Herricks Middle School
Where Great Things Happen...
Celebrating the Season of Giving
Research supports the fact that student engaged with community service learning do better in school, have an increased sense of self-efficacy, enhance their problem solving skills, build a sense of pride, and value the opportunities to extend their classroom learning.
Student Government Paves the Way
Started by veterans, the program is involved in a variety of capacities in supporting our servicemen and women.
Here at HMS our drive was dedicated to the collection of items that would eventually be used in the creation of care packages to be shipped overseas.
Veterans Visits HMS
HMS Tri-Members Show Gratitude!
The completed projects are posted in the Music Lobby and have served to motivate others to take a moment to pause and reflect as the header of the display reads, "Gratitude is the music of the heart, when its chords are swept by the breeze of kindness."
Student Government December Happenings
During the month of December, Student Government was active in carrying out the month’s Middle School theme of charity, working to set the example that it is better to give than to receive. Their efforts paid off as hundreds of toys and non-perishable foods were been donated by the student body. Daily announcements were made by class representatives who also provided words of encouragement that spread the energy throughout the building and built momentum around the drives. Students also supported these efforts through the various fund-raising events that were held. The week before winter vacation, the food collected was delivered to The Mary Brennan Inn in Hempstead. The toys were distributed to children being treated at Winthrop Children’s Hospital. The Executive Board of Student Government extends a special thank you to everyone who participated in the month’s activities. HMS really helped to brighten the holiday for many people.
Shopping for Toys
Organizing Donations
Loading Toys
Socks for the Homeless
HMS Staff "Adopt a Child"
Sharing the Gift of Music
Friends helping Friends
Upcoming Events
Friday, January 6 - Play Night with SEPTA, 6 pm MS
Monday, January 9 - Ronald McDonald Read-a-thon Assembly Program Kick-off/period 11
Monday, January 9 - MS PTA/General Membership 7:30 pm, MS Library
Monday, January 9 - Friday, January 13 "I Have a Dream Week"
Monday, January 16 - School is Closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day
Tuesday, January 17 - Winter II Sports Begin (Girls' Basketball, Boys' Volleyball, Wrestling)
Wednesday, January 18 - Incoming 9th Grade Orientation at Herricks HS 7 pm
Thursday, January 19 - Board of Education Meets with HS students 6:45 pm HHS
Friday, January 20 - HYC Friday Night Recreation Grades 6, 7, & 8/7-9 pm