The Friday Focus
October 4, 2024
From the Office of the Superintendent
For Our Parents:
- "Ripple Effect: How Inspiring Teen Leaders Helps us All", Thurs, Oct. 10th at 6pm (Zoom Webinar). Click HERE to Register. The speaker, Author Stephen Hill, focuses on the Ripple effect - of how our actions influence and impact others. Learn how to foster resilience, support mental well-being and prevent substance abuse.
- "A Turning Point? The Push-Pull of Tech in Our Kids' Lives ", Thurs, Oct.10th, 8pm (1-hour Webinar) features an excellent panel discussion. It is free, but registration is required. Click here for the full description. Part of our Digital Awareness Programming.
Co-sponsored by Hopewell Valley Municipal Alliance and Hopewell Valley Regional School District
For Our Students
Lockheed Martin Quest Competitions: Lockheed Martin is offering exciting competitions for high school students! By completing these challenges, teams will be able to exercise their programming and cybersecurity skills and prepare to become the next generation of industry leaders. By applying for internship opportunities, students have the ability to kick-start their careers even before their first college class. Learn more about these unique events and how Lockheed Martin can support your student's technical growth.
- Lockheed Martin CYBERQUEST® is Lockheed Martin's annual high school cyber competition. The goal of the competition is to encourage high school students to pursue careers in cybersecurity. During the 3-hour competition, teams of students work together to solve cybersecurity challenges. To learn more, visit the website.
- The Lockheed Martin Code Quest® competition is also for high-school students. Teams of three students work to solve as many programming problems as possible within a two-and-a-half hour time limit, earning points based on problem difficulty. For more information, please click on the link above.
Higher Education Information and Resources
Higher Education Student Assistance Authority: provides financial and informational resources for students to pursue their education. This page contains FAFSA info and resources.
StudentAid.gov: provides information about grants, work-study, and loans for college-bound students and their families.
Mercer Community College: Concurrent Enrollment for High School Students: Allows students to complete up to 12 MCCC credits during their senior year of high school. Credits earned may be used toward high school and/or college requirements. Please see: the HVCHS Program of Studies Guide and direct questions to the CHS Counseling Department
Rider Tuition Guarantee: New Jersey students can attend for free if they meet financial and academic eligibility requirements. The program is available for incoming, first-year and transfer undergraduate students who remain in good academic standing.
Mercer Community College partners with TCNJ and Rider: While taking classes at TCNJ or Rider, MCCC students can now access essential student services including housing, dining, the library, fitness center and more.
For Our Community
10th Annual Amazing Pumpkin Carve: Wed 10/9 - Sun 10/13! Celebrate the 10th year of the Amazing Pumpkin Carve! Enjoy awe-inspiring pumpkins carved by 30 talented artists inside our big top tent at Woolsey Park. Enjoy live music at the new Woolsey Park bandshell and storytellers around fire pits on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night, a kids haybale playground plus lots more! Check out the schedule for details. Rain or shine! For details and tickets, visit www.hvartscouncil.org/amazingpumpkincarve
The PSAT will be administered to all sophomores and juniors on October 9th. In order to ensure an optimal testing environment, all freshmen and seniors will have a three hour delayed opening, and will report to school at 10:45 a.m. (with transportation provided for those who typically utilize HVRSD busing).
We will follow a modified class schedule in which all eight classes will meet for brief check-ins.
Conferences: Last year, in an effort to further involve our students in their educational growth, we implemented student-caregiver-teacher conferences. Research indicates that conferences including students help to increase student agency, autonomy, and accountability, while simultaneously developing communication and advocacy skills. We will continue with student-caregiver-teacher conferences this year; since students are expected to attend, please consider their schedules when arranging for conferences. Additional information regarding conferences will be shared in the coming weeks.
Safety & Security Reminders: In order to ensure the safety and security of our staff and students, all visitors to HVCHS will be required to show identification upon entering the building. In addition, any individual who signs a student out of the building must be listed in OnCourse with permission for release, or separate written permission must be provided by a parent or guardian. We appreciate your cooperation with these safety and security measures.
HVCHS Athletics: There are over 300 student-athletes participating in our fall athletic season! Please come out to support our student-athletes as they compete in tennis, soccer, football, volleyball, cheerleading, field hockey, and cross country. The fall athletic schedule can be found here. All spectators should provide a positive and supportive presence for our student-athletes. Also, winter sports registration is open! Please check out the athletic website for registration. The deadline for registration is November 6th. Please remember you always have to hand a medical form into the nurse each season. If you are not sure what you need, please see Mrs. Drake or Ms. Hall in the Nurses' office.
