The Messenger
First Presbyterian Church: February, March, April 2025
It's hard to deny the beauty of the winter, but it is also true many of us will grow weary of the cold dreariness that winter can bring. We prefer spring's hopefulness, summer's warmth, and fall's vibrance. Yet, the wise Solomon tells us that our lives unfold over all seasons, not only our favorite ones. Many farmers consider winter a time for the land to lay dormant and "heal". Perhaps if a field needs winter to heal, people do too! Winter compels us to slow down, rejuvenate, and reconnect. Take the time you need this winter to refresh your soul and remember the wise words of Solomon: "For everything, there is a season." Blessings to you all and stay warm!
With love and joy to all our church family,
Nancy Sherman
Brenda K. Malpass
Ecclesiastes 3: 16
"There is a time for everything, and a season for every activity under heaven!"
Love in Action
As we step into February, a month often associated with love, we are reminded of the deep and transformative power that love holds in our lives and in the life of the church. As Christians, love is at the very heart of our faith, modeled perfectly by the example of Jesus Christ. But what does it mean to love as Jesus loved? How do we live out that love in a world that so desperately needs it?
In 1 Corinthians 13, often called the "love chapter," the apostle Paul writes that love is patient, kind, humble, and enduring. This kind of love is not merely an emotion; it is a call to action. It challenges us to reach beyond ourselves, extend grace and compassion, and make a tangible difference in the lives of those around us. Love isn’t just something we feel—it’s something we do.
As people of faith, we are invited to consider how we can embody love in practical ways. Whether it’s through supporting our local food pantry, helping a neighbor shovel snow, purchasing blankets for the homeless shelter, or simply offering a listening ear to someone you know who is lonely—every act of love is a reflection of God’s love for us.
Furthermore, we are encouraged to love not only those who are easy to love but also those who challenge us. Our faith calls us to love our neighbors, seek peace and justice, and work for the flourishing of all people. It’s a love that knows no bounds, a love that reaches across divides and fosters unity in Christ.
As we journey through February, let us remember that love is not limited to romantic gestures or sentimental expressions often lifted up as we celebrate Valentine’s Day. True love, as we find it in Christ, is sacrificial, all-encompassing, and transformative. May we be inspired to be vessels of that love, offering it freely to the world and allowing it to shape every part of our lives.
Let this month be a reminder of God's deep, abiding love and the ways we are called to live that love out loud, not just in February but every day of the year.
In Christ’s love,
Pastor Jaime
Sabbatical: A Time to Renew and Reflect
Jesus said, “Come away with me to a quiet place and rest.” – Mark 6:31
In the fast-paced, always-on world we live in, it's easy to overlook the necessity of rest and
renewal, especially for those in demanding roles such as pastor. The leadership and spiritual
guidance they provide are invaluable, but often come at the cost of their own well-being. This is
why sabbaticals for pastors are not just beneficial, but essential.
A sabbatical, for those unfamiliar with the term, is an extended period of leave from one's usual
work, typically several weeks to a few months. It’s a time set aside for rest, personal growth, and
professional development. For pastors, this practice is customary and often contractual, a nod to
the unique challenges and emotional demands of pastoral work. We’re approaching the seventh
year of our relationship with Pastor Jaime. That’s hard to believe and at the same time, it feels as
though she’s been here even longer. Our congregation is obligated by contract to provide Pastor
Jaime a sabbatical during her seventh year of support for First Pres EJ, but in fact, it is our joy to
gratefully provide her with this support.
Our Personnel Ministry Team and Session are pleased to announce that Pastor Jaime will
be observing her sabbatical in the fall of 2025. This two-month period of rest, reflection and
reconnection with our Lord and Savior is so much more than a well-deserved break. It’s an
investment in our beloved Pastor Jaime, and it’s an equal investment in the future of our
congregation. Pastor Jaime is a steadfast pillar of First Pres EJ and the greater East Jordan
community, offering guidance, support, wisdom, and spiritual nourishment. Now, it is our turn to
support her in taking this crucial time for rejuvenation.
