Make or Break '28
Monthly Newsletter
Freshmen Families!
Welcome to Second Semester.
Some of you may have received emails and/or phone calls regarding your students 1st Semester grades. If they failed a course they are being given the opportunity to recover that credit during Extended School Day. ESD is offered Monday - Thursday from 3:15 PM to 5:00 PM. Transportation is provided for our bus riders and must be requested if your student decides to stay.
Please contact your Freshman VIPs Ms. Sparks and Ms. Ortiz to sign your student up for Extended Day and a bus (if needed).
If your student is not able to attend ESD they will be facing a schedule change in order to be placed in Credit Recovery. If they failed a class, Credit Recovery is the only way to replace that failure.
Progress reports will be available on the MyStudent Parent portal soon. Please remember to create a Parent portal so you can keep up to date on grades. You are now also able to see minor infractions, such as cell phone warnings. As a parent you also have access to absences and State testing scores. We want to be sure our Freshmen are on track and that we are all on the same page to help them as the year progresses.
Please remember the school policies listed below. Cell phones continue to be an issue. Remind your student the importance of putting away electronic devices so they can take advantage of the instruction during class time.
Ms. Sparks will be in English classes with course cards. This is an opportunity for your student to pick their classes for next year.
Finally our Staff Spotlight will begin to feature items to help the Class of '28 and is now called Freshman Spotlight.
Freshmen VIPS
Mrs. Lipa - Principal
Ms. Sparks - Counselor
Ms. Ortiz - Grad Coach
Freshmen Spotlight
Healthy Relationship Month.
This month is Healthy Relationship Month, as it coincides with Valentine's Day, which naturally places attention on relationships. The focus in school is more an opportunity to emphasize the importance of building healthy and supportive connections with people. It is also a chance to raise awareness about potential issues like dating violence, especially among teenagers.
February is also designated as "Teen Dating Violence Awareness Month," highlighting the need to educate young people about healthy relationships and warning signs of abuse. We want to promote key aspects of healthy relationships like open communication, mutual respect, trust, and equality.
The month provides time to assess personal relationships and identify areas where improvement is needed, whether it is friends, or family. We want all students to understand what a healthy relationship looks like in all aspects of their lives.
For more information visit the National Domestic Violence Hotline at:
You can also contact the National Domestic Violence Hotline at
800 799 SAFE (7233) or text the word START to 88788.
Extended School Day
We have two math teachers, Ms. Berley and Mrs. Beasman, who are more than willing to help your student with tutoring. Students can bring their notes or homework from the day. They are also there to support our Freshman who are recovering their 1st Semester Algebra credits.
We also have ESE Support, Mr. Zak, who can sit with your student 1:1 if needed.
Ms. Bender and Ms. Ortiz can assist with English and other courses as well.
The ESD Crew would want you to remind your student(s) that all school policies and behavior expectations should be followed while there.
Pasco Policies and Procedures
Important Dates to Know
WIDA Testing: This test is for our ESOL (English Speakers of Other Language) Students. This will continue through February.
February: Counselors will be in English classes going over next years course selections. Freshman will have a blue course card that will need your approval.
February 9th: Dual Enrollment. Students must speak to Ms. Sparks - Freshman Counselor.
February 14th and 17th: NO SCHOOL.
February 21st: Progress Reports will be available in MyStudent.March: Spring Spirit Week will be coming up in March. Mr. Davis your Class Sponsor can fill you in on participation.
March 13th Community Night 5:00 - 7:00 PM: There will be food trucks and break out sessions for each grade level. The evening will begin in the Shark Gym. More information will come as we get closer to the date.
March 17th - 21st: Spring Break. No School.
Wireless Communication Devices
Verbal Warning
(Device must be placed into backpack or teacher designated area)
Documentation in Minor Incident Form & Parent Contact
(Administration/Discipline IA Confiscation of Device & Pickup at End of School Day)
Documentation in Minor Incident Form & Parent Contact
(Administration/Discipline IA Confiscation of Device & Pickup by Parent at Front Office)
Referral & Parent Contact
(Administration/Discipline IA Confiscation of Device & Pickup by Parent at Front Office. Impact Meeting to Discuss Student Behavior & Future Consequences)
Referral & Parent Contact
(Admin/Discipline IA Confiscation of Device & Pickup by Parent at Front Office. Student Banned from Carrying Device on Campus for Remainder of Semester)
Wireless Communication Devices (WCD’s) include but is not limited to: Cell Phones, Smart Watches, Air Pods, Ipads, Gaming Devices, Computers, Laptops, Speakers, Ear Buds, Headphones, Tablets, etc.
Tardy Policy
Minor incident report, refer to REP Chart & expectations
Minor incident report, reflection sheet, and parent contact from teacher
10th TARDY
Minor incident report, parent contact from teacher, refer to administration for lunch behavioral intervention. Scheduling of a parent impact meeting by administration
15th TARDY
Minor incident report, refer to administration for alternative discipline (i.e. After School Detention, Saturday School)
Minor incident report after every 5 additional tardies, refer to administration for alternative discipline (i.e. After school detention, Saturday school).
Students are expected to be in class when the tardy bell rings. The tardy policy will refresh at the start of each quarter. Students arriving on campus after 8:50am must sign in at the Front Office. Teachers will be proactive in keeping parents up to date on individual classroom behavior & contact home if student develops a pattern of tardy behavior.
Dress Code Requirements
Coverage: Clothing covering front, back, sides, entire chest, genital area, and buttocks • Shirts must have sleeves or straps and extend to the waistband of pants/shorts/skirts/or other bottoms • No visible undergarments, including bra straps and underwear waistbands
Footwear: Shoes or sandals with protective soles are required. • Socks (when worn alone) and slippers are not allowed.
Classroom Suitability: Clothing must be appropriate for all classroom activities
Specialized Attire: Required for some courses (e.g., sports uniforms, safety gear)
Prohibited Clothing/Items: Clothing exposing underwear, body parts, or skin in an indecent manner • Clothing causing substantial disruption or safety concerns • Clothing depicting profanity, drugs, alcohol, violence, vulgarity, or sexually explicit images • Gang-related or antisocial group affiliation clothing • Wallet chains, spiked jewelry, dog collar-style jewelry • Slippers, pajamas, or costumes (unless approved for special events) • Hats, bandanas, or head coverings (unless preapproved for medical, religious, or special activities) • Pajama pants, a standard flag worn as apparel, and pillows or blankets during the course of the school day.
Second Amendment Expression: Clothing or accessories depicting firearms/weapons or expressing opinions about Second Amendment rights are not grounds for disciplinary action. Consequences for Violations: First Offense: Verbal warning; parent/guardian notification • Second Offense: Ineligibility for extracurricular activities for up to five (5) days; parent/guardian meeting • Third Offense: In-school suspension for up to three (3) days; ineligibility for extracurricular activities for up to thirty (30) days; parent/guardian notification.
Regulations on Concealing Identity: Identities must always be recognizable. • No coverings that conceal the face including hoods from sweatshirts or jackets commonly referred to as “hoodies”. • Health-related face coverings are permitted. • Principals may modify rules during inclement weather for student safety, safety, or welfare.
Enforcement Students must comply with staff directives. Non-compliance may result in disciplinary action according to district policy.
Contact school administration for details or questions about the dress code policy