Excelsior Springs Middle School
Family Newsletter

24-25 Back to School Information
Gearing Up for Back to School!
Enrollment Days
Ready to get a jump start on this year? Bring your middle-schooler to one of our enrollment days!
August 6th and August 8th, from 11-2 and 4-6 on each of the days
At enrollment, you can:
- Pick up your student's schedule
- Purchase a Yearbook
- Complete a Free & Reduced Lunch Application
- Purchase Insurance for your student's Chromebook (we highly recommend this in middle school!)
- Turn in Health Forms (8th Grade will need proof of updated immunizations)
- Drop off any medications needed
- Check in with the Bus Barn
- Speak with Sports/Activities to drop off physicals, etc.
- Sign up for PTO
- Complete Registration for any returning students
- Get information on the upcoming Washington D.C. trip
Important Dates
August 1- New student enrollment begins via appointment
August 6th - Enrollment for Current 6th-8th Grade Students 11am-2pm ; 4pm -6pm
August 8th - Enrollment for Current 6th-8th Grade Students 11am-2pm ; 4pm -6pm
August 12th - Resource Fair 4pm - 6pm
August 19th - Open House 5pm - 7pm
August 21 - First Day of School
August 30 - First Home HS Football Game
New Class Offering
We are so excited to announce that we will be adding a new encore class to the rotation for 7th and 8th graders this year! Through a partnership with ESHS, our middle-schoolers can take Spanish for their encore classes, getting a jumpstart on a foreign language. This is an amazing opportunity to begin to learn more about our world and also take a step down the college path, as many colleges ask for foreign language learning in high school.
Take a look at the class request form below to sign up!
Class Change Requests
A note from our counselors
Dear ESMS Families,
We hope this message finds you well. As we prepare to welcome students back to school, we are implementing a new process to ensure efficient handling of schedule changes for the upcoming academic year.
To facilitate this, we kindly request that all schedule change requests be submitted through this Google Form. This streamlined approach will enable us to promptly address any adjustments needed to ensure your child's academic success.
The google form will be available starting August 1st 2024 and will remain open until 2:30pm on August 23, 2024. Your timely submission is greatly appreciated to allow us sufficient time to accommodate changes before the start of classes. All students will receive a printed version of their schedule on the first day of school.
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. We look forward to a successful school year ahead and appreciate your continued support.
Lauren Gardner
School Counselor (Last Names A-K)
Whitley Richman
School Counselor (Last Names L-Z)
Resource Fair
Reminder: The Excelsior Springs School District’s Back-to-School Resource Fair is just around the corner!
Time: August 12th, 4:00-6:00 pm
Location: ESMS Gym
Don’t miss out on free backpacks and supplies for all Pre-K to 12th grade ESSD students. Supplies are limited, so come early and get ready to kick off the school year in style!
Got questions or want to donate? Contact Kim Curtis at 816-365-0350.
See you there!
Helpful Links
Contact the Middle School at 816-630-9230 or visit www.essd40.com for building and district information