Dolphin Dispatch
November News 2022
Dates to Remember
October 27: Fire Drill 2:00
October 28: Half Day/Students dismissed at 11:44
October 31: Halloween parade 10:30 outside if weather permitting-if the weather is rain or snow the students will parade inside for students only. Half Day/Students dismissed at 11:44.
Nov. 1: Fun Run (see below) Schedule is also below. Spectators will be on the sidewalk side of the fence.
Nov. 2: Doughnuts with Grown ups (see below)
Nov. 3: Doughnuts with Grown ups (see below)
Nov. 4: Practice bus evacuation
Nov. 7: Fire Drill 1:30
Nov. 7-11 BOOK FAIR
Nov. 8: NO SCHOOL/Teacher PD day
Nov. 9 Parent/Teacher Conferences 4:30-7:30 (In person)
Nov. 10: Half Day/Dismissal 11:44 Parent/Teacher Conferences 12:30-3:30 (in person or virtual) and 4:30-7:30 (virtual)
Nov. 23-25: NO SCHOOL)Thanksgiving Break
Mark your calendars: Music Concerts are BACK!
Thursday, February 2: 2nd grade at 6:00 and 4th grade at 7:00
Thursday, March 9: Third grade 6:00 and 5th grade at 7:00
Literacy Night for Families
There will be stations set up in the gym for families to move through with their child(ren).
All children must be accompanied by a parent.
Halloween at Graebner
Halloween is fast approaching, and we are preparing Graebner Elementary School for a safe and healthy morning with our children on Monday, October 31, 2022. As you are well aware, SAFETY is a priority at school. We aim to ensure that ALL students, staff members, and visitors feel comfortable throughout the day with the attire and behavior of all persons on school grounds. To accomplish this objective, we request your assistance and cooperation on some important details.
Our annual Halloween parade will be on Monday, October 31, 2022 and will begin promptly at 10:30 a.m. Please do not arrive before 10:15am and we ask adults to stay outside. Security protocol dictates that parents refrain from entering the school building.
The parade will start in the inside of the building led by Mrs. Wood and continue through Graebner picking up each class at their inside door. After all classes have been picked up, the parade will continue through the gym and outside where we will take one lap around the exterior of Graebner and enter through Doors 1 and 8 on the east side of the building. Students will then be led back into the building to their classroom with their classroom teacher. Please feel free to bring your camera and take as many pictures as you would like being mindful of the rights of other students considering social media. This is an exciting time for our students, parents, and community members!
Please read carefully the following information below to become familiar with our guidelines for this awesome day:
Note: If the weather does not permit us to going outside, we will hold the parade inside for only the students to view.
· Please choose a costume that does not reflect violence. Inappropriate “props” such a Dracula’s
blood, plastic swords, clown masks, guns, knives, and weapons of any kind are not allowed –
even if they are a part of your child’s costume.
· Please save them for supervised activities at home. No masks are to be worn in the classroom
but can be worn during the parade.
· Students should wear their costumes to school.
· All adults are asked to stay outside.
Please discuss the guidelines with your son or daughter. Our expectation is to make this a wonderful experience for all of our students to remember for the rest of their lives!
Parent Teacher Conferences
Wednesday, November 9, 2022 @ 4:30-7:30 PM (in person only)
November 10, 2022 @ 12:30 – 3:30 PM (you can choose in person or virtual)& 4:30-7:30 PM (virtual only)
It may be hard to believe, but we are near the end of our first card marking period. Since the start of school, we have worked together to navigate some of the challenges of our environment but also celebrate real successes of the connections being made between teachers and our students. It is now our opportunity to schedule Parent-Teacher Conferences. Conferences are an important part of our partnership to make sure students are meeting our shared expectations. This year, we will be offering BOTH virtual (online) and in-person conference sessions.
We will again be using a web-based process this year to schedule and virtually meet with your child’s teachers about their progress. The system we are using is called School Soft Conference Manager and it will allow you to check our teachers’ conference schedules and book an appointment on-line. You will use the same system for you and your student’s teacher to have a virtual conversation about academic progress.
The first time you use the Conference Manager you will be required to register and create a parent account. (If you already have an account from previous years, you can skip this step).Setup only takes a minute or two. You will continue to use this same account for the duration of the time you have children in the school, so please record your password where you can reference it later.
More details with specific signup times will follow in a special Dolphin Dispatch with the appropriate information to sign up!
Book Fair
The book fair will be November 7-11, 2022 in the Media Center.
Students will shop during their Media Center time, except for my Tuesday classes (we have no school on that Tuesday). I will contact Tuesday classes separately to reschedule their book fair shopping time.
If you are interested in volunteering at Graebner's Book Fair from November 7 through 11, please sign up using this link:
Attention 4th and 5th grade girls
Calendar 2022-23
PTO News
We're off to a great start with over $1,100 already raised for the 2022 Graebner Fun Run fundraiser and donations coming in from Michigan, Indiana and Missouri! Thank you for your donations to help improve our students' Graebner experience and celebrate our upcoming 50th Anniversary. Submissions for the poster contest must be turned in on Monday October 24th to be included in the voting process. Shout out and Sign purchases must be made by October 28th. The Fun Run will be held on the North Playground on Tuesday November 1. Family spectators will be allowed to view the event from the sidewalk on Saal Road. Run times will be posted to the FundHub website and Graebner PTO Facebook page on October 25th. Volunteers with background checks on file are needed and can sign up at Donations will be accepted through November 9th. THANK YOU!
The GPTO is seeking volunteers throughout the year for different opportunities such as Holiday Night coming up, please let us know your interest at or by emailing us at There is an opportunity for everyone no matter how much or how little time you have available. It is all greatly appreciated!
October 24: Fun Run Poster Contest due
October 26: Staff Appreciation October Treat Donations due
October 27: Staff Appreciation Committee Meeting, 7:30pm via Zoom
October 27: Donuts with Grownup Registration due
October 28: Fun Run Shout Outs and Signs due
November 1: FUN RUN!!! Wear your school colors and lace up those tennis shoes.
November 2 & 3: Donuts with Grownups, 8-8:30am in gym
November 8: Chuck E Cheese Day, all day on Election day
November 9: Fun Run Donations due
November 18: Roller Skating Party at the New Rink, 5-7pm
November 29: GPTO November Meeting, 6pm in Media Center or via Google Meet
Important Links:
Staff Appreciation Committee Meeting: Meeting ID: 718 5503 9047, Passcode: yf9Gdf
Staff Appreciation Treat Donations can be signed up at
Staff Appreciation Ongoing Donations can be made at
Donuts with Grownup registration:
Fun Run Shout Outs/Sign Purchases:
Fun Run Volunteers needed:
Fun Run Donations: School identifier: 60de00211994a