Primary School
November 22nd, 2024
Primary Families -
As we head into the Thanksgiving holiday, we want to express our gratitude for YOU and support you bring to our school community. Please note there will not be a "Primary Office Notes" newsletter next week as we enjoy this time with family and friends. We hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving filled with joy and togetherness. The next edition of "Primary Office Notes" will be shared on Friday, December 6th.
Thank you for being a part of what makes our school so special. Have a safe and happy holiday!
Amy Grice, Principal
Chisago Lakes Primary School
Available to Families
Gifting Garland: A Season of Giving
We’re excited to announce that Primary School is once again hosting our Gifting Garland! This special event offers our school community a chance to come together in the spirit of giving and spreading joy to families who may be facing challenges this holiday season.
If you’re interested in sponsoring a child or family, or if your family would like to receive support, please reach out to Holly Cardoni by November 22nd or fill out this google form. After Thanksgiving break, we will contact you to coordinate the details for giving or receiving gifts.
Please note that this is a confidential and discreet drive. Sponsors will receive only general information about the family’s interests to guide gift selection, with all personal details kept private.
Here is the list of options of support:
1. Clothing/Winter Gear
- Hats, mittens, gloves, winter jackets, shoes/boots, pants, long-sleeve shirts
2. School Supplies
- Pencils, erasers, sharpeners, markers, crayons, colored pencils, paper (notebooks, loose-leaf), lunch bags/boxes, scissors, glue sticks, folders
3. Toiletries
- Shampoo, body wash, toothbrushes, toothpaste, hair brushes/combs, lotion, chapstick, tissues/wipes
4. Children’s Christmas Gifts
- Toys (dolls, action figures, building sets), art supplies (paint, markers), games (puzzles, board games), books, stuffed animals
5. Christmas Dinner
- Holiday meal (ham, turkey, vegetables, dessert)
6. Backpack Program (provided weekly)
- Non-perishable foods (canned soup, pasta, rice) & snacks (granola bars, crackers, fruit cups)
Thank you for helping make this season brighter for everyone!
Holly Cardoni (651) 213-2216 hcardoni@isd.2144.org
Backpack Program
Primary is excited to partner with Family Pathways to be offering the “Food4Kids Backpack Program.”
The “Food4Kids Backpack Program” provides a bag of nonperishable food items to children at our school. This will provide food for kids to take home with them when school meal programs are not available on the weekend. These bags will be distributed at school in students backpacks on Fridays. The contents of the bags will provide enough food to replace two weekend meals (e.g. two breakfast options, two lunch options, two snack options, one can of fruit and one can of vegetables).
This program is available to all students, regardless of income. It will be handled discreetly and confidentially. This is a completely voluntary and confidential program. If you are interested, please fill out the information on this form and send in your request. Anyone may join this program at any time during the school year. There are additional options listed at the bottom of the form.
Options for Free Thanksgiving Dinners
Chisago Lakes Lutheran Church 12:30 pm (Reservations needed)
1 Summit Ave PO Box 175 Center City, MN 55012
Call (651) 257-6300 or email office@chisagolakelutheran.org to reserve dine in or take out 12:30 pm on Thanksgiving
Cambridge Lutheran Church - 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (RSVP for take out option)
Join Cambridge Lutheran Church for its annual community-wide Thanksgiving dinner on Thursday, Nov. 28, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the church, 621 Old North Main St., Cambridge.
Sit-down or take-out is available. Everyone is welcome. No cost. Free will offering received. Any excess funds benefit Mission Jamaica.
Take-out meals are available from 10:30 a.m. to noon. Please RSVP to order take-out meals.
For questions call Joanne at 651-983-1686 or email joannerevoir@yahoo.com.
North Branch Lions Club - Delivery at noon (Reservations needed by noon 11/25/24)
The North Branch Lions Club will provide a free complete home-cooked hot turkey dinner with all the traditional trimmings delivered to homes on Thursday, Nov. 28, beginning at noon.
Reservations should be made by noon on Monday, Nov. 25, by calling one of the following: North Branch Chamber of Commerce at 641-674-4077
Rush City COMMUNITY - 11 a.m. - 1 p.m. (RSVP for delivery)
The churches of Rush City will offer their 17th annual free Thanksgiving Dinner on Thursday, Nov. 28, from 11 a.m. until 1 p.m. at First Lutheran Church, 1000 S. Jay Avenue
The traditional dinner will include roast turkey, dressing, mashed potatoes and gravy, cranberries, vegetable, bread, pumpkin pie and beverage. Carry-outs and home delivery will be available. If a delivery is requested, please call 320-358-4076.
*Options are independent organizations and are not affiliated with the Chisago Lakes School District.