Governor’s Educator of the Year- Each year, the Hopewell Valley Regional School District participates in the Governor's Educator of the Year (GEOY) program. The intent of this program is to recognize the hard work of outstanding teachers and educational services professionals. Below you will find a nomination form along with the criteria that you should consider, if interested in nominating an educator. You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google form, or you can print and write on the pdf attachment.Please return nomination forms directly to Ms. Riley by November 15, 2024.
Governor’s Educator of the Year Nomination (Google form)
Eligible Certification Areas for Educational Services Professionals
Support Professional Nomination (paraprofessional, secretary, custodian, maintenance worker, bus driver, van attendant, or technology specialist)
The HVCHS PTO is looking forward to connecting with you throughout the year! Please confirm your contact information HERE to ensure that you are receiving important information from the PTO. Donations to the annual PTO appeal can be made on the same site. Thank you for your support!
Be sure to save the date for Handbag Bingo (Friday, November 15th) and sign up to join the Handbag Bingo Planning Team.
Absences, Late Arrivals, & Early Dismissals: Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number 609-737-4003, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence or late arrival. Please provide a note if your child needs to be dismissed from school early. Freshmen, sophomores, and juniors MUST be signed out by a parent or guardian before leaving the building. Please also review our attendance procedures for details about the district policies. *As a reminder, students must be in school for at least four hours in order to participate in all athletic or extra-curricular activities and events*
What’s Happening at HVCHS? Please follow us on Twitter: @HVCentralHS and Instagram: hopewell_valley_central_hs for pictures, updates, and fun facts. Our daily morning announcements can be found on the school website and via this link. Fundraising activities from our classes, clubs, and teams can be found on our fundraising calendar. Also, check out our HV Student Publications Network page for student-created podcasts, digital videos, and more! If you are a graduate of HVCHS, and you would like to join our Alumni Directory, please complete our Database Form and indicate what type of information you would like to receive from HVCHS.
The Timberlane ``Principal's Page" on the TMS Website
Reminder: HVCHS Football Game tonight @ 6pm
- Middle School Students MUST be accompanied by an adult
- No more than 3 TMS students can be with 1 adult, and that adult assumes responsibility for any students with whom they enter.
- The accompanying adult must stay for the duration of time that the students that they brought are at the game.
- There are no food or dinks allowed in the TMS student section
Week of Respect. Oct. 7th-11th
Mon: Wear your favorite team jersey
Tues: Wear tie-dye
Wed: Wear neon or rainbow
Thurs: Wear an outfit of your favorite decade
Friday: Wear your team colors
Monthly PTO Meeting: Oct 8th, 9:30 am Zoom link here
TMS PTO Information and the link to the School Spirit Wear Store can be found here.
QCrew Cares: Timberlane Middle School PTO Dine Out Fundraiser. Order Dinner by Tues. Oct. 15th for pick up Oct. 16th at TMS between 4:00-5:00 pm See flier and scan code here
Wellness/Tech-Free Fun Night for Families: Friday, Oct 25th 5:30-7pm. The event will start with pizza and snacks in the cafeteria after which students will head to the gym(s) for tech-free games and activities. Parents/Guardians are invited to listen to local experts and to share ideas. These discussions will inform our next steps as we address digital wellness in our school community. Please consider stopping by!
Winter Sports Registration Is now open! Winter sports will start on Monday, Nov. 25th.
- Boys and Girls Basketball - (Open to grades 7th & 8th Only)
- Wrestling (Open to all grades)
- Winter Cheerleading (Open to all grades)
Click on these links for the registration page as well as sign ups for in house physicals on Thurs. Oct. 17th from 9-12 in the TMS Nurses Office. All medical paperwork and registration must be completed by November 6th! Anything turned in after that will run the risk of not being cleared on time to start winter sports.
Governor’s Educator of the Year - Each year, the Hopewell Valley Regional School District participates in the Governor's Educator of the Year (GEOY) program. The intent of this program is to recognize the hard work of outstanding teachers and educational services professionals. Below you will find a nomination form along with the criteria that you should consider, if interested in nominating an educator. You will be prompted to make a copy of the Google form, or you can print and write on the pdf attachment.Please return nomination forms directly to Principal Turnbull by Nov. 15, 2024.