Pastor Jaime selected a theme of “Reconnect” for her sabbatical, and she plans to engage in
several activities designed to refresh spirit, mind and body. She will be spending time away from
the hustle and bustle of daily life, reconnecting with God through the simple yet profound beauty
of His creation and immersing herself in theological study and reflection. This time will allow
her to explore new theological insights and deepen her understanding, which she looks forward
to sharing with us upon her return. The demands of pastoral work often mean sacrificing
personal time, and she’ll take a precious opportunity to reconnect relationships with family and
friends, to strengthen the bonds that sustain her in her ministry. And finally, she’ll take time to
reconnect with self, through a solo retreat.
As a congregation, we play a pivotal role in supporting Pastor Jaime’s sabbatical. Led by Session
and Deacons, we will ensure the smooth running of church activities and continue our
community outreach programs with the same dedication and love that Pastor Jaime has always
shown. This collective effort not only demonstrates our respect and care for her but also
reinforces our unity and commitment as a church family.
During Pastor Jaime’s leave, we’ll welcome and receive support from guest pastors, which
Pastor Jaime has already arranged. In anticipation of her return, we look forward to the renewed
energy and fresh perspectives Pastor Jaime will bring back to our congregation. Her sabbatical is
a time for us to reflect on the many blessings we receive through her ministry and to prepare
ourselves for the exciting new directions her rejuvenated leadership will take us.
There will be more news to come between now and fall 2025. Let us keep Pastor Jaime in our
prayers during this time. Her sabbatical is a testament to the importance of rest, renewal,
inspiration and reconnection, reminding us all that taking time to recharge is crucial for sustained
service and growth.
Please contact the office at ejfirstpres@gmail.com or 231-536-2941 with any pastoral needs
during Pastor Jaime’s sabbatical.
As you may know, our friend and music director, Bob Bryan, retired at the end of 2024. The Personnel committee worked hard to find a replacement for Bob's position. We are fortunate that Paul Ferris agreed to help us out and share his gift of music with us for awhile. Paul also graciously offered to help us find a piano to replace the electronic equipment that Bob used. And WOW! He found an a BEAUTIFUL baby grand piano in the Holland area. He went and looked at the piano, arranged the moving of the piano, helped order the necessary supplies needed for it, and arranged the piano tuning. We are so thankful for all of his hard work and help in making a seamless transition. He is very talented and we are thankful for his gift of music on Sundays! Thank you, Paul!
Lent Begins March 5, 2025
Ash Wednesday: March 5th If you would like a "to-go" Ash Wednesday kit, please let the church office know!
Small Group Bible Studies: Start March 10th and 11th; Pastor Jaime will lead a group on Mondays at 10:30 am and Stacey Chipman will lead a group on Tuesdays at 6:00 pm
Lenten Luncheons: We will again be having Lenten Luncheon Services at various community churches beginning on March 12th. The services will begin at 12:10 pm and will be followed with a soup/salad luncheon. All are invited to attend.
- March 12th: First Presbyterian Church
- March 19th: TBD
- March 26th: Community Church
- April 2nd: St. Joseph Catholic Church
- April 9th: TBD
Palm Sunday: April 13th: Please join us for our Palm Sunday service at 9:30 am.
Maundy Thursday: April 17th: We will have communion and a soup supper in the Fellowship Hall at 6:00 pm.
Good Friday: April 18th: TBD
Easter Sunday: April 20th: 9:30 am; We will celebrate the resurrection of the Lord! More details to follow.
In this six-week study, pastor and best-selling author Adam Hamilton explores six of the most important themes in Jesus's teachings, why they matter, and how they speak to us today. The book will explore Jesus’s preaching on the Kingdom of God, the Sermon on the Mount, the parables, the “I am” sayings in John, and more. Jesus's message is not only life-changing, but world-changing. Join us in studying this book by Adam!
Hello! There are lots of activities coming up in the next few months! Check out the calendar in the newsletter!
If you would like your child to be included in Graduation Sunday, please let the church know as soon as possible. Gidley Scholarship applications are due March 1st. They are available outside the church office or email the church for a copy!
