February 2019
Upcoming Events:
- Feb 8th - 10th 2019 -- LSC 14 and under Champ "A" Meet
- Feb 22nd - Feb 24th 2019 -- MAC BB and under Meet
- Feb 28 - Mar 3 2019 -- Short Course Sectional Meet
- April 27th - April 28th -- FAST BB/B/C Meet
Mid-Cities Arlington Swimming
Email: officemanager@marswim.org
Website: marswim.org
Phone: 817-271-1537
Facebook: facebook.com/Mid-CitiesArlingtonSwimming
Parents Corner:
Friendly Reminder:
When temps drop - please remember to have your swimmer(s) always fully clothed when walking into practice. As well as, change out of suit and into warm/dry clothes before leaving practice!
Bill Nixon Pro-Am Banner
How can I get a MARS Super or Elite Parent T-shirt?
When you accumulate over 100 service hours - Elite Parent
Which one are YOU?!
Coaches Corner:
February 2019
Greeting from the pool deck,
I share a real honor with many of our MARSian staff. I am a high school swim coach. As I write this Coaches Corner most of our staff are attending their high school region championship swim meets. Excitement is very high at these events. What is at stake is a place among this year’s elite athletes in the state of Texas - the state championship swim meets for both public and private schools. Our MARSians high school athletes are performing very impressively.
We are well into the championship season. High school championships are running now, the 14 & Under LSC Championships come up next weekend in Rockwall, the Texas Age Group Swimming Championships (TAGS) in The Woodlands, and Sectionals are at TX A&M during the first weekend of March. The is a huge next 4 weeks. Get behind our MARSians and cheer them on!
I hope you’ve noticed our increased attention to our team Core Values: Respect, Accountability, Competition, and Fun. Our staff have been busy working on these tenants of our team in recent months. Changes in practice structure have been fruitful for us. We’re seeing impressive results at the meets and I’m seeing more and more giant smiles on their faces when I walk the deck. The swimmers are responding wonderfully and excitement continues to grow for being a MARSian.
Our annual spring break will begin after TAGS. All pools will be closed from March 11-24. We will return to our normal schedule on Monday, March 25th.
Look for information on our next Intra-Squad meet in April, and our Open meet in May at UTA in the outdoor pool. We’ll need your help with these events.
Team towels came in this weekend and are being distributed at all pools. Stop by and pick up the one you ordered.
The swimmers are enjoying their new purple practice caps. Look for the announcement of the swimmers of the month from each pool, who will be awarded a special lime green cap.
Have great month! See you on deck!
Coach Brian
Ask MARSian Parent
Q: How many service hours will we need for 2019?
A: We will each need 18 service hours for families in Bronze and above for 2019. Please keep in mind this is per calendar year.
Q: What is OnDeck Parent application and why do I need it?
A: OnDeck Parent is an IPhone or Android application which allows you as a swim parent to manage your MAR's account and follow your swimmer's accomplishments. See these web sites for more information about the application and download instructions. iPhone or Android
Once you download and install the application on your device you can login by filling in the following entries:
Username - Is your email address that you used to login to the MAR's (TeamUnify) web site.
Password - Is your password used to login to the MAR's (TeamUnify) web site.
Team alias - ntsmars
Q: My son is a novice swimmer and I am a novice swim parent. We are going to our first swim meet. How do we get ready for our first swim meet?
A: We have a wonderful document created by the original Super Parent Rebecca Dark.
Q: I just swam my first swim meet, where are results displayed?
A: You can get event/meet results from the following locations:
- Usually the event results are displayed on some wall at the natatorium. (not always)
- Events will be posted within the 10 days after the meet has completed at this web site: http://www.ntswim.org Events-->Meet Results
- Most swim meets utilize "Meet Mobile". This is a fee based smart phone application which allows the user to see live results of the swim meet and other cool options.
Q: How can I see how many service hours I owe?
A: Login to the Mars Team Web Site.
Select My Account on the right.
Select $My Invoice/Payments.
Select the Service Hours tab.
If your number shows a positive value, then that is what you owe.
Q: Why do we have to volunteer at our meets?
A: In order for us to host a successful and safe meet, we need our MARSian families to be part of every meet we host. We all lead very busy lives. However, I can promise you that your swimmer will feel even more supported seeing you as a timer, head timer, meet runner and/or working concessions or hospitality room. Everyone is good at something which means everyone has something to offer. Please be on the lookout for upcoming dates for training classes for each of our volunteer positions. ***Each person will receive volunteer points for attending a training class. ***Please Note: You will receive the points once you put that training into action at our hosted meets. In addition to the points you will receive for your volunteer work at the meet.We will send out the next training class date soon.
Q: Do the service hours start over in January?
A: Yes, service hours are per calendar year (January 1st through December 31st).
Q: What is OnDeck Parent application and why do I need it?
A: OnDeck Parent is an IPhone or Android application which allows you as a swim parent to manage your MAR's account and follow your swimmer's accomplishments. See these web sites for more information about the application and download instructions. iPhone or Android
Once you download and install the application on your device you can login by filling in the following entries:
Username - Is your email address that you used to login to the MAR's (TeamUnify) web site.
Password - Is your password used to login to the MAR's (TeamUnify) web site.
Team alias - ntsmars
Q: How do I set up the SMS messaging?
A: How to set up and receive SMS from your coach's about pool updates or quick important info.
1- log-in to your account
2- Click on My Account then under the drop down click on My account again
3- Add up to two SMS number and the Carrier and click save
4- Then go to click on Not Verified and you will receive a code via text message that then you type in and hit verify.
5- Set to start getting text from the team when a pool is closed or we need to get you fast information.
Do you have a question for the MARSian parent? Email at askmarsparent@gmail.com
Celebrating February Birthdays
Brady Davidson, Nico Ortizo, Claire Parsons, Parker Kruzel, Anthony Vitale, Noah Park, Caroline Williams, Kaleb Hoang, Caleb Eden, Sophia Carlson, Sydney Siu, Addison Kimbrell, Ethan Le, Preston Lippe, Condoleezza Briones, Sawyer Hutcherson, Andrew Moon, Wyatt Wilson, Alexander Yelverton, Sebastian Sandoval, Ella Clendinning, Vanessa Sherpa, Xzavier Matthew, Vera Cruz, Jacob Garcia, Connor Kidwell, Rhett Williams, Jonah Park, Owen Thomson, Jake Ruiz, Grant Saunders, Milo Lazatin, Blake Baumann, Ritvik Kammend