Prosper Guard Update:
December 13, 2024
Hello Prosper Guard Family,
Happy Holidays! I hope you had a fantastic Thanksgiving Break and are looking forward to the upcoming winter break. I wanted to take a moment to celebrate what an amazing fall season we had. Back to back 6A State appearances and a finalist position at BOA Grand Nationals was an incredible end to our season. This was the most competitive field that we have faced at Grand Nationals, and receiving the honor of being one of the top 12 programs is a testament to all of the hard work and dedication our program has put into this year's show. Our color guard is the strongest (both on and off the field) that we have ever been, and I know I can speak for the other directors and color guard staff when I say that we are incredibly proud of the Prosper Guard's contribution to the success of our fall season.
As we turn the page to winter guard season, it's important to remember that grade checks will occur, and all students are required to be eligible to participate. So, please make sure that you are finishing off the semester strong! Students will be allowed to utilize our class period next week for study hall. We realize that some might still be catching up from our absences in November.
If you are not continuing with winter guard next semester, and you haven't met with your counselor yet, please send them an email to have your class changed next semester. Your advisory will also change to your 2nd/6th period class. The Counselors have been aware of the class roster changes, and they should be able to help you with your course change. If you need any assistance, please let me know.
One more item: a BIG THANK YOU to all of our parent volunteers, chaperones and snack donors (😉) from this season. I could not do this without your support and dedication to our students. Thank you so much!
Happy Holidays! Thank you!
Ms. K
Band News
Marching Band & Winter Guard Fees
- Please make sure you are up to date on all of your marching band fee payments. It is a requirement that either a payment plan or full payment of marching band fees is completed for a student to be able to participate in winter guard. If you need assistance with managing fees, please reach out to Mr. Renzenbrink: aprenzenbrink@prosper-isd.net
- If your student ordered replacement items (leggings, jacket, etc) and you haven't paid for those items yet, you will see them added to your student's account in CutTime.
- Winter Guard Fees will be added to your student's account.
- Winter guard fees are $500 for both JV and Varsity Students.
- Varsity students will have an additional fee of $250 for our trip to WGI Tulsa, in March 2025.
Fundraisers & Winter Guard Show Hosting
We will have the following fundraisers this season:
- Spiritwear store
- Show Shirt Ad Fundraiser
- Calendar Sponsorships
We will also be hosting 2 NTCA Events at PHS this year:
- NTCA Prosper Contest: 1/31/25
- Please make sure you have signed up to volunteer. Signups are in the Band News.
- NTCA Solo & Ensemble Contest: 4/26/25
- I will have more information for what this entails for hosting, after this weekend.
- I will have more information on how students can participate in Solo & Ensemble, after this weekend.
All of the Prosper Band & Guard Families will participate in these, along with a few more fundraisers coming in the spring. Let's make sure that we have a large involvement with our Guard Parents in all of these events!
PBBC meetings are on the Prosper Band Calendar. Parents: you are PBBC members, so please make sure you're taking the time to attend these meetings!
Recommended Winter Guard Items
Parents & Students,
This is a list of items that would be worth having for rehearsals this winter season:
- Bring your bike helmet!
- It's a good idea to bring your bike helmet for when we start working on intermediate to advanced tossing skills. Borrow your little brother's helmet if you don't have one! It'll keep your noggin protected!
- Knee pads:
- It's a good idea to have a pair of dance knee pads for the winter season, to protect your knees from damage when you're doing groundwork. Here are some examples:
- Feet covering:
- Students will be barefoot in their shows this year. If you would like to order a foot covering, you want to make sure to look at something like the following:
- https://discountdance.com/dancewear/Adult-Footundeez-Lyrical-Half-Soles/p/H07?shop=Style&rfilter=Category%23Lyrical+%26+Modern&SID=1997135221
- https://discountdance.com/dancewear/Footnote-Neoprene-Half-Sole/p/T8940?shop=Style&rfilter=Category%23Lyrical+%26+Modern&SID=1997135495
- https://discountdance.com/dancewear/Adult-Jelz-Footundeez-Lyrical-Half-Soles/p/H07G?shop=Style&rfilter=Category%23Lyrical+%26+Modern&SID=1997136297
Winter Guard Calendar
Please make sure you have all of your student's winter guard dates on your calendar. There are JV and Varsity competitions over Spring Break. Competitions are considered test grades and are required for all students participating in winter guard. Please let me know if you have any question, thank you.
Mighty Eagle Band & Prosper Guard Information
Email: lbkusmierczak@prosper-isd.net
Website: https://prosperband.com/
Location: 301 Eagle Drive, Prosper, TX, USA
Phone: (469) 219-2180
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ProsperMightyEagleBand
Twitter: @prosper_guard
Instagram: @prosper_guard