Happy New Year! It has been a festive and joyful few months. The Deacons were delighted to host the annual Advent Happenings fellowship time in early December. A meal was enjoyed by all who attended. Thank you to everyone who brought great crafts and hosted tables for all ages to get their “creative spirit” going. Another December celebration was hosted by our group, along with generous donations of our congregation. We had the enjoyment of throwing Pastor Jaime and her daughter and son-in-law, Abbey and Jake, a baby and grandbaby shower. Delicious food, gifts, wonderful fellowship and the anticipation of a new baby made the fellowship time extra special!
Deacons donated $1000 in January to the Ministerial Association through the generosity of our congregation with our loose change offerings ($2700 for 2024). These donations support families and individuals in our community with essential needs. Thank you for your kind support, it truly makes a difference.
Please don't forget our local community during the winter months! The needs are even greater during these long cold days. Here are some of the ways you can help your neighbors:
Our in-church ministries:
-Loose Coin collection which supports the East Jordan Ministerial Association, providing help with food, energy bills and unexpected problems which inevitably arise.
In East Jordan:
-Care and Share Food Pantry and Crossroads Resale Shop in East Jordan
-The Depot
In Ellsworth:
-Moms and Tots which needs infant and toddler toys and clothing and diapers, maternity clothing and gas cards.
-Good Samaritan Resale and Food Bank
-Comforting Hands, a children's foster care support which can use gas, gift and grocery cards
In Charlevoix:
-Joppa House, a women's half-way house which needs grocery receipts from Family Fare for the points
We will be working to find what the needs are of our school pantry and closet and hope to support that this spring. We will participating in the One Great Hour of Sharing offering during Lent.
Please contact Susan Kinloch (Mission and Outreach Elder) for further information.
Email: susankinloch@msn.com
Phone: 231-599-2077
Happy 2025. Our 2024 financial year closed on December 31st and our final figures are done. Our members, friends, family, and visitors have been supportive of the financial needs of the church again this year. We are so blessed that so many people understand our needs and support this church. Our operating income in 2024 was $207,623.53. The operating expenses were $208,487.24. Our expenses exceeded our income by $863.71.
Inspiring live and remote worship, dedicated youth direction, awesome professional music, youth scholarship, local and international Christian support, and humanitarian relief are what our income goes to support. The session has considered and approved a budget for 2025 in line with our historical income and expenses.
Ralph Kooistra
Do you have a canine companion? This time of year, it is so difficult to keep their minds and bodies
stimulated and exercised. I have a different kind of recipe for you this time that they will appreciate very much! Any dog I have treated to these yummies have gone crazy over them. I use them nightly in a game I play with Cocoa. We play hide and seek and she absolutely loves the game and the treats. The size of the pan you use will determine how thick they bake up. The smaller the pan, the more cake like they will be. After baking, you cut them into approximately 1 inch squares. For the game, I break 2 squares into 4 pieces each, giving us 8 rounds of play. I’m sure your pooch will enjoy this treat and will give you a little peace.
Dog Treats
Preheat your oven to 350 degrees and spray your cookie sheet of choice. I usually use a 10x14, but have also used an 11x16.5.
Using a mixer, mix 4 eggs, 2 lb liverwurst, 2 cups of flour, 2 TBL creamy peanut butter.
I have found it easier to mix the ingredients if you break up one pound of liverwurst by hand first, blend it into the other ingredients with your mixer, then add the second pound, mixing well. This will come out like a thick paste, so you can add a dash of milk if you wish. You could also throw in some shredded cheese if you like.
Spread this mixture onto your cookie sheet. It doesn’t have to be completely flat, but try to make it as
evenly spread out as possible.
Bake for 30 minutes or until it is lightly browned.
Remove from oven and cut with a pizza cutter or a knife and kind of toss it around in the pan. Place back in the oven for 5 to 10 minutes to make it a little more crispy.
I divide the treats into sandwich size baggies and freeze them, keeping one bag out for use that you should store in the refrigerator. Cocoa loves these so much, she doesn’t care if they are frozen or not, but it’s harder to break them into small pieces if frozen!
Hope your pups enjoy!
Debbie Chappuies!
