Paw Prints
Mound City Elementary and Middle School

September 2024
Grades PK-8:
Turn in the fundraiser and all money to the classroom teacher on September 11.
Mark your calendar!
Stay up to date by checking "Events" and "Athletics" on the school website or app!
- September 2 - No school; Labor Day
- September 3 - OPTIONAL Gr. 3-4 After-school Study Skills begins today from 3:00-3:30 with Mrs. Asher. Permission slips sent home in backpacks or available in the elem. office.
- September 13 - Gr. 3-4 field trip to Safety Acres
- September 13 - Preschool Grandparents Day celebration - More info to come from Mrs. Holstine!
- September 11 - Fundraising U Turn-in Day
- September 18 - 5th Grade instrumental rental for Band at 6 PM in Band room
- September 23 - No school for students; teacher in-service
- September 27 - MS class parties, 1st hour
Mr. Shipman's Athletic Newsletter
- Please do not drop off students before 7:40 AM. Students are NOT supervised before 7:40 AM at the school.
- Please share an active email address on the enrollment form and with your child's teacher for easy communication.
- Please send a water bottle to school with your child.
- 2024 MAP scores will be distributed to parents/guardians during P/T conferences in October.
Character Trait of the Month
Thinking and acting in a positive way towards yourself and others
A few examples of how to demonstrate respect:
- Saying please and thank you
- Listening to others
- Talk at appropriate times
- Sit up and watch the speaker
- Participate in an activity
- Respect personal space
- Be courteous and polite to others
RESPECT is worth THREE PBS points during the month of September.
Counselor's Corner
Welcome Back to School! We are so excited for this year to begin. It is always hard to transition back into the “school routine.” Students can be tired and grouchy when Friday rolls around! I wanted to share a couple tricks to help with your transition:
- Have a nightly routine, as much as possible. I know we all have games to attend, jobs to do and family to see, but if you can have as much consistency in your nightly routine, it will help your kids get back into the rhythm of school. Ex: Play outside until 5:30, supper at 6, bath at 7, read books at 7:30, bedtime at 8.
- Lay out clothes, shoes and backpacks the night before. Make sure you have gone through all the folders and signed any forms the night before so that mornings are smoother.
- Make drop-offs short and sweet. We have a new drop-off circle where you don’t even have to get out of the car. We have staff ready to greet your child with a smile! If you walk your child inside, try not to linger. It is hard at times when they are crying, but short good-byes are so much easier on your child.
- Pick up is super easy as well. No need to find a parking spot or leave other children in the car. You can just drive in front of the school and teachers will make sure your child gets to your car. After school try to think of more interesting questions to ask rather than “how was your day?” Ask them questions like…”What did you do that was nice for someone today?” …or…”Did someone do something nice for you?” …or…”Did you sit by someone new at lunch?” …or…”What did you do today that showed responsibility?”
Hope this helps – glad you are back!
Title Talk
Small group reading began recently. During this 30 minute time period, classes are split into groups of eight or less students to better individualize instruction. The goals for these groups will vary. Some groups may be reinforcing the weekly classroom skills while other groups are introducing advanced vocabulary and writing skills that correspond with the current reading theme. Small group is a very important time of instruction that allows us to meet the needs of all students. I would love to answer any questions you have about small group time. sarah.osburn@mndcty.org
-Mrs. Sarah Osburn
We are beginning basic math skill assessments in kindergarten and 1st grade small group math class. 2nd - 4th graders will benefit from practicing their math facts, appropriate for their age and ability (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division).
😄 What did the calculator say to the student? 😄
You can always count on me!
Mrs. Osburn
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Ashford
Title 1 Reading
Mrs. Asher
Title 1 Math