TGMS Weekly Updates
October 28, 2024
Veterans Day is rapidly approaching. Toll Gate Middle School would like to take the opportunity to recognize and honor those who have served or are currently serving our country in the armed services. We are asking that you fill out the form below and have your son/daughter return it to school by Friday, November 1. If you have a friend or a family member who is currently serving or who has served our country, please write his/her name, the war they fought in (if applicable), the military branch served under, and the name of your Toll Gate student. A star will be made to honor all names returned to us by November 1 . The stars will then be placed on the windows of the Media Center November 11. Thank you for your support of this project.
A message from PLSD
Important Information About Senate Bill 29 and Student Privacy
on School-Issued Devices
October 24, 2024
Dear Families,
We would like to inform you about the recent passage of Senate Bill 29 (SB29), which will take effect on October 24, 2024. This new law establishes important safeguards for student privacy, especially concerning the use of school-issued devices. Below are some key points:
- Privacy Protections: Schools and technology providers are prohibited from tracking students' locations, monitoring audio or visual features, or tracking their online activities (such as web browsing or keystrokes) on school-issued devices, unless in limited, specified circumstances. These include instructional purposes, technical support, or emergencies.
- Parental Notification: If the District needs to monitor or access a student's device for one of the permitted reasons, families will receive advance notice, or in the case of an emergency or stolen device, notification will occur within 72 hours. The District will send an email communication to families every three days, in accordance with the new Senate Bill 29.
- Technology Provider Contracts: We are also updating our contracts with technology providers to ensure that student data is handled securely, not shared for commercial purposes and that records are properly protected.
Click the link below to view the list of PLSD technology vendors, their contracts, and the student data shared with them (refer to page 11, under the agreement type column): https://sdpc.a4l.org/district_search_national.php?districtID=5004.
- Ongoing Compliance: Please note that the District has NOT implemented any new or changed monitoring services. The District will continue to follow all applicable state and federal laws, such as the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA), to ensure a safe and secure online environment for our students. This notice is a new requirement per Ohio Senate Bill 29 (“SB29”), which was passed by the Ohio General Assembly at the end of June 2024, signed by Governor DeWine on July 24, 2024, and became effective on October 24, 2024.
In the coming days, the District will communicate about the new GoGuardian Parent App, a mobile app designed to provide you with insight and control over your student’s online activity on school-managed devices and websites. This app is a powerful tool to keep you informed and knowledgeable about your child's digital learning journey.
We are committed to maintaining student privacy while providing the necessary tools for learning. If you have further questions or concerns, please attend our Community Connections Workshop on November 4, from 6:00 - 7:00 p.m., at Lakeview Junior High, 12445 Ault Road.
Thank you for your attention to this important matter.
Dr. Kara Jackson
Executive Director of Academic Innovation and Instructional Technology
Pickerington Local Schools
TGMS Spiritwear Holiday Sale Coming Soon
Holiday Sale Dates
The 2024 Holiday Sale will run November 4th thru mid-December. We will have exciting new product lines and designs that will make great gifts for the entire family! Stay tuned for more details. https://1stplace.sale/109142
November Calendar
Nov. 5 - Tues., No School - Professional Development
Nov. 11 - Veterans Day
Nov. 27 - 29 Thanksgiving Break - no school