Silver Firs Monthly Newsletter
September 2024

Message from the Principal
Dear Silver Firs Families,
Welcome students and families to the 2024-2025 school year! I hope this message finds you well and filled with excitement as we gear up for a new school year at Silver Firs Elementary. It’s with great pleasure that I welcome you and your student(s) back to our wonderful school community.
We’re often asked what makes Silver Firs different from other schools. The answer lies in having shared values, effective teaching practices that invite student engagement, and vibrant and caring staff members. We firmly believe that getting to know students and developing positive relationships provides the greatest opportunity for higher level learning.
Silver Firs teaches PRIDE expectations for all areas of our school. PRIDE is part of our school Positive Behavioral Intervention and Support Program (PBIS). When you are at the school, you will see the PRIDE acronym posted throughout the school campus.
P – Politeness
R – Respect
I – Independent Manager
D – Do Our Best
E – Everyone Working Together Cooperatively
As we embark on this journey together, I want to share some important information and updates with you to ensure a smooth and successful start to the academic year:
- Kindergarten WaKIDS Family Conferences, September 4, 5, and 6 (scheduled)
- 1st day of school for Kindergarten, September 9, 2024
- 1st day of Preschool, September 16, 2024
Open and effective communication between parents and teachers is vital for your child’s success. We encourage you to stay connected through email, phone calls, and parent-teacher conferences.
The Silver Firs Elementary School team is committed to creating a safe, nurturing, and inspiring environment for your student’s education. We look forward to partnering with you to ensure a fantastic school year filled with growth and achievement.
Thank you for entrusting us with your student’s education.
Warmest Regards,
Aleta Smoot, Principal
Important Dates
Friendly Reminder...
Attendance Procedures
Parking Lot Procedures
If you plan to wait with your child on the playground, please park your car in a designated spot and escort your child to the safety of the sidewalk and blacktop USING THE CROSSWALK, in front of the gym. DO NOT WALK ACROSS THE “KISS AND GO LANE”.
If you drive your child to and from school and do not plan to park, please use our “KISS AND GO LANE”. Please follow these safety tips:
- Kindergarten students are not allowed to be dropped off or picked at the “KISS AND GO LANE” unless a student in the car is in 3rd grade or above and can safely escort them to and from the “Kindergarten Corral”. Otherwise, please park in a designated parking spot and escort your Kindergarten student to and from the parking lot to the “Kindergarten Corral” located in front of Building A.
- Approach the “KISS AND GO LANE” safely and slowly, staying in the line of cars.
- The driver should remain in the car and the child should exit or enter the car onto the sidewalk. Please do not wait until you reach the front of the “KISS AND GO LANE” before having your child exit or enter the car. Children can exit/enter at any point once you have passed the bushes on the right and cars in front of you have stopped to let their students out/in.
- The driver should safely pull away from the “KISS AND GO LANE” as soon as the child has exited/entered the car for other cars. (This is why we ask those parking to use the crosswalk path in front of the gym – cars can be pulling away from the curb anytime along the “KISS AND GO LANE”).
Please follow the parking lot traffic pattern below:
Annual Update
Please complete your Annual Update ASAP!
The Annual Update must be completed every year to ensure your student's information is correct and current, including:
- Contact information for student, guardians and emergency contacts
- Priority setting of contacts
- Health and transportation updates
- Agreements, document updates, etc.
Even if you haven't had any changes, please login to review and submit.
The online process is quick and easy. Simply sign into Home Access Center (HAC). Click here to sign in to HAC. The image below displays how you will find the Annual Updates: under Registration, Update Enrollment...
... and then click start next to the 2024-2025 Annual Student Update Form
If you need your HAC login info, send an email to LMS@everettsd.org with your name, student name(s), student ID# and school they attend. They will respond with your login/password by email.
This link Annual Update in Home Access Center includes further instructions on completing the Annual Update.