Bronco Bulletin
May 19th, 2023

January 31st, 2025
The weekly widely read Bronco Bulletin is your source for all the goings-on at Brownell Middle School. It is distributed digitally every Friday throughout the school year. We're most fortunate to have a spectacular team of educators, supportive and loving families, as well as, the best adolescent learners around. Thank you for taking the time to read this newsletter. We appreciate your feedback, thoughts, and of course, letting us know if there's a mistake.
4th Annual Winterfest
TOMORROW >> Saturday, February 1st is Brownell's 4th Annual PTO hosted WINTERFEST.
The event is open to anyone -- it's a Family Friendly Event. Advisory Classes have finalized their Auction Items to help raise funds to support programs at Brownell. Some of the Auction items are: MetaQuest3S; PS5 + $100 Gift Card; Star Wars Play Basket; Beats Baskets; Gift Card Free Day; Detroit Lions Fanfare; Gift Card Tree, Mr. Hunwick's Score-O Game $100+ Cash Drawing; and much, much more...
WINTERFEST is held outside -- so Dress For Success at Winterfest. There's outdoor games, music, a photo booth, food trucks, hotdogs, baked goods, FREE Hot Cocoa, and lots of raffle items to win
PTO Thank You
On behalf of the students and Mr. Kotes I'd like to thank the Brownell PTO (Parent Teacher Organization) for their recent donation to the Woods and Metal Shop.
The shop received a Powermatic Jointer that will allow students to craft wood into a completely flat surface to "join" with other wood pieces or create a quality finished product.
This Week at a Glance
- Doors open at 8:50am
- First Hour begins at 9am
- 2nd Hour (Snack Time)
- No Advisory
- School ends at 3:13pm
Tuesday-Friday SCHEDULE
- Doors open at 8:05am
- First Hour begins at 8:15am
- 2nd Hour (Snack Time)
- Advisory: Announcements + Pledge of Allegiance + PBIS Activity + All School Meeting
- School ends at 3:13pm
*All Students must exit the school premises by 3:30pm unless attending an after school activity with adult supervision*
Upcoming Events
Brownell's Biennial Career Day
Brownell Middle School, under the leadership of it counselors, will be conducting its biennial (every-other-year) Career Day Event.
It will be held on Thursday, April 17th in the afternoon. If you're interested in participating as a presenter please complete Google Form on the button below. If you're interested in volunteering to help with the event please contact the counselors, Ms. Nixon and/or Mrs. Oderfer.
PTO (Parent Teacher Organization)
Join our Team
The next PTO Meeting is Monday, March 10th in the Library at 6pm.
Quick Links
School Events Calendar (Tentative)
February 2025
1 Winter-Fest, sponsored by PTO, 2:00-5:00
3 Present Grade 5 students receive course selection sheet in homeroom
3 Lock down drill, 10:50 am (Passing Time)
4 Department Meeting, 3:30 pm
5 Student Count Day
5 Grade 8 HS Course Selection Sheets due in SS classes
6 Present grade 6 students receive course selection sheets in SS class
6 Principals’ Roundtable Meeting @ Library, 6:00 pm
5 Grade 8 students HS course selection sheets due in SS class
7 Present grade 7 students receive course selection sheet in SS class
10 Grade 8 HS scheduling in SS classes
12 Grade 5 students course selection sheets due in homeroom
13 Grade 6 students course selection sheets due in SS class
14 Pajama Day, sponsored by Student Lyfe
14 Mid-Winter Vacation begins at the end of the day
14 Grade 7 students course selection sheets due in SS class
24 School resumes after Mid-Winter Vacation, 9:00 am
Brownell Activities, Clubs, and Sports
Up-to-date goings on of clubs, activities, and/or sports are provided during the school announcements. Typically most after school clubs begin around the end of September. As information gets announced it will be posted in the Bronco Bulletin.
GPPSS Middle School Tennis Club
Attention -- All students in grades 5-8 interested in joining the GPPSS Middle School Tennis Club in the Spring there will be an informational meeting with Coach Ken Prather on Thursday, March 13th in the Cafeteria at 3:30pm.
All students must have an athletic gold card and up to date physical on file to participate.
The season will go from April 2nd to May 31st. Practices are Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at the Elworthy Field Tennis Courts from 5:30-7pm.
7/8 Girls Basketball Tryouts
ATTENTION : 7th and 8th Grade Girls Basketball Tryouts begin Tuesday, January 21st and go thru Thursday, January 23rd. Tryouts will begin at 3:30 sharp in the Gym. You must have a completed MHSAA Physical Form and Gold permission card on file with the Athletic Department to be able to TRYOUT.
See Mr. Borland if you want to pick up a blank MHSAA Physical form and Gold card that needs to be completed prior to tryouts on January 21st.
