The Weekly Update #7
September 22, 2024
From the Principal
Cougar Families,
We are quickly winding down to the end of the 1st 9 weeks. We are entering the 7th week of the 1st 9- week grading period, with the 9 weeks ending on October 9. With this in mind, please continue to check your child's grades through the Parent Access Portal. If you do not have access, or are having troubles with accessing, please reach out to your child's grade level counselor for assistance. Also, please check your child's Google Classrooms for missing assignments.
This week begins Magnet Showcase Week throughout the district. There are different programs that all Magnet schools throughout the district will be conducting this week. Here at Southeast, we have planned tours for elementary students who are interested in the program. If you know someone who is interested, please share the showcase calendar that will be listed below. Additionally, any 8th graders who want to apply to a high school magnet program, the priority window begins on September 30. If interested, please note that your child must meet the specified qualifications of having a 2.0 GPA for the past 4 semesters and scored Basic in ELA and Math on LEAP 2025 during this past Spring. If you have any questions, please reach out to the schools that your child is interested in.
As noted by last week's newsletter, we are celebrating Hispanic Heritage Month. We are looking to have a great celebration for our students. With that, if there are any parents who are interested in volunteering items for our celebration, please contact us at the school to let us know if you are able to assist.
We would truly like to thank all parents who have been making a concerted effort to ensure that students are picked up in a timely manner daily. Also, please be reminded that parents should remain outside the building during practices and tryouts. This is due to safety and security reasons. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact the principal directly.
Educationally yours,
Regina M. Bennett, Esq.,
Principal, Southeast Middle Magnet School
Tutoring interest form
Resources You Can Use
Tutoring Assistance
XTPlease look at the attached newsletter for tutoring opportunities through LDOE.
Tutoring Information
Please look at the attached newsletter for tutoring opportunities through LDOE.
We Are a BOXTOPS school!
Please, when you see that any grocery item that you purchase has the Boxtop logo, please scan it! This goes to help our school!
Magnet Showcase Week Information
Magnet Application Periods
Please see graphic for application periods for the 2025-2026 school year.
High School Showcase and Tour Dates
Please see the above calendar for school tours and showcase dates and times.
Middle School Showcase and Tour Dates
Please see the above calendar for school tours and showcase dates and times.