MAY 2024
5/1- Early Release
5/1-5/3- MSVMA State Choir Festival @ Albion (Honors Choir Only)
5/6- Current 7th Graders- Washington DC Informational Meeting/Registration For Next Year in Media Center, 6:00pm
5/8- Early Release
5/14- 7th/8th Grade Spring Choir/Band Concert @ NWHS. Concert I- 6:00pm-7th Grade Choir/Concert Band/Jazz Band/Honor Choir. Concert II- 7:30pm- 8th Grade Choir/ ESCHOIR/Concert Band/Honor Choir
5/15- Early Release
5/15- 6th Grade Band/Choir Spring Concert @ NWHS, 7:00pm
5/21- 8th Graders to the Career Center
5/22- 7th Grade Vision Screening
5/22- Early Release
5/27- No School for Memorial Day
5/28- 6th Grade Field Trip to Bohm Theatre
5/29- Early Release
5/30-Last Day of Study Lab
6/3- Middle School Awards Ceremony- watch your email for more information
6/4- 8th Grade Field Trip to Somerset Beach Campground (information below)
6/5- 7th Grade Field Trip to Allskate
6/6- Half Day- Last Day of School (Pick up medications)
6/10-6/27- Summer School- More information coming soon
5/1- Middle School Tennis Match @ Home, 4:00pm
5/1- Middle School Track Meet @ Home, 4:30pm
5/6- Middle School Tennis Match @ Pennfield, 4:00pm
5/8- Middle School Track Meet @ Coldwater, 4:30pm
5/10- Middle School Tennis Match @ Western, 4:00pm
5/15- Middle School Track Championships @ Legg Middle School, 4:30pm
8th Grade Field Trip Information
6th Grade
7th Grade
8th Grade
Parents will need to update their student's enrollment information annually. To do this, parents must have a PowerSchool account. This is created by the parent. You can reach PowerSchool via the app, or on our website. Once a parent sets up an account with the student's information, they are able to change addresses, phone numbers, emails. etc.
- All address changes or updates to student accounts are processed through the Parent's PowerSchool account.
- Parent's must create their OWN PowerSchool account to make any changes.
- Address changes will require the Parent to submit documentation to the building's office before the change is made to the student's account.
For PowerSchool Parent Portal Resources, click the link below
Effective beginning Wednesday, August 23, 2023, students will no longer be allowed to use their cell phones within the school premises during class hours, lunch breaks, and other school activities during the regular school day. We understand that cell phones have become an integral part of modern life, but we firmly believe that minimizing their presence during school hours will help promote better concentration, reduce distractions, and foster face-to-face interactions among students. Students may store their cell phones in their lockers for the duration of the school day and are welcome to use them after the conclusion of the school day.
To support this policy, we kindly request your cooperation in ensuring that your child is informed of this change. If there are specific reasons your child may need a cell phone for emergencies or other important matters, please contact the front office at (517) 817-4703 to discuss alternative arrangements.
We acknowledge this change may require an adjustment period for both students and parents. Therefore, our teachers and staff will be actively engaging with students to educate them about the rationale behind this policy and how it can positively impact their learning experience.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding this policy, please do not hesitate to contact us at nw.media@nwschools.org. Your feedback is important as we strive to create the best environment for our students.
Thank you for your understanding and support. Together, we can ensure that our school remains a safe and productive place for students to thrive personally and academically. Please see a copy of the updated policy found in the Student Handbook at the bottom of this letter.
Northwest Kidder Middle School Cell Phone Use
Students may use an Electronic Communication Device (ECD: This includes devices such as smart watches, cell phones, radios, etc.) before entering the building and after leaving the building at the end of the school day.
During the school day, students should place ECDs in their lockers and lock them up. If an ECD is in their pocket, they must be silenced to prevent distractions.
ECD use in restrooms and locker rooms is prohibited at all times.
Students may not exit the building during the school day in order to use an ECD. Phones are available in the office to contact parents.
Students that participate in extracurricular activities must abide by the ECD use rules determined by the coach, advisor, or sponsor. Coaches, advisors, and sponsors will enforce the consequences involving misuse of these devices during practices, meetings, or competitions.
The school district is not responsible for loss, theft, or damage to ECDs. Students are encouraged to leave the devices in secure locations. A school district employee that stores an ECD for a student is not responsible for its loss, theft, or damage.
Violation of the policy will result in disciplinary action in accordance with the school building code of conduct.
School officials will make the interpretation of what is acceptable dress. All students shall maintain the following minimum standard of dress at Northwest Community Schools.
- Midriffs, cleavage and buttocks shall be covered
- Undergarments shall not be visible
- Tank tops are acceptable as long as undergarments are not exposed
- Strapless, backless, and muscle shirts shall not be worn
- Holes in clothing or sheer material exposing midriff/chest/upper thigh shall not be worn
- Shorts/skirts/dresses must cover the buttocks completely
- Appropriate footwear, suitable for the school environment, shall be worn. Slippers are not permitted
- Sleepwear may not be worn to school, including pajama pants, robes, and nightgowns, unless there is an approved special activity during which they are deemed appropriate
- Students are strongly encouraged not to bring hats or other head coverings to school. Hats, bandanas/scarves or hoods covering the head are not to be worn in the school buildings during the school day unless there is an approved special activity during which they are deemed appropriate. Requests to wear coverings in accordance with sincerely held cultural and/or religious belief will be addressed on a case by case basis
- Incites violence
- Contains "fighting words"
- Constitutes a true threat of violence
- Is obscene, sexually explicit, indecent, or lewd
- Is materially and substantially disruptive or that school officials can reasonably forecast will create a substantial disruption
- All backpacks, purses, etc. are to be secured in lockers
- Coats and jackets are to be secured in lockers
- Blankets shall not be brought to school unless there is an approved special activity during which they are deemed appropriate
Dear Families,
We are excited about our 23-24 school year! We are so looking forward to seeing your student every day at school. We have learned that students who miss a few days of school each month are at a far greater risk of academic failure and dropping out than students who attend regularly. We have set a goal that every student in our school attends regularly (has nine or fewer absences in a year).
Attendance is very important to us as a school and to you as a parent. Please make sure your child attends school every day unless he or she has a contagious illness, running a fever or vomiting. When your child is unable to attend, please contact Krissy Saunders, Attendance Secretary, at Krissy.Saunders@nwschools.org (517) 817-4950 or forward any Doctor notes to Mrs. Saunders as well. We will monitor each student’s attendance throughout the year and provide support and interventions as needed. You will see the color coded graphic below describing the attendance categories.
If your child is at risk of missing too much school, please feel free to contact our Middle School Support Services for assistance. We will be happy to work with you to help your child attend regularly and have greater opportunities for success.
Marshall Hesslau
Alicia Soles
School Schedule Hours
Full Day Schedule (Mon/Tu/Thur/Fri)
7:30AM - 2:25PM
Early Release Schedule (Wednesday)
7:30AM - 1:25PM
Half Day Schedule
7:30AM - 11:00AM
Students need to be in class and ready to learn at 7:30AM.
The Northwest Kidder Middle School Attendance Team
2023-2024 Secondary Buildings
Full Day-7:30am-2:25pm
Half Day-7:30am-11am
Early Release-7:30am-1:25pm
Contact Info
Email: nw.media@nwschools.org
Website: nwschools.org
Location: 6700 Rives Junction Road, Jackson, MI, USA
Phone: (517)817-4703