R10 AP Leadership Academy
Rising Up Leadership
The WHY...
Learn Through Leadership Development
Regardless of experience level or career trajectory, Assistant Principals will not want to miss the 24-25 Assistant Principal Leadership Academy (APLA). The Academy is aligned with the Texas Principal Standards, and evidence-based research to assist administrators in developing skills to lead a campus, monitor instruction, influence campus culture, and develop core leadership strengths. The essential piece that makes this group work is the coming together of individuals to form a professional learning cohort. APLA is led by national, international, and regional experts through interactive hands-on learning, driven by reflection, collaboration, and networking.
“...Our superintendent has appreciated this program and what it has brought to our leaders.”
The How...
Academy Concept & Design
- Intense training in leadership and curriculum fully aligned to the five Texas Principal Standards
- Learn directly from national/international authors and researchers authors and scholars
- Explore the latest research-based practices, articles, and literature
- Meet formally once a month face-to-face
- Engage in hands-on learning, developing personal strengths for leadership through a cohort model that encourages networking opportunities
- Earn up to 60 hours of Professional Development Hours (PDH)
- Certificate of completion for each completed session
- Recommendation from the superintendent or his/her designee
- Approval of the current campus supervisor
- Commitment to being an instructional leader with the desire to increase the academic achievement of all students
- Dedication to professional growth and a willingness to support the academy activities within your district
- Completed APLA enrollment form
- New administrators, current assistant principals, and deans with administrative experience selected by the district superintendent or his/her designee.
- Participation in eight (8) required sessions
APLA 2024-2025 Upcoming Events
Instructional Leadership
Stand Tall Leadership
Presenter: Steven Bollar
Date: September 26, 2024
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Developing yourself as a leader is more than reading a few books and implementing a new strategy - you have to strengthen relationships, develop useful systems, inspire your organization to follow you, and communicate effectively at all times.
Improving Teacher Development and Evaluation
Date: October 24, 2024
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Instructional leadership can be a vague concept. This session will help assistant principals understand the components of instructional leadership that they can use to build teacher effectiveness and foster growth.
"Principal Leadership in Special Education" (Principal Standards 2, 3)
Date: November 19, 2024
Special education procedures are complex, onerous, and legally mandated. It takes leadership within a team approach to navigate these thorny issues while fulfilling the various procedures and rules under the IDEA. This presentation will discuss tools and strategies to effectively face special education challenges and remain legally compliant in this area.
"Poverty Simulation" (Principal Standards 4,3)
Date: December 5, 2024
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Poverty is a reality for many individuals and families. But unless you’ve experienced poverty, it’s difficult to truly understand. The Community Action Poverty Simulation (CAPS) bridges the gap from misconception to understanding. CAPS is an interactive immersion experience. It sensitizes community participants to the realities of poverty.
Five Big Ideas for Leading a High Reliability School: Supporting Assistant Principals with Data Driven Leadership
Presenter: Dr. Mario Acosta
Date: January 23, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Engage in this transformative professional development session tailored for K-12 assistant principals. Focused on the "High Reliability Schools framework and process," this session will delve into creating a safe, supportive, collaborative, continuous improvement culture, ensuring effective teaching in every classroom, and using a standards-focused curriculum to support successful learning for each student. Through collaboration and exploration, participants will gain actionable insights to guide their schools toward high reliability using data-driven leadership strategies to foster an environment that enhances staff and student outcomes.
Cultivating Wellness - Momentous Institute
Presenter: Dr. Meroudijie Denis and Mrs. Vanessa Stuart
Date: Feb. 20, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
We know that school leaders shape the culture and well-being of a school. However, research shows that 85% of school leaders face significant stress (roughly 2.5 times higher than the average working adult) which can lead to high turnover rates and residual consequences for the school . This training from Momentous Institute is designed to help leaders cultivate strategies to support their own strong mental health and understand the neuroscience of behaviors to support both students and staff in our post-pandemic world.
Select for Excellence – 12 Proven Strategies to Improve Your Hiring Practices
Presenter: Jimmy Casas
Date: March 27, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
There is nothing more important than selecting the right people, people with the right talent who want to be excellent! However, are you modeling excellence during the interview process? Do you approach the selection process with the intention of establishing a meaningful relationship with each candidate? What are the candidates saying about you and your school once they leave the interview? In this session Jimmy will share 12 Tips to Improve Your Hiring Practices, leaving candidates looking back after they complete the interview process saying, “I would give anything to work for that organization!”
"Aspiring Principals Roundtable" (Principal Standards 1,2,3,4,5)
Presenter: Region 10 Principals
Date: April 24, 2025
Time: 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The goal of the Aspiring Principals’ Roundtable is to provide participants with workshops focused on different aspects of the principalship. Assistant Principals, who have been participating in our year-long professional development academy, will culminate their year with an opportunity to learn from experts in the field. This session will feature a Keynote Speaker followed by workshops connected to the principals' standards for viable application.
Previous Roundtable Speakers
Academy Fees
The program fee is a part of your district’s commitment process for the Package of Administrative Services. If you have more qualified candidates than allocated seats, please contact Phyllis Lawler at Phyllis.lawler@region10.org.
Dr. Zaida Saldivar
Supervision & Leadership Development
Email: zaida.saldivar@region10.org
Website: www.region10.org
Phone: 972-348-1044