HP Post #2
October 30th, 2024
End of First Quarter Is Upon Us
First Quarter Ends on October 31st
The first quarter of the school year has flown by. We are wrapping up our first quarter this week. Students have been provided with two WIN (What I Need) days to retake tests, get academic support and for makeup work. The last week of the term is "dead week". This means teachers will not be adding additional assignments to the grade book for the first quarter to ensure students are able to get all necessary work in for grading purposes.
For families that opted to go paperless this year, you will not receive a paper report card in the mail. Please be sure to check ParentVue for your scholar's grades. Grades should be set by November 5th. For those who still receive paper copies, grades will go out by November 6th and you should expect them by November 8th. If you would like to request to go paperless please go to: https://support.pps.net/support/solutions/articles/8000107807-paperless-report-card
Input Needed
Portland Public Schools is asking for your input. Please take a few minutes to provide your opinion. https://surveys.panoramaed.com/portlandor/community/surveys
Conferences Are on the Horizon
Conferences will take place on November 25th and 26th. Our grade level teams will be working together over the next few weeks to schedule appointments and communicate with families. We will be prioritizing conferences with:
Families who are in need of interpreters
Students with IEPs/504s
Students receiving academic interventions
Students who did not pass more than one CORE class (Math, Science, LA and SS) at the quarter
If you do not receive an invite by November 18th it is likely are will not be reaching out to schedule a specific conference time. Drop in conferences will be available from 8:00-12:00 on the 26th.
SUN is Coming!
We are ecstatic to share that our new SUN Site Manager has been hired. Andrew Perry just started and is hitting the ground running. Our SUN extended day programming will be a bit different until Winter Term begins in January. Our hope is to offer several Workshops and shortened courses for students to participate in. Please stay tuned for more details.
Andrew hails from San Jose, California and has been in the Portland area for the last eight years. He studied Social Work at Portland State. In his free time he likes to bike, hike and try new foods. He will be housed in our SUN space, room 109.
From Andrew:
Hi Harrison Park Community! My name is Andrew Perry—I’m the new SUN Manager here at Harrison Park. I am excited for a great year and am working to have our SUN program running as soon as possible. Please, look out for announcements regarding SUN dates and registration. I look forward to meeting you all!
In the meantime, please complete this survey. I’d love to learn which classes and resources you and your student would be most interested in.
We are excited to re-open the HP Food Pantry on October 28th! The food pantry is open every Monday from 3:15PM-4:45PM. See attached flyer upcoming Food Pantry closures.
Questions? Please reach out! Email: andrewp@irco.org or Call/Text: (503) 442-9962
Family Engagement Plan
Each year our team comes together to find ways to ensure our families have opportunities to engage and partner with the school. One of the ways we make sure we are held accountable is by writing a Family Engagement Plan and sharing it out so our stakeholders can ensure we are being held accountable. Here is a copy of our for the 24-25 school year. This is a working document and may be added to throughout the year. If you have input our would like to provide feedback please feel free to reach out to Principal Dickey, @ ldickey@pps.net. plan: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ENeGrB5zYMjPpm_ZbZFB7YS22N3TeXhagxEtQ55yC-Q/edit?usp=sharing
8th Grade Transition Information
Our 8th grade counselor, Michelle McMillan sent this out a few weeks ago directly to 8th grade parents, but we wanted to ensure everyone is aware. While it seems like 9th grade is months away, planning for it begins now. PPS will begin sending information directly to 8th grade parents about high school options. Please be on the lookout.
- Your student is automatically forecasted to attend the high school that corresponds with your address.
If you're unsure what high school that is, check the PPS interactive school finder map.
- If you would like to apply to a different high school, you can apply online during the annual transfer window: November 13, 2024 - December 16, 2024.
Info about high schools can be found here. Dates for upcoming information sessions and shadow days will come directly from the district.
If you have questions after you review the upcoming PPS emails, please reach out @ mmcmillan@pps.net
Flu Season Is Upon Us
As the weather changes and we find ourselves indoors a lot more we are seeing an uptick in illness. While we want kids here every day, we also want to be sure they remain home in the event they have symptoms outlined by the Oregon Health Authority.
When To Stay Home
- Fever greater than 100.4, return when fever free for 24 hours
- New coughing/difficulty breathing, return when cough is controlled or has improved for 24 hours
- Diarrhea (episode more than three times), return when symptoms have improved for 24 hours
- Vomiting, can return when they have not vomited for 24 hours
- Headache, stiff neck and a fever, can return when symptom-free or with doctor's note
- Rash of any kind, can return when symptom-free (rash is gone or can be completely covered with a bandage), or doctor's note
- Red eyes w/ colored discharge/drainage, can return when symptom-free or with doctor/nurse note
We strongly encourage those people with colds to wear masks. We appreciate your cooperation in ensuring everyone stays healthy. If you have questions don't hesitate to call our school health assistant @ 503.916.5700.
HP Food Pantry Opens the 28th See Flyer Below
Scenes From HP
Our 6th Grade Mixer Was GLOWRIFIC!
A Recent Haul From Our Garden
Lunch Is So Exciting
Middle School Is Full of Suprises
Preschoolers Visit School Garden With Middle School Mentors
Upcoming Dates
November 1st & 4th- No School for Teacher Grading/Planning
November 5th- 9:30 Start Time
November 15th-22nd- Dental Sealants @ School
November 20th- Early Release @ 1:45
November 25th & 26th- Parent/Teacher Conferences
November 25th-29th- No School