Jag News
Weekly Updates for August 17-21
Message from the Principal
We start school tomorrow with 100% virtual classes! Reminder that we will not have any students on campus. This year's Jag News will be in a new format on Smore.
Monday, 8/17/20, we will start with our new high school schedule. Every day your first class will start at 10 AM. This year students will be able to have class synchronously with their teacher while we are virtual. Students (and parents will know) will have a daily routine of classes at set times. Teachers will teach their classes live via Zoom. All links and resources will be on the teachers' Google Classroom. We will have four 60 minute classes that meet every M-W-F (periods 1-4) and three 90 minute classes that meet every Tu-Th (periods 5-7). The bell schedule is attached below.
All teachers will record their direct teach lesson each day and post them in their Google Classroom.
For students that are not able to join their class for the scheduled time, they will have the option to learn asynchronously each day. This allows for a student to work or help another family member with their schooling during their class time if needed. If a student chooses this option, they will be able to complete their school work at any point during that same day (before midnight) and not receive an absence.
The biggest difference between the Spring semester classes and now, is if a student doesn't check in and complete the daily assignment by the end of the day, they will be marked absent for that day. For all students, attendance and grades will be taken every day.
While we know there may be issues or concerns that may arise, we are confident that we can work together to work through them. Ensuring we will offer a rigorous, engaging instructional experience for our students is a top priority!
Gary Comalander - Principal
Please review your child’s Preliminary Schedule in Skyward Family Access and check that they have a course for each period. Students should not be repeating a course that they have already earned credit for. If you have any concerns that require a schedule change, please complete the Johnson Course Concern Form online to make your child’s counselor aware of the concern and request for a change. If your counselor has any questions, they will be in contact. Otherwise, we will make the change(s) to your schedule.
Points to note regarding schedules and requests to change:
- At this time, we can make adjustments on the level (Regular, Honors, or AP) of your course by moving you up or moving you down.
- We can only do limited elective changes that relate to a cost or time commitment for the course. Elective changes can only be made in the following areas: Athletics, Band, Choir, Debate, Orchestra, ROTC, Spirit Organizations or Coop.
- Senior Release changes can only be considered if it does not impact class sizes.
- Please know that we cannot adjust any class periods or teachers. We can only change courses.
I Still Need Help with Technology
Reminder, you can always connect to Google Classroom and to Zoom meetings through your smart phone. While you are limited with some of the tools available, you can connect with your teachers, stay engaged in the lesson, and be present in the class. If you are having problems with your computer, please join with your phone if you can.
How Students Join their Google Classrooms
Steps to join my Google Classroom:
Go to NEISD.net
Click on Launchpad
Login with your student credentials (ex. jsmith123@stu.neisd.net)
Click on the Google icon
Click on Google Classroom
If you see your 1st period classroom invite, click Accept.
Click on the + sign to “join” a class.
Join the class by entering the code that your teachers' emailed you on Thursday and Friday.
Please join your 1st period Google Classroom between 9:45 - 9:55 AM on Monday morning.
Still Having Trouble Connecting to your Virtual Classes?
Having trouble connecting with your virtual classes? No worries, we are here to help you. Monday, August 17, 2020 between 8:00 AM and 12:30 PM we will have staff available to assist you via Zoom.
If your last name falls between A-L, please go to the following zoom link:
If your last name falls between M-Z please visit the following zoom link:
When you click on the Zoom link you will enter a waiting room. Calls will be answered in the order they are received. Please be patient and our staff member will get to you as soon as possible.
Class Organizer for my Zoom links
Social Media connection at CTJ!
Social Media connection to CTJ! Most of the Johnson groups have their own Twitter handles but CTJ as a campus has a Twitter and Facebook account where you can stay connected with all the wonderful things happening at Johnson high school!
Twitter: @CTJohnsonHigh
Facebook: Claudia Taylor “Lady Bird” Johnson High School North East ISD @JohnsonNEISD
Johnson Counseling Social Media info
Here is a great place to go where we will be advertising lots of scholarship information. Our Twitter account is: @CTJcounseling
Johnson HS information
CTJ updated Football schedule
Johnson HS Google calendar
Please go to the Johnson calendar to see all activities. Soon we are hoping that there will be many games, concerts, and events happening every week. There is always valuable information on our calendar for events and deadlines. https://calendar.google.com/calendar/embed?src=isa.neisd.net_1b1jb7tbikidnid7amtotnjk0o%40group.calendar.google.com&ctz=America%2FChicago
Let’s have a great week and Go Jaguars!
Gary Comalander