HPS Headlines
Friday 13th December 2024

As we approach the end of a bustling and event-filled term, I want to take a moment to reflect on the incredible journey our boys have undertaken. Through external examinations, performances, interviews and transitioning to new teachers and routines, Homefield boys have shown remarkable resilience, determination and integrity. It is truly inspiring to witness their growth and adaptability.
You will shortly receive Autumn progress cards, I encourage you to engage in discussions with your children about their achievements and areas for growth. Your involvement plays a vital role in their success.
We have recently celebrated some outstanding performances that showcased our boys (and teachers) hard work. These Christmas concerts not only highlighted the boys' talents but also fostered a sense of community and pride within our school. Thank you for your support and encouragement; it means the world to our young performers. I must commend the Year 1 and 2 boys on carrying on strongly in their nativity, despite technical issues. I'm glad the innkeeper finally enjoyed his breakfast!
Following the announcement yesterday from our Chair, I am excited to introduce Mrs Anderson in this week's Headlines where she has answered some questions posed by our boys. With her extensive experience as an educational leader and ISI inspector, Mrs Anderson brings a wealth of knowledge across the independent sector and insight that will undoubtedly enrich our community and move it forward. She is known for her commitment to educational excellence and her dedication to fostering an inclusive, supportive and ambitious environment for both staff and students. We are excited for her to share her vision and work collaboratively with everyone at Homefield to continue our tradition of high standards and innovative learning.
Please join us in giving Mrs Anderson a warm welcome to our school community after Easter. We look forward to the positive impact she will make as we embark on this new chapter together. Mrs Anderson is pleased to invite you to ‘Meet the Head’ coffee mornings to be confirmed in due course.
Finally, as the festive season approaches, I urge everyone to take some time to rest and relax over the Christmas break. It’s important to recharge and enjoy quality moments with family and friends.
Wishing you all a joyful holiday season and see you on the 7th January.
Q & A with our incoming Headmistress, Mrs Anderson!
What’s the most interesting thing about you? *Adam, Year 3
It might not be the most interesting thing, but a little known fact is that when I was a teenager, I played County Golf for Sussex - not for a very long time I hasten to add, but I did!
How would you react to a minor annoyance? *Alex, Year 8
I find that using my breath really helps - "in for 2 and out for 4" is my top tip, and then remembering “you can't always control what happens, but you can control how you react.”
What is your favourite mode of transport? *Ethan, Year 1
I'm not sure how appropriate it would be for where we live, but skis!
Where were you born? *Rian, Year 1
In West Sussex, by the sea. I always love being at the beach and think this is because I spent my childhood there.
What is your favourite food and why? *Brendan, Year 7
So many food questions came up, which I love and think it shows that I'm definitely coming to the right place! Whilst I have a penchant for sushi, I must admit that I have a very sweet tooth. There's a cake shop in Cheam that does the most amazing brookies; I would highly recommend!
Finally – all of year 8 always love to ask – ‘Does Pineapple belong on Pizza?’ – It’s one that is a perennial favourite.
I'm sorry, but pineapple has no place on a pizza!
Recent HPS Highlights!
🎄"KS1 team would like to congratulate all Year 1 and 2 boys for an absolutely amazing performance of The Innkeeper's Breakfast. We are so proud of you all. Please could we also say a special thank you to Ms Fitzgerald for your hard work and dedication in making it all come together as well as it did!" ~ Mrs Godly
On International Human Rights Day we recognised the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, which stands as a global promise of equality, freedom, and dignity for all. Let’s inspire our community to uphold these values every day.
🎄What a fantastic Christmas Crafts Party, all thanks to the amazing efforts of the Homefield Association! 🎨
Our boys had a brilliant time decorating gingerbread men, enjoying face painting, making slime, and diving into other festive crafts.
