TJMS Jaguar Tracks
Weekly Student and Family Newsletter - Week of 6/3/24
Parents/Guardians: Please Share this with Your Student
Upcoming Events:
This Week:
6/4 Math End of Year Awards, 2:10
6/5 Last Day of School, Minimum Day
6/5 8th Grade Class Party
Next Week:
Enjoy Your Summer Break!
Quote of the Week
Nora Ephron was an American journalist, writer, and filmmaker. She is best known for writing and directing romantic comedy films and received numerous accolades including a British Academy Film Award
No Backpacks Allowed Last Week of School!
8th graders will be turning in Chromebooks and will be issued a new device next school year. If your 8th grader still have any books or their Chromebook they MUST be turned in at Jefferson before starting 9th grade.
Current 6th and 7th graders do not bring your Chromebooks to turn in. You will continue to use the same device throughout middle school.
Wednesday (Last Day) is a Minimum Day
Summer is Here
Parking Lot and Traffic Safety
Traffic Flow During Pickup/Drop Off
- When picking up or dropping off students, please do NOT stop in the outer lane of the drive way. If you need to stop and wait for your student to get in or out, please pull as far up as possible and stop against the inner curb (school side).
- We must ask that all families drive safely and carefully while in the school parking lot.
Walking Student Safety
- Students should NEVER cross Jackson street except at the cross walks where they are protected by traffic signals.
- Please speak to your students if they walk to ensure they always walk to the cross walks.
If you or a friend or loved one is struggling, resources are available to help.
We are Building Graduates... One Day at a Time
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Bell Schedule and Important Dates
Thomas Jefferson Middle School Contact Information
Phone: (760) 863-3660