Radically Inclusive Club
Are you looking for a fun place to hang out? An opportunity to meet Mr. Sonneberg’s dog, Sawyer? Perhaps get a tasty snack? Or most importantly, a safe place to talk about tough things? If any of these things appeal to you, plan to come to the first “Radically Inclusive” Club meeting this Thursday, November 14. We will meet in Mr. Sonnenberg’s room (A8) after school at 3:25 pm. Hope to see you there!
Math Club
It’s time for the Math Club to begin! All grades are invited! Please come to Mrs. Drew’s room, A13, tomorrow from 3:25-4:00 pm. We will talk about and decide on future activities and the days best to meet. Can’t wait to see MANY of you :)
D&D Club
D&D (Dungeons and Dragons) Club is a storytelling RPG (Role Playing Game). It is hosted by Dungeon Master and Principal Mr. Hunwick. Students in grades 5-8 may participate. No prior D&D gaming experience is needed. Each student participant will create a character hero who they will role play and guide through a quest(s). The adventure will involve battling legendary creatures, finding treasure, working as a team, and most importantly, using ones imagination to conquer a quest(s).
The first meeting was held on Wednesday, November 6th in the Brownell Cafeteria D&D Room. ALL students interested in grades 5-8 met at this time to fill out the Brownell D&D Club Participation Form (see button below) and to start creating a character. Students will be placed into quest groups (primarily based on grade level). These Quest Groups will meet every third week. A Quest Group Schedule will be emailed to students and posted in the weekly widely read Bronco Bulletin.
Brownell School Musical -- Drama Club
Big News Announced >> Mary Poppins Jr. is this years Brownell School Musical.
Brownell's school musical is scheduled for mid-May. The GPPSS Technology & Production Team, as well as, Mrs. Dempsey and Mr. Whitefleet are ready to make the magic happen once again.
The Brownell School Musical is open to all students grades 5-8. If you're interested in being part of the production, in any capacity such as crew, performer, ensemble, etc. please fill out the Mary Poppins Jr. Interest Survey by clicking HERE or on the button below.
Coding Club
Coding Club held it's first meeting this past Wednesday. If you're interested in being part of the club please contact Ms. Jordan or Mr. Ernst, the club sponsors.
Competitive Cheer United Team
Brownell held an informational meeting for students interested in competitive cheer on Thursday, November 7th in the cafeteria after school.
If you're interested in being part of this team please contact Coach Danielle Raether at raetherd@gmail.com
Game Club
Game Club is back!
Game Club is a fun place where you can play your favorite board games like Monopoly, Clue, Battleship, Connect 4, Checkers and Chess. The Game Club is open to all Brownell students. We will be meeting after school for the first time in Mr. Kettel’s room, A6, on Wednesday, October 30th.
Hope to see you there Broncos!
Homework Club
Need a quiet place to do homework or maybe get help with classwork? Homework Club is the place for you.
Homework Club is organized and run by Mrs. Abud. It is held Monday through Thursday in the Brownell Library (unless an alternate location is announced or posted). Fridays are designated for test and/or quiz make-up sessions. Homework Club is staffed by not only Mrs. Abud but other Brownell Staff members and volunteer high school National Honor Society members.
You Be the Chemist
The “You Be The Chemist” club will be forming at the beginning of October. We compete with schools across the country in a testing and video format. If you are interested in joining, please email or stop by Mr. Kauffman’s room, A7. All grades are welcome!
Student LyFE Club
Student Lyfe will be meeting on Wednesdays from 3:20 - 3:45pm. If you are a member or are interested in joining, please come to Mr. Kauffman’s room, A7.
Art Club
Art Club has started and is underway.
The first meeting was held on October 10th after school in the art room with Mrs. Roy (McCullum).
See the flyer below for more details and listen for updates on the school announcements.
Other Activities, Clubs, and Sports
Brownell has many activities, clubs, and sports. As the school year progresses we'll post and announce the dates when they begin. Typically most will not get started until late September unless it's a sport that has planned contest dates to prepare for against other schools. Students should check the daily school announcements on the school website for meeting updates on all clubs, activities, and sports. Participation in a club is a one time fee of $52 and an interscholastic sports is a one time fee of $125. Please us the participation "button" below to get started.
Other Announcements & Flyers
GPPSS Policies
Student Code of Conduct-Understanding Consequences
Please take some time to review the GPPSS Student Code of Conduct and the GPPSS Student Dress Code. Students who are in violation of our student code of conduct will be referred to administration. Our main goal with student discipline is restorative and what can be done to repair the harm. In addition, we use lunch detentions, after-school detentions, school service hours, in-school separations, and out-of-school separations depending on the individual's actions. We encourage students to always let an adult know of any violations so that they can be addressed immediately.