🎶 Our Christmas Carol Concert was a memorable event. The boys’ singing was heart-warming, the instrumental ensembles were excellent, and the percussion performances—truly unique for a primary school—were a real highlight. A big thank you to all the parents who braved the rain to join us. We hope you had a wonderful evening! 🎄
👏 A heartfelt thank you to the Homefield Association trustees for a fantastic coffee morning and preloved uniform sale! It was wonderful to see parents connect over coffee while championing sustainable choices. An impressive £1,200 was raised—all of which will directly benefit the boys.
🎄This week, Nursery and Reception were treated to a Christmas Village role-play! They had the best time in the Christmas bakery, looking after the reindeer at the vets, helping Santa to make toys in the workshop, delivering parcels at the post office, and so much more.
⚽ Nitin, Year 7, took on an exciting role as mascot at the Wimbledon v Walsall match last weekend! 🏆 A proud Wimbledon supporter, he was delighted to be part of the action.
🥋 Philip participated in a national Taekwondo competition this weekend and brought home a gold medal in his category! He dominated his final round, winning on a ‘points gap’ — a remarkable achievement. 🏅✨
Philip’s hard work, training every Wednesday and Saturday evening, has truly paid off. Well done, Philip!
🎄 We held our half-termly House Assemblies with a festive Christmas theme! The boys enjoyed a variety of activities, including quizzes, word searches, music, and sports games—helping to build house spirit and embrace the holiday cheer!
🎶🏅 We are delighted to share that Ethan 1S won 2nd prize in the Set Piece (6 Years and Under) competition at this year's Kingston Music Festival! Congratulations, Ethan!
🧪Year 4 have been learning to use Bunsen Burners and investigate the changes of state as ice is heated! 🔥
🎄Festive fun and a delicious Christmas lunch! A huge thank you to the catering staff for making this year's Christmas lunch memorable for all!
Homefield Insights - Nurturing Understanding through TPR
What do we teach?
Our lessons begin by focusing on the nature of God and what is revealed to us through a variety of Biblical stories. The boys spend time relating these elements to their own personal growth as individuals and think carefully about how they can apply God-like values in their own lives. The Philosophy element of our learning allows the boys to practise their critical thinking skills, by responding to a variety of beliefs and making comparisons between them.
Our learning then moves into religion, where we explore and deepen our understanding of the wider faiths in the world. The fantastic foundation in the Lower School continues in the Upper School. Theology involves delving into the details of religious stories and discussing their meanings. Religion offers the boys the opportunity to learn more about the world religions that shape our diverse community and the Philosophy element encourages the boys to get debating big ideas!
Why do we teach this?
At Homefield, the teaching of Theology, Philosophy and Religion are cornerstones for the development of a better understanding of the world around us and the ability to appreciate the diverse society that we live in. The boys are given many opportunities to develop their positive communication skills, critical thinking and questioning and also deepen their spiritual and moral understanding - all key elements to a well-rounded individual prepared for life in wider society.
Our lessons allow the boys to celebrate diversity and show appreciation of one another. Philosophical ideas are explored, which encourage the boys to think carefully about many different creeds that shape society. An example of this is Year 7's exploration of the symbolism in Plato’s Parable of the Cave. There is no one answer and that is what is so fantastic about TPR. It gives boys the freedom to think and really analyse their ideas and those of others.
How do we engage our boys in learning?
Boys are given opportunities to deepen their knowledge and understanding of religion and world-views. Lessons are planned and delivered to ensure the boys have opportunities to become free thinking, critical learners; who are able to use their spiritual and moral understanding to inform their judgements. A variety of knowledge and practical based lessons ensure the boys have a well rounded learning journey as they move into the Upper School.
The boys are led to examine their own beliefs and compare them with others, with plenty of opportunities to discuss and debate big ideas. Argument essays and higher order questions allow them to develop an analytical approach to hard questions. Boys are enthusiastic participants in class and enjoy the in-depth exploration that the subject affords.
