Community Update Week of Nov 24th
Sharing information for the Wootton High School community.
A Note of Thanks to the Wootton Community! 🦃
It is once again Thanksgiving! My favorite holiday. It is the advent of the holiday season, and the focus of families and friends coming together to enjoy one another's company is a warm reminder of what we are grateful for in our lives. And let's not forget all the food. I want to express my deep thanks and appreciation for the staff, students, and community that support the wonderful place that Wootton is. I am thankful to be your principal, colleague, and friend.
Please enjoy a delightful holiday and some well-deserved time off. I am sending good wishes to you this Thanksgiving. Here's to good food that fills your table, good health as you work hard, and good times with family and friends. May you have all the best delights this season. Remember the best times, and embrace those who enrich our lives.
With Gratitude,
Wootton Anti-Racism Work Update - November
Please be sure to read this month's Anti-Racism work update. This newsletter will be shared periodically to keep our community apprised of this important work. Please note, this newsletter will be shared again on Monday as a separate message.
Calendar Reminders
MON, NOVEMBER 25 - TUE, NOVEMBER 26 Early release days for students
WED, NOVEMBER 27 – FRI, NOVEMBER 29 Thanksgiving Break – schools and offices closed
No Sunday Message Next Week
Please note, there will be no Community Update on Sunday, December 2nd. The next message will be sent out on Sunday, December 8, 2024.
Let's Go Patriots!
Sharing the good news about our recent noteworthy events -
- Congratulations to the Girl's Cross Country team for their third place at the state competition earlier in November. Way to go Wootton runners.
- Wootton Boys' football concluded a storied fall season falling to Perry Hall on Friday. You have much to be proud of this season.
- Congratulations Sophie Liu. Sophie won the gold medal at the North America Cup, junior women’s saber competition. Sophie has made two times the USA Cadet team for the 2023 and 2024 World fencing Championships. Sophie will fly to Tunisia on Thanksgiving day to fight at the Junior World Cup. Good luck!
Patriot Spirit Event
Thank you to National Art Honor Society, Wootton Poms, and Dr. Lazarus for supporting the Patriot Spirit Event organized by Coach Hicks and Ms. Burk. This event included music, a Poms performance, face painting and FREE sno-cones! Over 200 sno-cones were given! Special thank you to Building Services Team for assisting in set up, ice replenish help and clean up!
🔔 Adjusted Bell Schedule 🔔
We will follow an adjusted bell schedule on Monday and Tuesday. Both days are early release days for MCPS. Important teaching and learning will occur on both days. Please make every effort to ensure that your children attend each of these two half-days on time. ***NOTE*** During Advisory on Tuesday, November 26, students will report to their homeroom at the beginning for a required MCPS distribution.
Class of 2025 Cap and Gown Orders
Please fill out this google form by Friday, December 20, 2024. Senior fees will be set up soon and will be posted on School Cash Online. Please do not wait to fill out the google form as this information is timely and important! Additionally, check out our new graduation website, linked here.
Questions? Contact Christy Rice at Christy_M_Rice@mcpsmd.org or ask your 12th grader to stop by her office (room 101).
FAFSA Info for Class of 2025
Online 2025–26 FAFSA Beta Now Available to All
The online 2025–26 FAFSA form is now available to all students and families. Interested students and contributors can now fill out and submit the online 2025–26 FAFSA form. Students and their contributors should sign up now for a StudentAid.gov account if they do not already have one but otherwise do not need to register in advance to participate. Consistent with widespread software best practices, the FAFSA form will remain in beta while the Department monitors its performance under the increased test load. Just like other beta periods, the Department will process FAFSA forms and send them to institutions of higher education and states. Students who submit a FAFSA form during any beta period, including Beta 4 and Expanded Beta 4, will be able to make any needed corrections to the form and will not need to submit a subsequent 2025–26 FAFSA form. Students and families interested in completing the online 2025–26 FAFSA form can do so at fafsa.gov.
The Department of Education will make the decision to end the beta testing and announce the official release of the 2025–26 FAFSA form based on platform stability, customer satisfaction, and contact center capacity, no later than Dec. 1.
Wootton PTSA
National Honor Society Coat Drive
With the recent chilly days, have you noticed that your child has outgrown their coat?
Wootton's National Honor Society is sponsoring a coat drive and would love to receive donations of your new or gently used coats. If your student is a member of NHS, they can also earn SSL hours.
Details of the Coat Drive:
- Purpose: Help keep our community warm during the winter by donating new or gently used coats.
- Drop-off Location: Ms. Bauer’s room (room 152)
- Deadline: Friday, November 22nd
- Service Hours: NHS Students can earn 1 hour per coat donated (up to 3 hours) by scanning the QR code and completing the Google form available in Ms. Bauer’s room. An additional hour is available for delivering donations to Watkins Mill Elementary on November 22nd after school.
Wootton Daily Announcements
MCPS Information
Feedback Requested for 2025-2026 School Calendar
MCPS continues to develop the 2025–2026 Traditional School Year Calendar. The district is seeking additional feedback from staff, families, students and the community. Take a moment to give us your feedback on Round 2 of the survey. The survey will close on Sunday, Dec. 1st. Click here to access the survey.
Acer Chromebook Collection and Decommissioning
Effective December 4, 2024, MCPS will be disabling and collecting older Acer model Chromebooks because they have reached end-of-life and should no longer be in use.
- The models being retired include the Acer C720, C740, C738, and C771.
- Students currently using one of the listed Acer Chromebook models should return their device to your school’s ITSS.
- Students who need a device for home use can submit a request for a new device by completing the Home Use form.
- To avoid a disruption in access to a device while at home, students should complete the form prior to devices being disabled on December 4, 2024.
- Students currently using an Acer model listed above will receive communication about this information and how to request a device for home use if needed.
Attendance Is Important!
Regular daily attendance is expected. It is critical to a child's academic success. Parent/caregiver support of regular daily attendance is essential. Parents/caregivers should provide a note within 3 days stating the reason for absence. This will ensure the absence is marked excused. Students who were absent from school have the responsibility to request make-up work from their teacher.