PTO News
Secret Santa Workshop
We are now accepting new or gently used donations for the event - items can be dropped off at either Primary or Lakeside offices now through December 10th. Specifically, we are in need of items for teen boys and girls. Some suggestions include: nail polish, makeup, har accessories, board games, card games, sports related items, keychains, crafts, chapstick, water bottles, sunglasses, stocking caps, bath bombs, gum, hats and fidget toys.
Saturday, December 14th from 9A-1P
Yearbooks will be sold online only; no in-school purchasing. All yearbooks will be delivered to the address you provide Jostens at time of checkout.
DEADLINE is February 28th.
Little Wildcats Preschool, Preschool + Parents, ECFE
Upcoming Dates
- Monday, Nov 25th - Friday, Nov 29th - No ECFE Classes (Preschool + Parents has Class Monday)
- Nov 27th - Nov 29th - No Little Wildcats Preschool/Preschool + Parents / Thanksgiving Break
- Friday, Dec 13th - Last Day of ECFE Classes before Winter Break
- Wednesday, Dec 18th - Last Day of Preschool + Parents before Winter Break
- Friday, Dec 20th - Last Day of Little Wildcats Preschool before Winter Break
- Dec 23rd - Jan 3rd - Winter Break
Trips and Classes
NEW Mixed ages ECFE Class!
Welcoming children birth to 3 years old. Come and engage in purposeful and interactive play with your children in this class of movers and shakers. Parents and children stay together while enjoying regular classroom activities along with movement areas, art, and story time. Parents and children will participate in an interactive circle time with singing and movement activities before heading home.
Registration will stay open as new families are always welcome to join!
Community Education
Belle's Christmas Celebration
Join Princess Belle in her rare Christmas dress for an enchanting afternoon! Your little princess(es) will have the chance to meet and take photos with princess Belle, create a craft, enjoy a light snack, and participate in a Christmas story-time and singalong with Belle!
This will be an open-house type setting where you can come and go at any time during the event! Please note: Belle will be doing story-time and singalong at approximately 2:15pm.
Princess dresses are encouraged!
Wrestling Clinics
Beginner Clinic (K - Gr 2): This class is intended for those beginning in the sport and interested to learn more about it.
2nd graders with a year or more experience should register for the Advanced course or email BNelson@isd2144.org for guidance.
Intro to Basketball
Participants will improve their basics skills like shooting, dribbling and passing while having fun playing games.
Dec 3rd, 4th, & 5th - 17th,18th, &19th
Lakeside - Tuesdays from 3:30-5:00pm
Primary School - Wednesdays 3:40-4:40pm
Primary School (Preschool) - Wednesdays 4:40-5:20pm
Taylors Falls - Thursdays from 3:30-5:00pm
Basketball Rec League Registration Open
Chisago Lakes Teams in grades 2-6 are being formed to compete in the Forest Lake Basketball League. This league will focus on improving basic skills such as dribbling with both hands, shooting, passing, game positions and offensive/defensive techniques. Register for the grade the participant is entering in the fall. Games will be played at Forest Lake Area Middle School (FLAMS), game times are at 6:15pm or 7:15 pm. Games are played beginning in late January, and go through February. This is intended for kids that are not in Traveling Basketball.
In addition to the one game night, the participant will have potentially one practice a week at a school located within the Chisago Lakes district. Practices will be planned and communicated by the volunteer coach after the coaches meeting. All players will receive a t-shirt if registered by the deadline, so please indicate size when registering.
Link to Register: https://lakesarearec.sportngin.com/register/form/182435184
Games will be on the following nights;
- Boys - Tuesday
- Girls - Thursday
Dont Forget to Follow Us!
Chisago Lakes Early Childhood Parents for more fun and interesting ideas you can share with your child. It's also a fun place to connect with other families in the community with young children!
Chisago Lakes Community Education to see what fun and interesting things we have going on down at the WCC to make sure you don't miss out on anything!
We are now on INSTAGRAM!
Drumroll please... We are officially part of the Instagram family! Follow us for all things community education, fun activities, and valuable resources. Let's grow together! @clcommunityed
Community Opportunities
Wild River SkiSparks Cross Country Ski Clu
Please join us for our Wild River SkiSparks Cross Country Ski Club at Wild River State Park this winter! We meet Sundays, from 2pm-3:30pm starting January 5th 2025 until February 23rd 2025. All levels welcome- ages 4-13 years old. We teach using a research backed curriculum, play games and ski the beautiful trails of Wild River State Park. Please visit our club's website or myxc.org to register or for more information.
Scholarships available, no family will be turned away for inability to pay- reach out to sarah@myxc.org or wildriver@myxc.org for more info.
Chisago Lakes Primary School
All the best,
Amy Grice, Principal
Email: agrice@isd2144.org
Website: https://www.isd2144.org/Primary
Location: 11009 284th St, Chisago City, MN 55013
Phone: (651) 213-2200