Christmas Card Competition
A huge well done to all the boys who took part in our Christmas Card Competition! Our winning entry is being made into an e-card that you will receive soon. In the meantime, here are some of our runner up designs...
Subject Summaries
Art: Well done to all boys who have worked tirelessly this term. We have various artworks being completed with various different media. On another note, well done to all boys who entered the Christmas card house competition!
English & Drama: Congratulations to all the boys for their incredible hard work, dedication, and appreciation of literature and the performing arts this term. Year 3 have shown tremendous endeavour while studying two different texts and creating work that is both engaging and entertaining. Year 4 have proven themselves to be very promising writers, sharpening their descriptive writing skills and analytical abilities through a classic novel. Year 5 have displayed impressive resilience, improving their critical analysis and comprehension skills and impressing the department. Year 6 have committed to their study of Macbeth with enormous passion and maturity, while also preparing for the summer musical, The Wind in the Willows. Year 7 have amazed Mrs. Auty with their effort and application since September, particularly in essay-writing. The creativity showcased in their homework—including designing top trumps cards, producing animations, creating artwork, and even compiling music playlists inspired by Lord of the Flies—was truly inspiring. Year 8 have worked incredibly hard in their mock exams, with many boys significantly improving upon their last practice papers—a testament to their hard work and dedication.
Mrs. Auty and the whole department are absolutely thrilled to see young boys so excited by and devoted to the subject.
We wish you all a merry Christmas and look forward to seeing all the Upper School boys tackling poetry in the New Year!
French: Boys in Year 7 and Year 8 have been practising their tenses by writing about their winter holiday plans and their dream homes. Year 6 are tackling new grammar concepts, including prepositions and the near future tense, whilst Year 5 are developing their listening skills as they try to follow a set of directions in French. Meanwhile, in the Lower School, Reception are reading La Chenille qui fait des Trous to learn about their numbers from 1 to 10 and the vocabulary for different types of fruit!
Joyeux Noël from the MFL department!
Geography: In Year 3, the boys have been reviewing their end-of-term tests. They have demonstrated their knowledge well and shown fantastic integrity when marking! They have also been refining their atlas skills to fill in a world map with key information. Year 4 have been revising the skills they have practiced so far this year, including map symbols, grid references, scale, and land height. The boys have also been refining their atlas skills to fill in a world map with key information. In Year 5, the boys have been showing off their atlas proficiency by annotating a world map with key features. In Year 6, the boys have been completing quizzes to revise and showcase their geographical knowledge. Year 7 have been presenting their incredible research projects on tectonic hazards. These include clay models, a volcano-shaped cake, and posters! Year 8 have been studying the impact of flooding in coastal areas and by rivers.
Maths: Year 3 been exploring multiplication (2, 5, 10) and division by grouping and sharing. Year 4 have completed their topic on multiplication and division ready to start their fractions topic next term. Year 5 have completed their unit on multiplication and division and moved on to factors and multiples. This includes finding the HCF and LCM of a given set of integers, using prime factors and Venn diagrams. Year 6 have had the opportunity this week to build on their team skills whilst taking part in the Maths quiz Club challenge. This will continue next term where successful candidates will go on to compete in the live competition. The successful candidates will be told who they are on Friday. Mr Gill's Year 6 class have also been building on their existing understanding of directed numbers and how the relationships between addition and subtraction of either positive or negative numbers results in moving up or down a number line. The boys have used a human number line to order positive and negative values. Year 7, algebra has been the focus and they have continued to build on algebraic skills by looking at possible value pairs in equations with more than one variable. The boys have considered how changing one variable affects the other and built awareness of this structure. Year 8 have been plotting and analysing quadratic equations and considering how changes to the first coefficient, second coefficient or constant affects the presentation of the parabola.
