Paradise Intermediate
Weekly Update - November 3rd, 2024
Good morning Phoenix Families,
Welcome to November and another fun filled month at Paradise Intermediate. As always, we encourage our students to become involved in the many opportunities that are available throughout the year. Information regarding clubs, teams and events can be found on our website through our annoumcent link. We also encourage students to remain up to date regarding projects, assessments and evaluations this month by making use of our google calendar and by joining subject based google classrooms.
We look forward to another great month at PI!
Have a great week!
Admin Team - Paradise Intermediate
Important Dates
- Tuesday, Nov 5th - Picture Retake Day
- Tuesday, Nov. 5th - Tickets due to office for Early Bird Prize Draw
- Wednesday, Nov. 6th - Professional Learning Day - No school for students
- Thursday, Nov. 7th - Early Bird Prize Draw
- Friday, Nov. 8th - Remembrance Day Assembly
- Monday, Nov. 11th - Remembrance Day - No school for students
- Thursday, Nov. 21st - DARE Graduation - Grade 6,
- Friday, Nov. 22nd - School Professional Learning Day - No school for students
- Tuesday, Nov. 26th - 50/50 Grand Prize Draw
- Tuesday, Nov. 26th - Wednesday, Nov. 27th - Stuff the Bus Food Drive
- Tuesday, Dec. 3rd - Term 1 Reports Distributed
- Thursday, Dec. 5th - Term 1 Family Interviews
- Wednesday, Dec. 11th - Holiday Concert
- Thursday, Dec. 12th - Holiday Concert
- Friday, Dec. 13th - Professional Learning Day - No School for Students (Tentative)
- Wednesday, Dec. 18th - Drama Performance
- Friday, Dec. 20th - Last Day of School Before Winter Holidays
Fall Fundraiser
Our fall fundraiser is ongoing and the jackpot is rising by the day! Our current prize pay out is $2500!! Get your tickets in by Tuesday, November 5th for your chance to win our early bird prize pack that includes a Gift Certificate for a free Hockey Summer Camp offered by Delaney's Hockey School valued at over $500.
As extra tickets are going fast and are limited, we ask families to please return any unsold tickets to the school.
Extra tickets available upon request by emailing paradiseintermediate@nlesd.ca.
Grand Prize Draw will take place on Tuesday, November 26th.
Good luck to all and thank you for your support!
Picture Retake Day
Picture retake day for our students will take place on Tuesday, November 5th. Students who wish to have picture retakes are asked to come prepared for Tuesday morning.
Wall of Honor
Paradise Intermediate will create our Wall of Honour again this as a way to
honour students’ relatives who have served our country, past or present. Anyone who would like to submit a form for our display is encouraged to do so as soon as possible. Please see our memo for details.
Remembrance Day Assembly
Our Remembrance Day Assembly will take place on Friday, November 8th at 10:40AM. There will be a performance by our school band, readings by some of our students and a student-led Color Party.
Families are reminded that there will be no school on Monday, November 11th as we observe Remembrance Day.
Stuff the Bus Food Drive
This year we again will be partnering with our friends at Mount Pearl Senior High & Mount Pearl Intermediate in a joint food drive initiative called "Stuff the Bus". We are looking for Grade 9 students who would be interested in volunteering with this event. The commitment involved would be a couple of lunch hour meetings to prepare posters in advance as well as helping to collect food to put on a school bus parked in our parking lot during the morning drop off & afternoon pick up times on November 26th & 27th. This project will allow students to directly connect with students from MPSH in advance of their arrival in September and can count towards career hours required for high school graduation. If this is something your child would be interested in, or if you have any extra questions, please connect with Mme Fancey (lisafancey@nlschools.ca) or Mr. Power in Grade 9 (aaronpower@nlschools.ca) .
Upcoming Professional Learning
Wednesday, November 6th
Friday, November 22nd
DARE Graduation
Our DARE Graduation for our Grade 6 students will take place on Thursday, November 21st. Additional information regarding this event will be shared with grade 6 families over the coming weeks.
Term 1 Reporting
Reports for Term 1 will be distributed to students on Tuesday, December 3rd.
Family interviews for Term 1 will take place on Thursday, December 5th. Students will be dismissed at 11:15 on that day. Interviews will take place between 12:00 - 6:00.