World:
-Science by You: https://tinyurl.com/5yftph2c Get real ideas from real science teachers.
-Free Resources on Genomes: https://www.nsta.org/nhgri-genome?utm_medium=email&utm_source=rasa_io&utm_campaign=newsletter
-Freebies: scroll down for MS and HS: https://tinyurl.com/2f7pv4rv
Math-Science Leaders Fall Meeting
Believe in Ohio: The purpose of the Believe in Ohio™ program is to create a “Culture of Innovation” in Ohio high schools and provide college scholarships to encourage Ohio students to remain in Ohio by focusing on the practical application of STEM and related fields and the development of an entrepreneurial mindset and critical thinking skills.
Ohio Mathematics and Science Coalition: OMSC's mission is to facilitate collaboration and align the efforts of all stakeholders working toward continuous, systemic, and sustainable improvement of STEM education for all of Ohio's students.
-Not All Superheros Wear Capes
SECO Science Symposium
Jan 30 & 31, 2023
Nationwide Hotel and Conference Center, Lewis Center, OH
-SECO Awards and Grant Applications Now Open through October 31st
For more information and to apply visit the SECO Awards and Mini Grants page
-Phenomena in 3D: Using Phenomena to Support Student Discourse
Explore with colleagues how exploring phenomena can spark curiosity and engage students in meaningful conversations that lead to scientific discoveries.Join us for a five-session series on using phenomena to launch 3-dimensional science units.
Register Today! College Credit or CEUs are available.
-Virtual collaboration time for teachers in common grade levels/ courses to connect and share best practices. Learn, Share, Collaborate
Join us on October 13, November 10, February 9 and March 9
-Become a membere for many more benefits: http://bit.ly/JoinSECO
-NSTA: Applications are now being accepted for Toshiba ExploraVision Science Competition
-EachChildOurFuture: http://education.ohio.gov/Media/Media-Releases/Ohio-Launches-Strategic-Plan-for-Education-Each-C#.W8hwoGhKiUk
-Ohio Building Bridges for Educators: http://education.ohio.gov/Topics/Learning-in-Ohio/OLS-Graphic-Sections/Resources/Virtual-Meetups-for-Content-Area-Educators/Ohio-Building-Bridges-for-Educators
-Ohio's Curriculum Support Guide: http://ohiocurriculumsupport.org/
-Spring 2022 Released Items available at https://oh-ost.portal.cambiumast.com/resources/student-practice-resources/item-release-scoring-guides
-Graduation Requirement Questions: mailto:gradrequirements@education.ohio.gov
-Science Meetups 2022-2023: This series is developed for:
New to science teachers,
Those who want a refresher
Individuals who support new science teachers.
Meetups occur on the 3rd Tuesday of each month from 4:15 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. except for December, which occurs on December 13, 2022.
ODNR Info-Jen Dennison, Wildlife Education Coordinator, 614-265-6316, jen.dennison@dnr.ohio.gov
Student Wildlife Research Symposium Call for Proposals is now open! It will take place ahead of the annual EECO Conference at Deer Creek State Park on April 13, 2023. You can find more information at Student Wildlife Research Symposium | Ohio Department of Natural Resources (ohiodnr.gov)
Project WILD has a new HS module, Climate and Wildlife. Contact Jen for workshop opportunities. More information at www.projectwild.org
Spruce Run Nature Center
Spruce Run offers monthly family Saturday fun! Check out the flyers for October 29th and November 5th.
Spooky Science
Fun Science Ideas for Halloween: https://sciencelessonsthatrock.com/halloween-science-ideas-html/
MS Science Bob: Scroll down to see science experiments that are fun for the kids to watch virtually. https://sciencebob.com/free-halloween-science-ideas/
MS Education World: https://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/halloween-inspired-science-experiments.shtml
American Chemical Society Halloween Chemistry: https://www.acs.org/content/acs/en/education/students/highschool/chemistryclubs/activities/halloween-chemistry.html
HS Phy Sci and Chemistry: https://www.educationworld.com/a_lesson/halloween-inspired-science-experiments.shtml
31 Days of STEAM Activities: https://www.steampoweredfamily.com/activities/halloween-stem-activities/
Office of Teaching and Learning
Office of Teaching and Learning (614-365-5727) is located at 3700 S. High St.
Brian Morton, Director of Secondary Curriculum
Sonja Dill, Secondary Curriculum Supervisor
Laura Schnebelen, K-5 Coordinator, lschnebe@columbus.k12.oh.us
Jennifer Nord, 6-12 Science Coordinator, jnord5257@columbus.k12.oh.us
Heather Allen, K-12 Spruce Run Coordinator, hallen704@columbus.k12.oh.us