1. Click on this link: https://mobile.myamplify.io/landing/vmmE
2. Download either by clicking on the Apple App Store (Apple devices) or Google Play (Android devices).
3. Click on Get
4. Click on Open
5. It will ask if you would like to set First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan as your church. Click YES.
6. Click Allow for notifications if you would like to get notifications.
7. Once you go into a section, to get back to the main page, you will need to click the four box icon in the top right corner.
9. Need help? Check in with Trent after worship or stop into the office and we can help!
- Approved using our 25% from the Peace and Global collection by donating it to the hurricane victims
- Donated $200 to the East Jordan Senior All Night Party
- Approved Personnel Committee recommendations for salaries for staff for 2025
- Approved using John Smith account money (MMA) to purchase a baby grand piano
- No meeting
Please pray for:
Boden Vrondran; Vic Patrick who fell and is in rehab at Boulder Park; Tracy Malpass who had a knee replacement; Zila Healey; Lisa Gandelot; Bill Olstrom; Denny Jesiek; Ken Visser; Bob Visser; Cathy Stark Hawley; Donna Kline; Lou Thumser; Jeff Cook; Tom Reid; Jeff Olstrom; Leslie (Sally Lilak's friend from Florida); Josh Fizer (Paul and Liz's nephew); Josh Spears; Rich and Wava Dietrich's sister-in-law, Lynda, who is struggling with Dementia; Artie Jones; Stephanie Saad; Kristine Olstrom; Mary Jason; Bonnie Grover; Ken Kline; Our Nursing Home Residents: Jim and Marie Shepard, Nancy LaCroix.
- Congratulations to Lizzie Koostra on her graduation from MSU with a degree in Mechanical Engineering. She is now at the University of Michigan working on her Masters Degree in Space Engineering. She will also be doing an internship for Blue Origin this summer in Seattle working with the engine structures team.
- Congratulations to Ryder Malpass for receiving Academic All State honors for football!
Parents: if you have anything you would like added to our newsletter, please email Sarah!
- A huge thanks to Stacey Chipman for her wonderful rendition of the Christmas story for our Christmas program on December 15th. Thanks to Kathy Frake who built an amazing manager for Mary and Joseph, as well as Debbie Chappieus and Nancy Sherman for putting all of the costumes together, and to everyone who participated to make this year's pageant a success.Thank you to everyone who has made a difference in the life of the church.
- A big thanks to the Deacon's for hosting a "Grand Baby Shower: for Pastor's Jaime and Jim. Their daughter Abby and husband Jake are expecting in February, everyone is anxiously awaiting the arrival of the new little boy.
- to the Deacons and Session members who graciously serve!
- to the volunteers that helped with the outdoor display at the Tourist Park!
- to all those that helped with Advent Happening and Hanging of the Greens!
- to all that provided special music!
- to the volunteers who decorated the church!
- our live streaming volunteers!
- to all the volunteers who helped CLEAN OUT on January 15th!
- to Ken Schiemann for his donation of a snowblower that will help our snow removal systems greatly!
- To Paul Ferris for finding our beautiful new piano and arranging the transportation, tuning, and accessories for it!
- Our thoughts and prayers go to the family of Gayle Gotts who passed away on December 23rd. A celebration of Gayle's life will be held on her birthday, June 28, 2025, from 12:00 noon to 2:00 P.M. at The Boathouse on Lake Charlevoix in East Jordan, Michigan.
- Our condolences go to the family and friends of Lorna Peebles who died on December 5, 2024. A memorial service will be held at a later date.
- Please remember to continue to keep all of our "Snowbirds" in your prayers and we look forward to their return this spring.
February 2: Service Sunday: We will be making Valentine's Day Cards for our homebound friends and snowbirds! Everyone is welcome to join!; Homebound Communion; Communion Sunday
February 10th: Meet and Eat; 5:30 pm
February 16th: Session Meeting following Worship
February 23rd: Service Sunday: Help us make Ash Wednesday kits!
March 1st: Gidley Scholarship Applications Due
March 2nd: Communion Sunday; Communion to homebound
March 5th : Lent Begins; Ash Wednesday. Let the church know if you would like an Ash Wednesday “To Go” kit.
