August News
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Prayer for a New School Year
Lord, please bless all our teachers, friends and relatives as they make their way back to their classrooms for another year.
Help them to feel excitement and joy in the promise of a new start.
Give them everything they need to start their classes. Give them all they need all year.
Give them imagination and creativity to make wonders out of what they do have.
Help them stretch their budgets and their supplies. Give them wisdom all year.
Help them quickly spot the little souls who are going to need something extra from them this year.
Help them have just the right words of encouragement for each student.
Give them loads of love.
Help the love in their hearts just overflow so they always have plenty to spare.
We can’t conjure it up Lord, but you give in abundance... please supply all the love teachers need.
Please supply them energy too, Lord.
Please let them sleep well at night so they are rested and refreshed each morning.
Don’t let them take their problems and worries to bed with them at night.
Give them patience with students, with parents, and with their administration.
Again, Lord, it’s you who supplies in abundance. Please keep the students and teachers safe this year. Keep them safe from accidents or evil intent.
Let the students be excited about this wonderful world and all there is to learn about it.
Help them to be interested in each other, for there’s a wealth to learn about and from each other, and this is true for teachers and parents as well.
Give the parents willing hearts, both to help in the classroom if they can, and certainly to be involved in their children’s homework and in their stories as the year goes on.
Let this be a truly wonderful year for everyone involved in education.
Let everyone feel, at the end of the year, that they learned all they could and gave the best they had.
School Begins
Handbooks and Paperwork
All Paperwork will be sent to you via email this week to fill out.
Please fill it out and send back, or bring with you at open house. We will have extras at Open House if needed.
If you do not receive it, please reach out to the school office by phone (262)626-2603 or email
During the designated times, please bring your child in to drop their things off at their desk, see their classroom, and meet their teacher.
Lockers can have shelving as backpacks will not be used. Lockers will be used to hold coats and supplies.
Thursday, August 26th
3:00 P.M. - 6:00 P.M.
Friday, August 27th
9:00 A.M. - 12:00 P.M.
If you cannot make it during these times, please email and we will find a time that works for you.
Classroom Changes
The first floor will hold our 3K - 2nd Grade classrooms.
The second floor will have 3rd-8th Grade classrooms.
The library will again be used this year.
COVID Protocols
More information will be sent home with paperwork for a signature, but here is a summary of protocols.
MASKS: Masks will be optional. Please still keep masks available and have one at school in the event we may need them. (For example: working too close together, symptoms in class)
VIRTUAL PLANS: Virtual will not be used, but is in our back pocket if a situation arises that would require it. ( For example, students being quarantine.)
COHORTS: We will keep groups of students together. We will Cohort Grades. 3K-5K, 1-4, 5-8 for recesses and lunch. Students in grades 1 and 2, 3 and 4, 5 and 6, and 7 and 8 will work together for different purposes.
POSITIVE CASE: If a student tests positive we will watch the cohort for spread and symptoms. Families should keep kids home if they develop symptoms. If we discover spread is taking place, we will quarantine the grade, which could lead to virtual.
Last year our parents did an amazing job keeping kids home when they were sick, that is what gave us so much success. We will post guidelines for that again.
We are planning to do events, field trips, etc. again this year, keeping in mind our cohorts.
Calendar of Cash
2021-2022 Calendar Of Cash
We are selling tickets for the 2021-2022 school year. If you have sold your 25 tickets, you can turn them in to the office and pick up more if you would like. Please contact the school office with questions. Don't forget to turn in your tickets by Monday, August 30th. The drawing begins on September 1st and tickets will not be accepted after August 30th at 3:00 P.M.
Home and School Participation
Home and School is a parent group that helps with various things throughout the school.
Home and School includes:
Quarterly newsletters
Parent Events/Meetings (4 over the whole year)
Fundraisers/Events (4 over the whole year)
This would all be up to the leaders and if you wanted to change things. If you are interested, please reach out to Mrs. Longden at, Jessica Herriges at, or Dani Knorr at
Staff List
8th Grade – Miss Huiras
7th Grade – Mr. Immel
6th Grade – Mrs. Anderson
5th Grade – Mrs. Steiner
4th Grade – Ms. Herriges
3rd Grade – Miss Leitheiser
2nd Grade – Mrs. Buechel
1st Grade – Mrs. Hefter
5K – Mrs. Simon
4K - Mrs. Walter
3K - Ms. Trayner
5K Aides – Mrs. Gruber and Mrs. Ronk
4K Aide – Mrs. Herriges
3K Aide – Mrs. Schickert
Building Aide- Mrs. Bingen
Phy Ed – Ms. Wollner
Art –
Music –
Spanish – Mrs. Kern
Algebra – Mrs. Mertz
Secretaries – Mrs. Angela and Mrs. Thill
Lunch - Mrs. Muckerheide
Guest Student
Here is what Sara said:
"Hello! My name is Sara Valencia, I'm 14 years old and I am from Pereira, Colombia. I'm going to be attending Holy Trinity School for two months to have an intercultural experience and to practice my English. I'm really excited to meet you all!"
School Calendar and Supply List
Holy Trinity Catholic School
Location: 305 Main St Kewaskum, WI 53040
Phone: (262)626-2603