VHS Newsletter
November 2023
From the Principal, Dr. Tobon
Viking Families and Friends,
I hope this newsletter finds you well and you are looking forward to spending some quality time with loved ones this upcoming week for the holiday. Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because this time of year provides me the opportunity to intentionally pause and be grateful for those who make VHS a great place.
There are many people who work together to make VHS an amazing place for our students. Our custodians come in night after night and work their magic to get the building ready for another day of learning. Our office staff members are masters at multitasking as they attend to visitors and students all while efficiently running the offices. Our support staff does a wonderful job in assisting with any needs that arise throughout the day. Our teachers, student services, and administration teams are simply amazing. I am thankful that they are not only consistently challenging themselves to do their best, but they also support and challenge each other to do their best. Our students come to school ready to seize the day all while being active in clubs and sports. They do this as they continue to prepare for life after high school. I am grateful for you, our parents and guardians. Your years of unconditional love, dedication, and guidance have shaped our students into the wonderful young adults they have become.
Lastly, I am thankful that we as a school, district, and county take the safety of our students and staff seriously. The Porter County Safe Schools Commission, of which Valparaiso Community Schools is a part, has implemented a new One County, One Protocol response structure. The updated poster creates common response terminology for all schools and first responders throughout the county. This updated structure provides clear terms in line with national safety protocols. You will see these new posters throughout our schools and district buildings. As we complete our required drills (Fire, Tornado, Hold, Secure, and Lockdown) throughout the year, faculty and staff will review these terms and the associated protocols with students. The Porter County One County, One Protocol terminology is available here.
Certainly, this list does not encompass everyone in our extended Viking family, but I hope it serves as a reminder to help us remember why we are proud to be called Vikings.
This month, we celebrated Veterans Day with multiple activities. The VHS Music Department never disappoints and The Salute to Veterans concert is always amazing. I hope you had the opportunity to enjoy some of the finest music our community has to offer.
We were also honored by Mr. Rosario-Vega in a stellar school-wide performance of the Taps. His performance has quickly become a very much appreciated tradition at VHS.
VHS also had the privilege to host Army Veteran Jessica Lynch. Some of our history classes took an in-house field trip to the auditorium where Ms. Lynch shared her incredible story with students regarding her time as a United States Army Private First Class and prisoner of war.
Last spring, we held the inauguration of the VHS Military Hall of Honor. This month, an open house was held for viewing the newest additions to the VHS Military Hall of Honor. This special place honors all VHS Graduates who have served in the US Armed Forces. If you would like to submit a name, please use this link to do so.
Finally, in the spring of 2023, VHS applied for the Purple Star Designation through the Indiana Department of Education. This designation honors schools that have displayed a significant commitment to service members, veterans, and students and families connected to our nation’s military. I am proud to announce that Valparaiso High School is a recipient of the Purple Star Designation through the Indiana Department of Education.
This week, our talented students began the fall production of Beauty and the Beast. If you did not make it to the show on Thursday evening, do not worry! You still have the opportunity to attend on Saturday at 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. or on Sunday at 2 p.m. and witness the magic. Please see below for ticket information.
Thank you for continuing to support our students, teachers, and staff. I wish all of you a happy and restful holiday.
What's Happening at VHS!
November 18th: Beauty and the Beast Musical 2pm, 7pm
November 19th: Beauty and the Beast Musical 2pm
November 22-24: Thanksgiving Break
December 4th, 5th: This Is Our Story 7pm
December 21st: 1/2 Day for Students/Staff Development PM
December 21st: End of 2nd Grading Period
December 22nd: No School/Weather Make-up Day
December 23-January 7: Winter Break
January 8th: Classes Resume
Please see the VHS Calendar for more events!
This Is Our Story
Join us for This Is Our Story! There will be 2 musical performances in the VHS Gym and art displays featuring the talents of students from all VCS schools, grades K-12. A contest each year helps decide which students' artwork will be on the cover of the programs. There is a different program cover for each performance. The winners of the 2023 TIOS Program Cover Contest are Moya Swanson(Grade 11) and Avery Mullin(Grade 10)! Congratulations! Please be sure to put the performance dates on your calendar and come out to celebrate the holidays and the talents of our students!
VHS / TJMS Night plus Elementary Schools on Monday, December 4th at 7:00 p.m.
VHS / BFMS Night plus Elementary Schools on Tuesday, December 5th at 7:00 p.m.
Join us at one of the concerts for some holiday cheer!
Disney's Beauty and the Beast: The Musical
Step into the enchanting world of Disney's Beauty and the Beast: The Musical, presented by the Valparaiso High School Drama Club. This timeless tale of transformation follows the journey of Belle, a young woman with a thirst for adventure, who finds herself in an enchanted castle inhabited by a prince cursed to live as a monster. Their tale as old as time reminds us of the importance of looking beyond appearances and embracing the beauty within, the value of kindness and compassion, and the restorative power of love.
Join us on November 16 and 18 at 7pm, as well as November 18 and 19 at 2pm, for a magical theatrical experience showcasing the work of over 100 student actors, musicians, and crew. Don't miss the chance to be part of this extraordinary tale – get your tickets now and be our guest!
Tickets are available for pre-order beginning October 18, 2023. Remaining tickets will be available at the door for $10 beginning one hour before showtime. Tickets are general admission and the auditorium will open 30 minutes before showtime.
VHS Club Spotlights
After a short hiatus, Team LEAD is back with a number of changes to hopefully make it better than ever. Previously, Team LEAD students went to the middle school to mentor students during Viking Time, but Team LEAD will now be working within the confines of VHS.
Team LEAD will be primarily focusing on making a difference within the halls of VHS in a number of ways.
First, Team LEAD members have started giving tours to new students, enabling new students to make a connection with a peer on their first day. Additionally, Team LEAD will be hosting a new student pizza party at the end of the semester to give new students an opportunity to get to know more familiar faces.
Team LEAD will also be hosting study tables after school every Tuesday and Thursday. Study tables will meet in the cafeteria from 2:30-3:30, where they will be staffed by Team LEAD and NHS members. Any student in the school is invited to show up on these days and help will be provided. Study tables can help with homework, studying for tests, essay writing, and any other help students may need.
Finally, Team LEAD members will also be pushing into freshman Resource classes to provide helpful tips for studying with finals and other transitional items to help freshmen find a successful start to their high school years.
Ultimately, Team LEAD is excited to see how we can affect change within the building!
Staff Spotlight
Mrs. Tracy Corneil
I am starting my 32nd year here at VHS where I teach Honors Pre-Calculus and Calculus AB. Also, I am the varsity softball coach. My husband Scott and I have two daughters, Morgan and Brooke who are both VHS graduates and attend Indiana University. I love living in the community and being a part of VHS. Through the years, people that I work with have started out as colleagues and now have become family. The students of VHS both past and present have made me smile, laugh, and even tested my patience at times. I truly would not have it any other way.
Follow VHS
Email: VHSadmin@valpo.k12.in.us
Website: https://valparaisohigh.valpo.k12.in.us/
Location: 2727 Campbell Street, Valparaiso, IN, USA
Phone: (219)531-3070
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Valpo-HS-411-627837360580660
Twitter: @ValpoHS411