Dear Decatur Township Families,
As we have moved into the month of March, we are hopefully seeing the end of winter soon. As is typical Indiana weather, we have seen some warmer temps in the last couple of weeks, which allowed our elementary students to get outdoors for recess for a few days. Unfortunately, we typically see colder temps and some winter precipitation in March so we will enjoy the warmer temps whenever we experience them.
March brings many other important dates and events, including registration for the 2025-26 school year and spring break, which begins after the end of the school day on Thursday, March 20th. We will return from spring break on Monday, March 31st. Additionally, Daylight Savings Time begins at 2:00 a.m. on Sunday, March 9th, so be sure to move your clocks forward by one hour.
Registration opens on March 3rd for the 2025-2026 school year! Registering your child right away helps the district to plan for student and hiring needs. Please go to and click on "Returning Student Registration."
You will need your Skyward Family Access login information. If you need assistance with this information, please contact your child's school office.
Registering a new Kindergarten student? Please click on "Kindergarten Enrollment (2025-2026).” Kindergarten Round-Up Events at each elementary school will take place on April 24th, 5:00-7:00 p.m.
The state-mandated IREAD Testing window for 2025 is March 3rd to 14th. In the MSD of Decatur Township, we will begin testing on Tuesday, March 4th. The IREAD measures foundational reading skills based on Indiana Academic Standards. The goal is to identify students who may need additional support and to intervene early. We will be administering this test to all 2nd and 3rd graders in the school district, except for those current 3rd grade students who passed this assessment as 2nd graders last year. All students who do not pass will continue to test through the grade 6 summer administration until the student passes IREAD or enters grade 7.
IREAD-3 consists of three sections that take about 90 minutes in total and are spread over 2-3 days. The skills assessed include:
Foundations and Vocabulary (Word Recognition, Fluency, and Vocabulary Development)
Nonfiction (Comprehension and Analysis of Nonfiction and Informational Text)
Literature (Comprehension and Analysis of Literary Text)
Mark your calendars for March 17th from 5:00-8:00 p.m. Culver’s will be hosting a fundraiser for our Backpack/School Supply Drive. With the tremendous support of our community and local businesses and organizations, we are able to distribute backpacks and school supplies each year prior to the start of the school year. The annual Backpack/School Supply giveaway is scheduled for Monday, July 14th from 6:00-8:00 p.m. at Decatur Central High School. More information will be shared this summer.
Dr. Scott Collins
MSD of Decatur Township
Our February Tomorrow Ready Award winners were Erika Hueston & Lauren Murphy. Ericka is an Instructional Assistant at Stephen Decatur Elementary. Lauren teaches 5th grade at West Newton Elementary. Congratulations and thank you for all you do for your students!
Pictured: Tomorrow Ready Award winner Erika Hueston; Principal April Tramil, & Superintendent Dr. Scott Collins.
Pictured: Tomorrow Ready Award winner Lauren Murphy with her 5th grade class; Superintendent Dr. Scott Collins, & West Newton Principal Susan Strube.
Substitute Teaching Information:
Check out this school year's menu! Don't forget that breakfast & lunch are free for all students! Join us for some delicious, nutritious meals!
Purchases and Account Info
Check out our lunch portal! You can monitor purchases, add funds, and much more!
Reminder: For the 2024-2025 school year, breakfast and lunch will be provided to all students at no charge. Families can load funds through the Linq Connect app for any "extras" students may want to purchase.
Register here:
MSD of Decatur Township Child Nutrition Department
5275 Kentucky Ave., Indianapolis IN 46221
Setting up your Stopfinder Account:
The Stopfinder app can help track the GPS location of your child's bus. If you need a new email invitation to join, please contact the Transportation Department at 317-856-8060.
Stopfinder can be downloaded for free from the App Store or Google Play.
Here are other resources to assist you in setting up the Stopfinder app, once you receive the invitation email:
Video: How to set up and use your Stopfinder Account
We would like to highlight that once you set up your account, you will also need to create GeoAlerts for your student, which will notify you when the bus has arrived in or departed from any location on your student’s route, including their assigned bus stop and school. Please view the following linked video, which explains how to set up these GeoAlerts:
Video: How to Set Up GeoAlerts (Notifications of bus arrival/departure)
Decatur Township Transportation Department
ParentSquare is the official communication platform of the MSD of Decatur Township.
Visit or download the ParentSquare app to get started:
Connect to Skyward here or download the Skyward App:
K-12 Curriculum - No Fees
Per state legislation, Indiana families will not be charged textbook fees. Parents and students will continue to be responsible for any lost or damaged educational material, including but not limited to, lost textbooks, lost or damaged iPad and related components, library books, cafeteria fees, extracurricular activities, fundraising, and NSF check fees.