Loyola Weekly Roar

Minimum Day, March 13th. Dismissal for all students at 12:15
Quick Dates
March 13: Band Night Concert @ 7:05pm in Blach multi
- (This is a performance with Loyola, Oak, Springer 6th grade bands and Blach's band)
March 13: Minimum Day (12:15 Dismissal)
Letter from the Principal
Dear Loyola Families,
I want to send a huge shout out and thank you again to Mira Sharma and Grace Choi for the amazing STEM Expo last Friday. I was so sad to miss it, but it looks like it was one of the best turn outs in years! Way to go to our budding STEM scientists!!
Today we had a Wildlife Assembly for all grade levels. Thank you to our PTA for such a wonderful opportunity. Our wonderful PTA has also secured another assembly in April where we will be welcoming Dr. Blake Brandes for a fun and engaging presentation about Growth Mindsets.
Our 6th Grade Orchestras from Loyola, Oak and Springer performed at String Fling on March 5, 2025. They did a fantastic job! Led by our Orchestra conductors, Ms. Lee and Mr. Chan, our 6th graders performed one piece and then joined the Blach 7th Grade Orchestra for a second piece.
After their performance, they had the opportunity to listen to the Blach 7th-8th Grade Orchestra as well as the Egan Honors Ensemble. We are so proud of the dedication of our Orchestra students! Many thanks to LAEF for sponsoring our 4th-6th grade Music programs.
Last Chance to buy your Loyola Brick! Have you ever wondered how families have personalized bricks in the front of Loyola near our lion statue?! Well, for only $150, you can have a brick inscribed and installed at Loyola! You can use the bricks to recognize your family, honor a favorite staff member, or share an inspirational message. All proceeds help fund the many PTA programs on campus. Bricks can accommodate three lines of up to 20 characters each, and will be installed towards the end of the school year. Use this link to make your lasting impression! Last day to purchase bricks is March 21.
Reminder, that next Thursday is a Minimum Day for students. All students will be dismissed at 12:15. Please be sure to make arrangements for your student to be picked up on time. Thank you!
Be Kind, Be Strong, Be Well and Make Kindness Normal,
Kelly Rafferty
Principal for the Day!
Loyola Lost and Found
Please stop by to take a look if your student is missing any clothing. Everything will be bagged and donated on Friday, March 7th after school.
AI Event
We have an exciting event on Friday, March 28th from 3:30 - 5:00 at Blach where some of our LASD alums from MVHS will be leading an AI Learning Playlab. The event celebrates the National AI Literacy Day (https://www.ailiteracyday.org/) and gives participants an opportunity to learn more about AI. Please note the event is open to LASD teachers, parents, and students in 5th - 8th grade. Space is limited, so please RSVP quickly at bit.ly/aiplaylab.
PTA News
Lots of EXCITING events. Please read!
First, We are so excited to glide around the ice with you tomorrow night (RAIN OR SHINE) at Winter Lodge for Loyola’s annual ice skating night! Doors open at 5:30pm and the facility is ours until 7:30pm. Due to overwhelming response, limited tickets will be sold at the door on a first come, first served basis. It’s going to be an awesome night! And, we still need help with logistics that night - if you are able to help set up, clean up, or hand out food, please sign up HERE.
Second, thank you to all who participated in this year's silent auction and congratulations to all winning bids! Your item/certificate will be available for pickup starting Friday, March 7th, in the office. Please redeem at your earliest convenience.
Third, our next PTA general meeting is on Wednesday, March 19, 7-8PM via Google Meet. Come hear updates from Mrs. Rafferty and your PTA board! Agenda and Google Meet information will be circulated soon.
Fourth, please save the date for Thursday, April 17 for Loyola’s Ice Cream Social (time TBD, but early evening)! We can’t wait to see you all for this sweet, fun event!! Ice cream (sorbet for those who are dairy free) along with a variety of yummy toppings will be served at the lower grades’ blacktop. We hope you can attend this delicious and free family event! More details soon.
Fifth, please make sure to save the date for one of the best LASD community events – Junior Olympics! More details to come soon, but for now, please save the date!
Lastly, calling all pet owners (or pet lovers)! The 78th Annual Los Altos Pet Parade will be held on Saturday, May 17 in downtown Los Altos. Bring your furry, feathered, and/or scaly friends to downtown Los Altos to march representing Loyola Elementary in the annual pet parade! We are in need of someone (or two) to lead this event! It is a small role, but we really need someone to chair so that Loyola is represented in the parade! Please reach out to us if you can lead or if you want more information!
Christine Corbett & Marvin Peña
Your Loyola PTA Presidents
Secret Garden Sale!
Garden Sale this Friday, tomorrow, after school at the primary tables. Official Spring is almost here. Time to start planting. There will be lots of seed packets, plants, fresh bouquets, and other garden items. There will be some free items. We hope to see you there to support the Secret Garden.
Thanks, Marilyn Hornor
Join us for a panel discussion on Finding the Right College
Tuesday, April 1, 2025, 7PM, MVHS Spartan Theatre, 3535 Truman Avenue
Hear from four professionals involved in recruiting, applications and admissions on how to find the right college and where to look for great programs that will hopefully lessen the stress of applying.
Lorenzo Gamboa- Santa Clara University; hyperlocal, looking at Catholic colleges/Jesuit schools with mission of service, social justice, commitment to the community.
Jermaine Rucker- University of Idaho; looking at public universities who are WUE members, benefits to studying and living outside of California as an alternative to UC/CSU. (WUE: The Western Undergraduate Exchange (WUE) is a tuition savings program that makes attending out-of-state colleges and universities more affordable for students in the West.)
Riley Stewart- Reed College; Member of Colleges that Change Lives, liberal arts college experience, distinctive grading philosophy, rate of students pursuing advanced degrees, Reed Thesis. (Colleges that Change Lives - Distinctly Different Liberal Arts Colleges)
Morgan Volkart- Lehigh University; Member of CACHET , interdisciplinary majors, research opportunities, business, looking at schools farther away from home. (CACHET - national coalition of colleges and universities committed to promoting opportunities for students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM))
Moderated by: Laura Duran, Counselor, LAHS College and Career Center
Audience: Parents, caretakers, teachers, and high school students
Registration: Register for this free event
For more information, visit mvlaspeakerseries.org. Events are free thanks to our generous sponsors: MVLA High School Foundation, Los Altos Educational Foundation, Mountain View Educational Foundation, and the Los Altos-Mountain View PTA Council.
Every Loyola TK-6th grade student is learning computer science this school year. Computer science builds logic, problem-solving, critical thinking, and creativity skills, and provides a way to experiment with math concepts.
Thank you to those who’ve donated to LAEF to help fund computer science teachers this school year! If you have yet to give this year, donate to LAEF today and help support teachers and essential programs. Gifts of any amount are appreciated and make a difference.
Independent Study Plans
- Each student may utilize a maximum of 15 ISP days per school year
- All requests for ISP must be received and approved by the school office at least ONE full school day prior to the first expected date of absence
Be sure you and your student are ready to do 3 hours of work per day so you get credit for each day of the ISP.
- Work MUST be completed during the absence and returned to school on the due date
- Parent to initiate the ISP. Please use this link: https://app.informedk12.com/docs/128894?campaign_id=155096&ie_fix_copy_from_form_request_id=&recipient_id=29908189&subject_id=25034479&token=enerkAu1xZM7mBiwnqPnTx21
770 Berry Avenue
Los Altos, CA 94040