GP High School Spectator Guidelines
Guidelines for safe attendance at GPPSS athletic events:
Students no outside food or drinks/ Adults no outside food or drinks that are contained in a metal or plastic container (including tumblers, Yeti’s, coolers etc.)
Alcoholic beverages are not permitted on campus.
No athletic balls, frisbees, etc. If found in the stadium they will be confiscated.
No student bags or backpacks. Adult bags may be subject to a search.
No bikes or non-assistive wheeled vehicles.
No re-entry.
All students may be asked to provide valid school ID from GPPSS schools and should carry it with them to the stadium. Students without ID when requested will only be permitted with Administration approval after identification is confirmed. Administration reserves the right to require ID from all students from competing schools to enter the stadium.
Non-high school students will NOT be permitted entry without an adult who will be present for the duration of the event. The adult must confirm students are guests of theirs (limit 4) and are responsible for their conduct. Administration may refuse entry if students appear to not have adequate supervision.
Fans who engage in inappropriate behavior may be asked to leave.
Brownell Policies and Procedures
Please note the arrivals times to school each day and ensure our students are here on time with time to prepare for their day. Tardies/absences are tracked and followed up by administration.
- 4-5 tardies = notice home
- 8 tardies = after school detention/create plan to arrive on time
- 12 tardies = parent meeting
Excessive absences will be communicated by administration once 10 absences occur.
Parents will receive a Robo-call near the conclusion of the school day, if their student was tardy to one or more classes that day. If you have any questions with regards to the tardy (what hour), please access the Parent Portal. Attendance data can be viewed anytime in the Parent Portal.
One of our highest numbers of tardies are Monday morning. Please help us decrease these numbers and classroom interruptions.
The attendance office needs to receive a phone call whenever your child misses a class. Otherwise, the absence remains unexcused. When teachers, counselors, administrators, and the attendance secretary review these unexcused absences, we are concerned about the student(s) and we will follow-up -- we truly appreciate you communicating with us.
PLEASE call the attendance line at 313-432-3901 ANY day or time. Please make it a ”Favorite” or a “Contact” on your phone.
Make the call once,
go into your phone recent and hit the “i” (info) icon,
Create a new contact,
type in BMS Attendance
If your child needs support from his/her counselor, please reach out by emailing Mrs. Corinne Oderfer (last names A-K) or Ms. Beth Nixon (last names L-Z). If your student is experiencing technology issues, please report it to both the attendance line and have your child email their teacher immediately, if able to do so.
Absences are recorded as excused, unexcused, and "exempt" excused. Please know that we want to work with you to properly record absences. If you want an "exempt" excused absence recorded it is the responsibility of the parent/guardian to obtain the proper documentation and to submit it with one week of the student(s) return to school (per GPPSS BOE Policy pg. 130).
Field Trips and End of the Year Celebrations
It is a privilege to participate in school field trips. Students are expected to conduct themselves in such a manner that exhibits the responsible behavior and respect that occurs during the school day at Brownell. A student will NOT be eligible for any field trip(s) for the current or following quarter when he/she accumulates an ISS (In School Suspension), OSS (Out of School Suspension), or more than 4 hours of detention/snap suspension assigned for any reason.
If a student accumulates an ISS (In School Suspension), OSS (Out of School Suspension), or more than 4 hours of detention/snap suspension assigned for any reason, yet still wants to participate in an educational field trip experience he/she must:
Complete a community service project that is approved by the principal and write a one-page summary explaining his/her participation at the completion of the project AND Obtain administrative recommendation for attendance and participation in field trip, activity, or competition AND Upon discretion of the administration be accompanied on the trip by his/her parent or other designated adult/legal guardian who is responsible for ALL costs related to their own trip.
Brownell Vehicle Drop-off and Pick-up Procedures
The final steps of construction on Calvin Road is being conducted but Chalfonte Road it is OPEN for business as of Thursday, August 29th.
Help us to keep all students safe during Drop-off and Pick-up time. Please do not use the rear or front parking lot, driveway, or church lot/s for drop-off and pick-up as the signs indicate. Also we’d ask you to reinforce with your child(ren) to cross at the traffic light on Chalfonte Avenue and use the designated crosswalk on Williams Road. Take a few minutes to review the brief video on our vehicle Drop-off and Pick-up procedures. These parameters help provide for a safe process for our students before and after school.
Full Charge Ahead
Please be reminded to fully charge your school Chromebook or laptop each evening so you're prepared for school. Setting up a routine each night and charging your device would be very helpful.
If your child brings in a new device throughout the year, please access these helpful tips when setting up and using parental access codes.
Backpacks, BYOD, and Off & Out-of-Sight Policy/s
Students may bring backpacks to and from school. However, backpacks are to be stored in the student's locker throughout the school day. During the school day students may utilize a protective technology device carrier, pencil case, drawstring bag, and/or other mini tote bag.
