Hilltop Elementary School
September 13th
Thank you for your cooperation with the morning drop off.
Please stand away from the cones and move closer to the grass so that students from the car line can walk through and find their line. Thank you.
Announcements and Updates
Please check your child's backpack or Friday folder for school photo form
Crunch and Sip (snack time)
Crunch&Sip is a set time i for students to ‘refuel’ on a healthy snack (fruit,vegetable, cheese stick, beef stick) and ‘rehydrate’ with water. Students who are not hungry and are well hydrated perform better in the classroom, show increased concentration, and are less likely to be irritable. Classrooms are nut free, so please make sure your child's snack does not contain any nuts.
Late Arrivals
If students arrive after 8:35 a.m., parents/guardians MUST escort students into the building and sign them in.
Pick Up Patrol
Please note that any changes regarding your child’s dismissal plan MUST be entered in Pick-Up Patrol. After 1:00 p.m. any changes must be called into the main office. Staff will send your child to the designated area as specified in the daily dismissal report.
The Board of Education has an obligation to require students of this district to be present at school so that he/she may be educated appropriately. This policy is for the benefit of the students, their parents/guardians, and the community at large. This policy is based on the belief that a student must attend class on a regular basis if he/she is to receive the maximum benefit from classroom instruction and profit from the exchange of ideas within the classroom. Absences, for any reason, restrict and inhibit the ability of the student to master and complete the prescribed curriculum requirements and the various subject proficiencies. The Mendham Borough Board of Education and the Hilltop School staff recognize and accept the responsibility to provide a thorough and efficient education for every student and expect the cooperation of students and parents/guardians in this endeavor.
September Is Attendance Awareness Month
Hilltop Highlights
Literacy Corner
How Can You Learn Together at Home?
As the school year begins, your child has already started developing the skills to become a stronger reader and writer. It's essential to continue this practice at home. Throughout the year, I'll share some easy tips you can use to support your child's learning.
For additional information on resources on reading/writing, activities/games, what to read at home, or our curriculum, please visit my wakelet site: MBSD Literacy
Tip for this week:
Write together
Engage your child in writing opportunities such as writing thank-you letters or cards to family or friends. Students can also help make grocery lists or menus or create labels or signs to use when playing games or during imaginative play.
Invite your child to keep a journal with short daily or weekly entries.
HSA Happenings
The HSA is hosting its Fall FUNdraiser on September 29 at Riamede Farms.Grab the family for a morning of apple picking from 9am - 11am. All proceeds will go toward playground enhancements at Hilltop School.
Register today! https://riamedefarm.ticketspice.com/hilltop-school
Around Mendham
Mendham Cub Scout Pack 3 invites boys in grades K-5 to participate in its Model Rocket Launch on Sunday, September 15 at 11am. Rocket kits will be provided and can be picked up prior to the event. To reserve a rocket, please register at www.mendhamcubscoutpack3.org/events/rocket-launch. The Pack's website also provides more details about the rocket building workshop (September 8), check-in (September 13) and launch. Come have fun with Mendham Cub Scout Pack 3 - the largest and most active Pack in town!
Follow Us!
Mark Your Calendars
9/19- Back To School Night
9/20- Walk and Roll
9/20- Volunteer Training
9/24- Parent Council Meeting
9/25- Bus Safety Drill
9/27-Volunteer Training