Dike-Newell School Newsletter
February 28th, 2025

March 14th - Professional Development Day - No School for Students
March 27th - Parent Teacher Conferences - 1/2 day for Students
March 28th - 1/2 day for Students
April 21st - April 25th - NO SCHOOL for Spring Break
Lines from the Library
Pre-K students have been learning about maple syrup in library this week. We read "Making Maple Syrup" by Michele Dufresne and "Almost Time" by Gary D. Schmidt and Elizabeth Stickney. Students watched a video from Highlights magazine on maple syrup production and then did a movement break from GoNoodle called "Never Eat Soggy Waffles." Students were encouraged to participate in the upcoming Maine Maple Sunday Weekend, where families can visit local farms, sample maple syrup and watch it being made.
For more on Maine Maple Sunday Weekend:
To view the Highlights magazine maple syrup video:
PTA Information and Updates
Over break we held our "Scooping for the Community" fundraiser at Gelato Fiasco where our celebrity scoopers, Principal McKay and Principal Berkowitz enjoyed greeting and scooping gelato for those who attended the event. We successfully raised $385.88. Thank you to everyone who came out during that cold February day to enjoy a sweet treat, and help raise money for the Bath Elementary PTA.
Upcoming events for March:
Kids Book Swap - March 22nd from 10:00am -12:00pm @ Fisher-Mitchell School. Books can be donated ahead of time at Mockingbird Bookshop, Fisher Mitchell School and Dike-Newell School, starting March 3rd. Save the date for a fun free event to swap for a new book, enjoy storytelling, fun activities and face painting!
Our next PTA Meeting is back in person! March 12th @ FMS from 6:00-7:30.
Keep an eye on our FACEBOOK PAGE for all PTA related events.
Volunteering in RSU1
Are you interested in being on a list of eligible volunteers? Visit the RSU1 website to learn more and to sign up: https://www.rsu1.org/page/volunteer-information. Be sure to click "Submit" after the form is complete and signed. Please allow one week prior to a field trip or event for processing.
Dike-Newell School Information
Email: kwalker@rsu1.org
Website: https://dns.rsu1.org/o/dike-newell-school
Location: 800 High Street, Bath, ME 04530
Phone: (207)443-8285