Science: Year 3 have been having great fun setting up simple electric circuits. They have learnt about what makes a complete circuit and how to test whether a material conducts electricity or not. Year 4 are continuing to use their newly acquired Bunsen burner skills to carry out various heating investigations. Year 5 are finishing off their parachutes investigation and considering the forces involved when a parachute falls. Year 6 relished the opportunity to have a go at dissecting an ox heart as part of their circulatory system unit. Year 7 have extracted salt from rock salt and have calculated the percentage of pure salt contained in the original rock salt. They have also learnt about the process of distillation through distilling an ink and water mixture to obtain pure water. Year 8 are continuing with their electronics unit and have had a go at investigating the factors that affect the strength of an electromagnet.
The autumn term has certainly been busy in the science labs, but the boys have been able to develop their practical skills and get engaged in lots of teamwork in the undertaking of their investigations. The science department would like to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas!
STEAM: Year 3 have been continuing their work on prosthetics before brainstorming their own ideas for solutions to problems that can be solved through engineering. Year 4 are well underway with developing their Leaders Award entries. Year 5 have been researching extreme weather events as evidence for climate change, while Year 6 are nearing completion of their models for a PE fitness circuit.
TPR: In Year 1, the boys have been learning about Jesus as God's gift to the world in Christianity, making a great link with our Lower School Christmas performance of The Innkeeper's Breakfast.
In Year 2, the boys have been exploring the key events of the Nativity story and looking at Advent and how this season is celebrated in the Christian faith. In Year 3, the boys have continued to deepen their understanding of British values, focusing on democracy, the rule of law, and individual liberty. Year 4 have been consolidating their knowledge of what we can learn from the story of Cain and Abel in the Bible, while also deepening their understanding of the Nativity story. In Year 5, the boys have begun to explore the events of Holy Week in the Christian calendar and how these days are celebrated today. In Year 6, the boys have been summarising their learning on themes of prejudice, freedom, and discrimination. Year 7 boys have been focusing on the story of Elijah at Zarephath, while Year 8 have continued to deepen their knowledge of freedom of speech, action, and belief.
Nursery & Reception Summary
We could not be prouder of our youngest boys! They have all settled into Homefield life without a hiccup. It has been a big adjustment for them—being in a new place, meeting new faces, and learning new boundaries and rules. Now, they are fully fledged Homefield boys, ready to continue their journey through the rest of the school. The boys have formed some lovely new friendships, and it has been wonderful to see them come together as their own little class.
In the New Year, we will welcome some new boys into Nursery, and we are certain that our current boys will give them a big, warm welcome.
We wish them a very exciting and magical Christmas. We hope you have a wonderful time together and enjoy the festivities.
We will see you in the New Year and cannot wait to hear all about your Christmas adventures. 🎄
Wow—the end of the autumn term already! Where did the time go? The boys have done incredibly well, and it feels like they have always been part of Homefield. The progress we have seen in their first term has been amazing. They can now read simple words, complete their number bonds to 10, and have learned so much about the world around them.
A few highlights from this term include:
- Our first school trip to find the Gruffalo.
- Participating in charity and fundraising days.
- Meeting some HUGE dinosaurs at our dino workshop.
- Using our imaginations in the Christmas role-play village.
- Taking part in the Kindness Advent Calendar from the Homefield Association.
- Performing in our very first Christmas show!
It has been an extremely busy term, and the boys have worked so hard. Now it is time to relax and have some fun! Please enjoy your time together and try to do as many Christmassy things as possible. Make sure your elves are behaving and not causing too much trouble at home! We hope that Father Christmas brings you everything you have asked and wished for. 🎁
See you all in the New Year!
Year 1 & 2 Summary
We cannot believe that an entire term has passed as we’ve gotten to know and teach your boys. What a term it has been! We have watched them transition from Reception to not only a new building but also new staff and a new year group. We are immensely proud of how they have adapted so resiliently and with such maturity. We are already seeing growth and significant improvement in their work—well done, boys!
