Academy of St. Benedict the African
Family Newsletter ~ August 20, 2024
A message from New School Leader, Mrs. Taylor
I hope this message finds you well. My name is Mrs. Taylor, and I am both honored and excited to introduce myself as the new principal of The Academy of St. Benedict the African. As I step into this role, I am keenly aware of the strong foundation that has been built here, and I am eager to continue this tradition of excellence and growth.
First and foremost, I want to extend my heartfelt appreciation for the warm welcome I have already received from many of you. The dedication and enthusiasm of the ASBA community have truly impressed me, and I am excited to work alongside you to further enrich our students' educational experience.
As I step into this role, I bring with me a profound passion for education that goes beyond traditional learning. At Academy of St. Benedict the African, we believe in nurturing the whole child, fostering creativity, confidence, and celebrating individuality. Our approach aims to empower students not only academically but also socially and emotionally, preparing them to navigate an ever-changing world with resilience and compassion. Building upon the solid foundation established by my predecessors and the incredible staff, I am committed to fostering an environment where every student can thrive academically, socially, and emotionally.
Communication will be a cornerstone of my approach. I believe that open dialogue is essential for our collective success, and I encourage you to reach out with any questions, ideas, or concerns you may have. Throughout the year, I will be hosting regular meetings and events to keep you informed and involved in our school community. I have also installed a Suggestion Box on the wall just inside the Main Entrance. I empower you to leave us your feedback.
Together, I am confident that we can continue to build on the successes of Academy of St. Benedict the African and create an even more dynamic and supportive environment for our students. I am excited to embark on this journey together and look forward to the positive impact we will continue to make, hand in hand.
Warm regards,
Jessica L. Taylor, Principal
Academy of St. Benedict the African
Built on Love, Hope, Spirituality, and Excellence
p: 773.776.3316 ext. 101 | jtaylor@academystbenedict.org
First Day of School! TOMORROW, August 21st
The entire ASBA team is thrilled to welcome our scholars back into the building for our first day of school tomorrow! As a reminder, there will be no extended day care tomorrow.
Please see important school & office hours outlined below.
School Hours
Instructional Day: 7:45am-3:10pm, Monday - Friday
Breakfast: 7:15am
Main Office Hours: 7:00am-3:00pm
Tardy & Early Dismissal
Please help us to protect the learning environment for all scholars.
8:30am - Student Arrival Cut Off
No students will be allowed to enter the building after this time without a doctor’s note
2:30pm - Student Dismissal Cut Off
No students will be allowed to leave their classroom for an early dismissal after this time
🤳📷We invite you to come to school a few minutes early tomorrow to snap a family selfie in front of Back to School selfie stand, which will be located on the front lawn near the Main Entrance📷🤳
Ice Cream Social 2024
Thank you to all the families who attended our Ice Cream Social this week. It was such a joy to come together to celebrate the start of the school year with a sweet treat 🍨
Fun Fridays Spirit Gear
For the 2024-2025 school year, ASBA students are invited to wear school spirit gear every Friday!
All tops must be ASBA spirit wear and can include: t-shirts, polos, and sweatshirts.
Students must continue to wear uniform bottoms on these days.
*Kindness shirts will be worn on a separate day that will be communicated at a later date*
Our partners at Spiritwear are currently hosting a 30% sale for all ASBA gear. Visit our store at: https://1stplace.sale/29552 to place your order today!
Tuition Policy 2024-2025
The success of our Catholic school hinges upon the commitment of families to make Catholic education a financial priority, be involved in their child’s education, and make their tuition and fees payment(s) on a timely basis.
Tuition payments are due on the dates stipulated in the Tuition Agreement Contact or on the dates arranged by an alternative payment plan. Academy Of St Benedict The African, via FACTS, will send monthly bills and statements. Our tuition payments are due on the 17th of each month. Please review our Tuition Policy 2024-2025 linked here. A copy of this policy will also be going home with all Scholars tomorrow.
We thank you for your continued partnership and dedication to our school community!
Jessica Taylor, Principal
Email: jtaylor@academystbenedict.org
Website: https://www.academystbenedict.org
Location: 6020 South Laflin St. Chicago, IL 60636
Phone: (773) 776-3316
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