Welcome to the Lancer Library!
Hi there! My name is Berenisse Buenrostro, Lancer Alumni and now Library Media Technician!
In this newsletter, you will find library information, including but not limited to, hours of operation, rules and regulations, and lots of educational resources!
I can be reached at bb809@husd.k12.ca.us for any feedback, collaborations, or questions, regarding the library.
- The books inside the library can be checked out! All that is needed is your ID number.
Check out up to 3 books at a time, plus unlimited access to Sora! (below). Including the Hayward Library collection (Northern California Digital Library).
For book check-outs, you will get a due date, but there are no late fees! Books can be returned or renewed on or before the due date.
We do charge for lost/damaged books.
If lost or damaged beyond repair: can pay the cost of the book, or buy a replacement copy as long as it's in "new" or "like new" condition.
To pay: the library accepts cash/check only, and payments are made to the Library Media Tech. Payments can be made with Ms. Yamada in the Finance Office from 9am to 1pm. If she is unavailable, payment can be dropped off with Ms. Kathy in the Main Office (exact amount only), so I can clear the account upon return.
Featured Books of the Month
The enigma girls : how ten teenagers broke ciphers, kept secrets, and helped win World War II
Call Number: 920 FLE
The Enigma Girls: How Ten Teenagers Broke Ciphers, Kept Secrets, and Helped Win World War II by Karen L. R. H. Brown tells the remarkable story of a group of young women who played a crucial role in breaking the German Enigma code during World War II. These teenagers, who were recruited to work at Bletchley Park in England, became part of a secret team of cryptanalysts who cracked one of the most complex and important ciphers of the war.
1001 things everyone should know about women's history
Call Number: 305.4 JON
1001 Things Everyone Should Know About Women's History is a comprehensive and enlightening book that highlights key facts, events, and figures that have shaped women's history across the globe. The book offers an accessible and engaging overview of the significant contributions women have made throughout history, from ancient civilizations to modern times.
Promised the moon : the untold story of the first women in the space race
Call Number: 629.45 NOL
Promised the Moon: The Untold Story of the First Women in the Space Race by Alice L. George tells the inspiring yet largely forgotten story of the women who helped pave the way for women in space exploration. Focusing on the 1960s and the early years of the U.S. space program, the book highlights the pioneering women who were part of the "women in space" program at NASA but whose contributions were largely overshadowed by the more publicized male astronauts.
Daylight Savings
Checkout this article from the U.S. Naval Observatory
" A handful of nations in the southern hemisphere observe summer time, but their starting and ending periods are reversed since summer in the southern hemisphere occurs during the Northern Hemisphere's winter months."
Our Books on Astronomy
Homework Resources
Do you need a little extra help with homework or research?
Check out our FREE resources below.
Tutor.com provides on-demand tutoring, homework help, test preparation and writing assistance for students in grades K-12 in over 40 subjects. Live tutors are available 1:00 pm - 10:00 pm. You can also use their practice quizzes and SkillsCenter Resource Library to study 24/7.
Online Resources
Britannica School
Gale Interactive: Environmental Studies
Explore ecology, Earth systems, pollution, and more, with Gale In Context: Environmental Studies.
Research world cultures, history, literature and more. Brought to you by the California State Library.
Research Apps and Websites
Doing homework, studying for a test, or starting a new business? We can help!
Engaging, interactive models that bring science to life. Visualize and understand concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science. Manipulate and explore 3D models that are paired with reference and periodical content for further understanding.
World Book Encyclopedia
Using the same expert information found in The World Book Encyclopedia, World Book Online has unique content and features for kids, teens, and adults.
See what's trending in the College and Career Center
Looking For a Job?
Visiting the Library
Library Hours
8:00am - 4:30pm
All staff can use the sheet titled "2024 - 25 THS Library Reservations" to reserve the library space. This sheet is available on the Campus HUB and is for staff use only (teachers, admin, classified, counselors, programs such as La Familia/Caminos/Trio etc.).
E-mail is a great alternative way to reserve the space as well as calling ext. 63401!
A few things to keep in mind when visiting the library:
- Teachers: The library has multiple offices within it, some of which are shared. If a student is called from your classroom, please ensure the student knows what office they are going to.
- Students sent to work in the library--no more than 5 per class--are required to have a pass during instructional time (see "Library Rules" for more).
- The library is not a detention center, please do not send students as a form of disciplinary action. We have separate volunteer/community service opportunities during non-instructional hours.
- Students: If you need any assistance with homework involving writing, Spanish, finding a book to read, research, job hunting/application process, connecting to the Hayward Public Library, finding resources in general, you are more than welcome to ask in the library. We either have the answer, or can help you find it!
Hayward Public Library’s mobile outreach services helps overcome barriers of location, transportation, and historical racial marginalization to provide a wide range of equitable and inclusive library services to all people who live, work, or go to school in Hayward. The bookmobile functions as a small branch library that contributes to the ongoing health and success of a thriving Hayward.
Curbie visits every first Thursday of the month and is located at the main entrance of our site.
Click on the image of Curbie above to get started on your application!
Click the button to submit your book suggestion for the school library.
Help us choose new titles to add to our collection!