Some highlights from the autumn term include celebrating Harvest Festival and demonstrating Homefield’s generosity with harvest donations, the HA firework display, Year 2’s trip to the Natural History Museum, showing parents how much we have learned at our book looks, Odd Sock Day for Anti-Bullying Week, Children in Need, a Christmas workshop that was so much fun, and finally, our Christmas Nativity!
Over the past two weeks, Year 1 have continued their learning, focusing on the following:
- Maths: Subtraction, using many practical methods that the boys have thoroughly enjoyed.
- English: Designing their own dinosaur theme park and writing persuasive pieces to entice people to visit their parks.
- Art: Exploring animal art by observing the shapes of animals and creating detailed drawings of them. The boys also studied animal patterns and recreated them in their art books.
We have been really impressed by the positivity and enthusiasm shown by Year 2 this year.
- Maths: The boys have deepened their knowledge of multiplication and division, focusing on solving worded problems.
- English: They have enjoyed developing creative writing skills inspired by The Magic Finger by Roald Dahl. Additionally, they practiced spoken language skills through drama activities based on this core text.
- History: The boys loved learning about the Gunpowder Plot, exploring why and how it happened, as well as the aftermath for the plotters.
This term has been filled with enthusiasm, growth, and resilience. We look forward to welcoming the boys back in the New Year for more fun-filled learning!
Artist of the Week
Well done to Ryan in Year 5 for producing this graffiti Pop Art poster
Music Congratulations
Well done to Xingda in Year 6, for passing his ABRSM piano Grade 5 exam with Merit.
Sport Summary
It has been a fantastic first term of sport at Homefield. The boys have competed in no fewer than 120 football fixtures, a cross-country championship, and a plethora of house competitions, including gymnastics, cross-country, and, of course, football. For the first time in Homefield history, we have introduced parkour into the curriculum, and the Year 6, Year 7, and Year 8 boys have loved the creative and energetic new sport.
Below are the awards for players of the season and most improved players in the seniors, but Nursery, Reception, and Year 1 to Year 3 have all made massive progress in their football skills. The sports department wishes everyone a happy, sporty festive break and looks forward to the rugby and hockey season next term.
Year 4 Most Improved Players
A Team: Ethan D
B Team: Zayn M
C Team: Yohaan
D Team: Louie
Year 4 Players of the Season
A Team: Alex
B Team: Zaviaan
C Team: Elijah
D Team: John
Year 5 Most Improved Players
A Team: Ted
B Team: Keshav
C Team: Charles
D Team: Jaka
Year 5 Players of the Season
A Team: Jai
B Team: Yusuf
C Team: Isaac
D Team: Abhir
Year 6 Most Improved Players
A Team: Zain I
B Team: Michael
C Team: Zachariah
D Team: Antoine
Year 6 Players of the Season
A Team: Kaylan
B Team: Rowan
C Team: Faiz
D Team: Sten
Year 7 & 8 Most Improved Players
A Team: Kuhan
B Team: Daniel P
C Team: Isaiah
Year 7 & 8 Players of the Season
A Team: Damon
B Team: Jesse
C Team: Alex M
Mr Matthews
Homefield Heroes
Year 1: Aadit - for increased confidence especially in phonics. Ashwin - for a super effort when designing your own dino theme park and writing a piece of persuasive writing. Ethan - for participating so fantastically in a Year 3 fixture and scoring a goal! Musa - for trying his best to demonstrate our Homefield Values and for being so kind and courteous towards others. Ethan - for being our Homefield Hero of the term. You always try your hardest and follow our values every day.
Year 2: Idris - for his excellent writing in English and working hard in all of his lessons. Clinton - for demonstrating all of our Homefield values throughout the past term. Shahmeer - for doing his best in all lessons and representing Homefield positively in his very first fixture! Ariz - for exemplifying our Homefield values through his words and actions throughout the past term.
