Berthoud Elementary School News
Friday, September 6th, 2024
Wednesday, September 11th - Grandparents' Breakfast for grades K, 3rd & 5th - 8:00-8:40
Wednesday, September 11th - Late Start - School Starts At 9:00am
Wednesday, September 18th - Grandparents' Breakfast for grades 1st, 2nd & 4th 8:00-8:40
The Dot
Last week Ms. Schmitz's class read the book "The Dot" and learned about
differences, creativity, and kindness. Then they designed their own dots to illustrate
our beautiful differences!
Grandparents' Breakfast
Picture Day Is Coming!
If your student needs to be absent for some reason on picture day, don't worry! There will be a re-take day on November 1st.
BES Fall Festival
It's almost time for the annual BES Fall Festival! Our beloved PTA has been hard-at-work planning this, and we hope to have a huge turnout! See the flyer below for all the details. Scan the QR code to purchase tickets, or just click here!
Music Showcases
Hello Eagle families! It's time to put some showcase dates on your calendar! Refer to the info below from Mr. Johnson, and please reach out to him if you have any questions.
Thursday, December 12th
1st Grade at 6:00pm
Eagle Choir (3rd - 5th graders) at 7:00pm
Thursday, February 27th
2nd Grade at 6:00pm
3rd Grade at 7:00pm
Thursday, April 3rd
4th Grade at 6:00pm
5th Grade at 7:00pm
All concerts are held in the BES gym and students meet 15 minutes beforehand in the music room. We will have a practice performance during specials time on the day of the performance.
Students are asked to dress nicely. No shorts or sweatpants, if possible. Eagle choir registration forms will go home in the next couple of weeks. Please contact me with any questions.
Mark Johnson
BES Music
TSD Bus Outages
Attention BES bus riding families-
As a reminder, please refer the schedule below to see when your bus route will be affected by the bus outage. On the dates listed, you will not have bus service to or from school. If you have any questions or concerns about this, please contact transportation directly at 970-613-5185.
Route 201 (cow bus) - August 26-Sept. 5
Route 202 (goat bus) - Sept 6-Sept 16
Route 203 (horse bus) - Sept 17-Sept 25
Route 204 (cat bus) - Sept 26-Oct 4
Route 205 (mouse bus) - Oct 7-Oct 16
Register To Volunteer At BES
Hello BES families!
Who is ready to come and volunteer at Berthoud Elementary? We are so grateful for your time and willingness to volunteer and attend field trips and other school events.
To become a volunteer, you will need to fill out a new volunteer form. If you are a returning volunteer, you do NOT need to fill out the form. This is for new volunteers only.
New volunteers, click here to begin the registration process. You'll need to complete the form and the district background check to participate in any volunteering for our school. Yes, this includes field trips and school events. Please take some time this week to complete the form so we can connect you in our schools throughout the year! We already have a few exciting events in store for the Fall including our annual Fall Carnival where we will need all hands on deck! Other upcoming events included hearing and vision screening, specialspalooza, and picture day.
Thank you again for your time. If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to me,Kelly Seaton, Volunteer Coordinator, at
Thank you!
Kelly Seaton
Visit With The Board
The Thompson School District Board of Education will host two public engagement sessions this fall. The meetings will be held on Thursday, September 12 and Monday, October 21 from 6:00 PM to 7:30 PM at the district's administration building, located at 800 South Taft Avenue in Loveland. Please see the image below for more information. Spanish language interpretation and child care will be available at the forums.
The district's Board of Education consists of seven elected individuals, each representing a Director District within the community. Board members serve in the roles as volunteers, dedicating many hours each week to their duties. To learn more about the members of the Board, please visit
For more information on the engagement sessions, please contact Michael Hausmann, Thompson School District Chief Communications Officer, at 970-613-5011 or via e-mail at
The Daily Mile Is Back!
Starting August 26th, Coach Jones is again challenging students to do the Daily Mile. On school day mornings, students can walk or run with Coach Jones, to start their day off with some exercise. Participants gather at 7:40 and walk or run till 7:55 (8:40-8:55 on Wednesdays). It is a great way to wake up the body and the brain to start the day! Let Coach know if you have questions, and come join the fun!
A Few Reminders...
The school year is off to a great start! Now that we are all back in the swing of things, here are a few important reminders:
For security reasons, we ask that parents not enter the building with your student in the mornings before school. Please say your goodbyes outside, and allow our staff to help students to their classrooms or breakfast.
Also, this year the east gate is for kindergarten students only. 1st through 5th grade should use either the back north gate or the west gate. This is a change from last year, but it is important to keep our youngest students safe.
One last reminder - per Thompson School District policy, please do not bring pets on campus.
Again, from the whole staff at Berthoud El, thank you for a great first week of school!
YMCA After-School Care
If you need after-school care for your student, check out what the YMCA has to offer. See the flyer below, or click here for more information.
Soft Start Info
Welcome back BES families and students!
Arriving to school this year
Supervision starts at 7:40. No students should be on the grounds before this time. From 7:40 to 7:50 students may play on the playground and field.
At 7:50, a bell will ring and students should line up at their teachers' outside door, and their teacher will let them into the classroom. The classroom doors will then be shut and will not be opened again prior to the school day starting. (Kindergarten students will line up outside with their teachers in the fenced area on the east side of the school that pre-school uses at 7:50).
Any grade level student arriving after 7:50 will need to come in one of 3 building doors, depending on the grade level of the student (see map on the opposite side of this page). Once in the building, students should go directly to their classroom.
Refer to the map below for details.
** Breakfast will still be available for students starting at 7:40 and students wishing to have a school breakfast should come in the front doors by the main office.
Thank you!
2024-2025 Student Handbook
We ask that all families please fill out the linked Google form to acknowledge that you have read the Parent Handbook. You may click here to do that, or use the active link on the last page of the Handbook.
Thank you, and we look forward to an amazing new school year with all of you!
From Nutrition Services...
A note from our cafeteria - please note that if your student brings lunch from home, they need to bring their own drink. Milk is not provided unless they are getting a school lunch.
Other news from Nutrition Services
Meal Benefit Applications – Do I need to fill it out?
Yes! While meals are free for All students this year, all families are still asked to fill out an application. Why? The Healthy School Meals for All (HSMA) program is funded in partnership with federal nutrition programs that rely on income information to support meals for all students. Other state and federal grants are awarded based on free and reduced meal eligibility rates.
Additionally, families that qualify may receive discounted or waived fees for programs inside and outside of the school district. Applications are available to all households at school sites and online at
Applications need to be completed annually (after mid-July) for the new school year. The information provided on the application is confidential and is not shared without your consent.
For more information on our program, please call 970-613-5146.
Get Involved With The PTA!
Meet Your PTA Board Members!
Michelle Schmeltzer - President
Emily Dietrick - Vice President
Lyndsie Walker - Secretary
Kate Nicholson - Treasurer
Need Help In The Parent Portal?
How to translate this newsletter
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Para obtener instrucciones sobre cómo traducir este boletín, haga clic aquí.
Berthoud Elementary
Location: 560 Bunyan Ave, Berthoud, CO 80513, USA
Phone: 970-613-7500