March 10th: Meet and Eat at 5:30 pm; Deacons Meeting 6:45 pm
March 10th and 11th: Bible Study begins! Mondays at 10:30 am or Tuesdays at 6pm
March 12th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; First Presbyterian Church
March 16th: Session Meeting following Worship
March 17th and 18th: Bible Study! Monday at 10:30 am or Tuesday at 6:00 pm
March 19th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; TBA
March 24th and 25th: Bible Study! Monday at 10:30 am or Tuesday at 6pm
March 26th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; EJ Community Church
March 31st and April 1st: Bible Study! Monday at 10:30 am or Tuesday at 6pm
April 2nd: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; St. Joseph's Catholic Church
April 6th: Service Sunday: Help us make Easter Cards for our friends! Communion Sunday; Homebound Communion
April 7th and 8th: Bible Study; Monday at 10:30 or Tuesday at 6pm
April 9th: Lenten Service, 12:10 pm; TBA
April 12th: Tom Galmore's Celebration of Life; 11 am
April 13th: Palm Sunday, 9:30 am
April 14th and 15th: Bible Study! Monday at 10:30 am or Tuesday at 6:00 pm
April 14th: Meet and Eat at 5:30 pm
April 17th: Maundy Thursday, 6pm; Communion and soup supper in Fellowship Hall
April 18th: Good Friday Service; TBA
April 20th: Easter Sunday; 9:30 am
MEET AND EAT - Second Monday of each month at 5:30 pm
DEACONS MEETING – Every-other month on Mondays
SESSION MEETING – 3rd Sunday of each month following Worship
DEVOTIONAL YOGA – every Wednesday at 10:00am (Fellowship Hall)
LOOSE CHANGE SUNDAY – 3rd Sunday of each month. You can also give to this via our online giving options (designate “Deacons”).
Happy Birthday!
5: Laken Skop
7: Sandy Johnson
8: Dennis Jesiek
14: Elaine Spence
16: Richard Hodge
20: Owen Chappuies
21: Richard Allen
22: Amanda Spence & Kamita Myers
24: Nancy LaCroix; Keegan Fila
28: Kendall Spence
4: Lisa Gandelot
5: Jeanne Broad; Tracey Sherman
7: Sophie Snyder
9: Kay Abramson
11: Rich Dietrich
17: Haylah Buell & Stacey Chipman
18: Patti Hodge
20: Alyssa Sherman
22: Alice Thumser
23: Mary Jason
25: Stacey Buckholz
3: Sally Lilak; Hilary Buell
5: Nick Cook
6: Brenda K. Malpass
10: Karyn Dunlap; Rick Gotts
13: Olivia Payne
14: Bob Malpass
18: Sandy Saville
21: Madison Paulus
23: John Hunter
25: Gary Peters
26: Taylor Hawley; Laurie Sherman
27: Bob Hawley
30: Penelope Malpass
16: Jim & Marie Shepard
20: John and Connie Hunter
24: Nathan & Lindsey Skop
7: Vic and Mary Patrick
10: Ken & Nancy Visser
22: Mike & Nicole Youngs
26: John and Jeanne Broad
SESSION: Brenda K. Malpass, Patrick McGinn, Toni Jeffery, Susan Kinloch, Abbie Hawley, Garrett Wilson, Donna Kline, Ralph Kooistra. Nancy Visser is the Clerk of Session.
DEACONS: Kathy Frake, Dee Hawley, Nikki Little, Liz Nachazel, Brooke Hawley, and Anne Olstrom.
One Great Hour of Sharing Offering
The looks of the Presbyterian Foundation giving page has changed! It is much easier to navigate than previously! Check it out! It's easy to sign up for online giving to First Presbyterian Church of East Jordan! Either scan the code or click on the following link!
About Us
Email: ejfirstpres@gmail.com
Website: ejpresbyterian.com
Location: 207 Williams Street, East Jordan, MI, USA
Phone: 2315362941
Facebook: facebook.com/ejpresbyterianchurch