Year 3: Rohan - commended by his teachers for his politeness and enthusiasm in lessons, consistently demonstrating our Homefield Values this term. Sam - for his brilliant information text on The Kraken, this creative writing piece was full of figurative language and patterns of imagery, demonstrating our Homefield Value of endeavour. Aarav - for consistently implementing the Homefield Values of respect, resilience and endeavour in lessons this term, especially maths and music. He always trying his best, listening to, and auctioning, feedback. Zaid - for consistently showing the Homefield values throughout the term, especially in music lessons. Noah - for demonstrating all the Homefield Values throughout the term, especially when correcting mistakes in his work in order to complete everything to the highest possible standard and attain house points. Evan - for showing integrity during his geography test as well as great kindness to the other boys in his form when they have felt sad.
Year 4: Freddie - for his brilliant first term at Homefield, he has grown in confidence and demonstrated all our Homefield Values throughout the term. Bhavnish - has demonstrated kindness and respect throughout the term, especially in verbal reasoning helping others with tricky questions and openly sharing his understanding. Advik - for consistently demonstrating all the Homefield Values this term, especially endeavour and integrity in lessons to completed all of his work to a high standard. Viyan - for consistently showing respect and kindness towards staff and his peers both in lessons and around school.
Year 5: Charlie - for showcasing excellent resilience throughout his maths learning, understanding that sometimes it is necessary to get things wrong on the journey to be more confident and more accurate. Christopher - for working hard to improve his concentration and achieve more as the term has progressed in maths.
Year 6: Michael - for being brilliant in French, computing and music. He's very focused and accurate in the work he’s producing. Austin - for being punctual and organised for lessons, taking the initiative handing out books and getting started on tasks without needing to be asked polite to staff and peers.
Year 7: Ian - for being an ambassador for the school and showing determination and courageousness when reading at the Carol Concert. Kuhan - for showing endeavour when taking on his responsibility as a School Council representative. Adam (hero of the term!) - for demonstrating all our Homefield values during this term! Well done!
Year 8: Atharva - for his outstanding Gothic writing and for showing endeavour when taking on new challenges. Zachy - for endeavour and his resilience with his Geography Coursework. Arthur (hero of the term!) - for demonstrating all the values during the autumn term! Congratulations, Arthur.
Dates for the Diary
7th January: First Day of Term
15th January: Online Parent Workshop: ‘Thriving Through the 11+’
21st January: Reading and Phonics Seminar Years 1 and 2
3rd – 7th March: Book Looks throughout the School and Book Fair
6th March: World Book Day
Parent Seminar: 'Thriving through the 11+'
On Wednesday 15th January, we have set up an online workshop focusing on the 11+ preparations and how best to support your boys through this. The workshop starts at 6:30pm and is free to sign up to. It is a first come, first serve basis; however, we have the option to add extra spaces if the demand is high. Please click below to sign up.
Orchard Childcare
Safety Notice
Road Safety - Stop and Drop
We kindly remind all parents using the morning *Stop and Drop* facility to remain in their cars during drop-off. Our Estates staff will be on hand to escort your son safely into school. This ensures a smooth and safe process for all boys.
If you prefer to walk your son to the school entrance, we ask that you park safely a short distance away from the school and walk him in. This helps maintain a safe environment for everyone on the school site.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in keeping our school community safe!
Flu Immunisation
Dear Parent/Carers,
During this term, boys at Homefield have had the option to have the flu vaccine in school.
If for any reason your son has missed out, please see the details below for the Sutton and Merton Immunisation team, as they can help arrange and point you in the right direction for a drop-in session in the local area.
Sutton and Merton Immunisation Team
South London Children and Young People’s Community Immunisations Service
Kingston and Richmond NHS Foundation Trust
Office 4 The Grange | 1 Central Road | Morden | SM4 5PQ
Tel: 02039033371 or 02039033373
Western Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM1 2TE
+44 020 8642 0965