All students are to have access to a technology learning device. The GPPSS Bring-You-Own-Device Policy supports the districts strategic plan for student learning and growth. Students use their technology learning device to access Schoology -- the GPPSS's Learning Management System.
For families who have indicated a financial hardship, the district will provide a device to the student. If you would like your student to receive a device for the 2023-24 school year due to financial need, please fill out the linked form.
Additionally, just a reminder that our school policy is that cell phones and other electronic devices (not Chromebooks and/or technology learning device) are OFF AND OUT OF SIGHT. If students need to be reached during the school day, please continue to contact our main office.
Dress for Success at Recess
Please be reminded that we go outside for recess whenever possible. We use the Weatherbug Grosse Pointe Country Club of Detroit Location for our temperature reading. We will be outside for recess if wind chill temperatures are Zero Degrees and above. We advocate that students dress accordingly and be prepared -- a little drizzle doesn’t stop us.
FREE Breakfast and/or Lunch at Brownell
Brownell hosts free breakfast for students in the cafeteria. Any student seeking this opportunity will need to enter the building using the rear door/s near the cafeteria (or entrance "P" on the building map). The breakfast is from 8:30-8:45am on Mondays and 7:45-8:00am Tuesday through Friday. It is supervised by a Brownell Staff member. Students who attend will need to stay in the cafeteria until the breakfast time concludes.
Free lunch is conducted every day through the food service company. It is obtained in the lucn-line along with any al-a-carte items for purchase. Please look over the Michigan Meals Letter from the GPPSS linked HERE.
Early Dismissal & Item Drop-off Procedures
We ask that a parent/guardian call the 24 hour attendance line at (313) 432-3901 and leave a message as early as possible regarding an early dismissal. The office will email the classroom teacher, write the student’s name and dismissal time on the notice (dry erase) board, the student will proceed to their locker and then wait in the office for the parent to arrive. We ask parents to park in the Chalfonte visitor lot only and use the door buzzer by the main office when picking up their child early. We refrain from calling classrooms unless it’s an emergency in an effort to not disrupt learning.
When a parent is dropping off an item for their child, please park in the Chalfonte visitor lot and drop off the item labeled with their child’s name and grade in the purple bin near the office door, then ring the door buzzer and let the office staff know. Then, the item will be retrieved by the office staff and your child’s name will be written on the notice board. Students will then come to the main office to obtain their item(s). All lunches are brought to the cafeteria 20 minutes before lunch begins. Once again, we refrain from calling classrooms unless it’s an emergency in an effort to not disrupt the learning process.
Thank you in advance for your continued effort to respect the sanctity of the learning environment in each and every classroom.
The Brownell Lunchroom Experience
A quality and joyful lunchroom experience is a priority at Brownell Middle School. All students have access to a free lunch every day. For students and/or families that prefer to bring their lunch(es) please know that two microwaves are available for use in the cafeteria. Students may also purchase À la carte items from the school via their Taher school account.
For the safety, cleanliness, and wellness of everyone we ask that:
- NO GLASS PRODUCTS be brought to school
- Students are seated when they eat
- Appropriate and polite behavior is the norm
- Students clean up after themselves and dispose of their refuse accordingly
- Lunch choices are healthy and caffeine free
Lastly, I'd ask for your support working with me and Mr. Borland (lunchroom supervisor) to encourage your child(ren) to sit and actually eat during the designated lunch time -- often students socialize more than they eat and find themselves rushed or report home to you that they didn't have enough time to eat.
School Memory Books
Many families have had a "tradition" of sorts using the Dr. Seuss book titled "Oh, the Places You'll Go" as a school memory book at the elementary level. At Brownell Middle School you may purchase a school yearbook via Parent Portal. Students are provided the opportunity to sign one another's yearbook the second from last day of the school year.
Please know I'm not, as the school principal, "outlawing" the Dr. Seuss Memory Book Tradition -- I'm simply asking that if want to continue this tradition we ask that you facilitate it in this way. The Dr. Seuss Book will need to be carried class-to-class by your child(ren) on the day(s) designated to sign yearbooks. The Brownell Staff are not responsible for handing school memory books (or similar items) from person-to-person and checking off who has completed the task.
Thank you in advance for working with us by honoring this request.
Help Keep Us Safe -- Avoid Lunch Delivery(s)
Please know that we make sure every student here has lunch -- no exceptions. If your child(ren) forgets their lunch we can provide a meal here from the cafeteria. We’d ask for your continued support in avoiding having lunch(es) brought to school by outside delivery organizations i.e. Jimmy Johns, Panera, UberEats, etc. This request is to protect students and staff alike, as it’s a precautionary measure to maintain everyone's safety at school by keeping strangers from our doorstep/s. Thank you in advance for helping us to provide the safest possible environment here at Brownell.