Governor’s Educator of the Year Nomination (Google form)
Eligible Certification Areas for Educational Services Professionals
Support Professional Nomination (paraprofessional, secretary, custodian, maintenance worker, bus driver, van attendant, or technology speciali
Absences, Late Arrival & Early Dismissal: Parents should call our TeleSafe # 609-737-4004, Ext 2, by 8:00 am, to report an absence or late arrival. If your child is leaving early, please be sure to send in a note when possible. If the need occurs after the start of school, please call the Main Office. Please be aware Timberlane Drive is closed between 2:30 - 3:00 for TMS and CHS dismissal.
TMS Updates: For additional information about TMS, please visit our webpage, or follow us on Twitter @Timberlane_HV, or instagram @timberlane_timberwolves
*Dates To Remember*
10.16 - QCrew Fundraiser Dinner Pick-up
10/22 & 10/23 Picture Days
10/25 - Wellness Tech Free Night for Families / 6th Grade Night Out 3-5 pm
BT On Instagram - Click here for our page.
BT Week Of Respect - 10/7 - 10/11 Click here for the Spirit Wear guide.
School Picture Day will be held on October 9th & 10th. Click here to order online. Picture ID: EVT7XPCTX
BTPTO Bear Flash - Click here for info about upcoming activities.
BTPTO Spirit Wear - Brand new Spirit Wear will be available shortly. There will be hooded sweatshirts, long-sleeved shirts, t-shirts, shorts, and even pajamas; look for more information about how to purchase these items in the coming week.
BT Storybook Pumpkin Patch - Decorate a pumpkin to look like one of your favorite book characters, and bring it to Bear Tavern to plant in our Storybook Pumpkin Patch. Students may bring a decorated pumpkin to school the week of October 14th. - Click here for information.
Spooky Movie Night On 10/18 - Our Community Building team seeks planning committee members to help design and run this re-imagined Halloween-centered event. Please click here to sign up.
BT Scholastic Book Fair - Students will have a chance to preview the sale and create their wishlists before shopping begins on October 28th. Shopping will run through parent-teacher conference times in the first week of November so stop by and do some holiday shopping. Be on the lookout for volunteer sign ups coming soon.
BT Staff Appreciation Dinner 11/4 - If you would like to donate to the Staff Appreciation fund, please click here.
The Harlem Wizards Are Coming to Town - On 11/13 @ 6:00 pm (TMS school gym). Save the date for a fun-filled community event. Click here for ticket information.
Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Nominations Are Underway!
Please nominate one of our outstanding Bear Tavern educators for the Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Program. This award honors exceptional teachers and educational service professionals. Click here for the Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Nomination Form. Click here for the Support Professional Nomination Form. Click here for Eligible Certification Areas for Educational Services Professionals. Nominations are due to Principal Billy by 11/15.
School Lunch Information: Please click link for the 2024-2025 information.
Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number:
609-737-4005, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
Changes In Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home (pick up, take the bus, after-school program, etc.), please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4005 btmainoffice@hvrsd.org
*Dates To Remember*
September: Hispanic Heritage Month
10/7-10/11 - BT Week of Respect
10/9 & 10/10 - Picture Days
10/11 - Preschool Collab Day - NO PEECH
10/14 - Indigenous Peoples’ Day - Schools Closed - Staff Development Day
10/15-10/18 - Storybook Pumpkin Patch
10/18 - Spooky Movie Night
10/28 - Scholastic Book Fair
The Principal’s latest Newsletter - Hopewell’s Happenings is on the HES Website. Hopewell’s Happenings is a monthly update with links to information and activities
“The Wild Robot” Viewing Party - Come celebrate Hopewell Elementary School’s own Peter Brown, as his novel "The Wild Robot" is released as a feature film. Join the HES PTO for a private movie screening of The Wild Robot on October 6, 2024 at 10:30 AM at Hillsborough Cinemas (Hillsborough, NJ). Purchase tickets HERE
HES Week Of Respect is from 10/7 - 10/11: Click HERE for the Spirit Wear guide.
Picture Day is approaching! Irvin Simon Photographers will be at our school on October 10th to capture student photos. Shortly after Picture Day, photo proofs will be sent home with your children, along with details on how to place your orders.
PTO Fundraisers
Minted Partnership: Sending holiday cards this year? Please consider using the HES PTO's coupon code for Minted.com. You save 20% and we get 15% back! Minted Code: FUNDRAISEHOPEWELLELEM
The HES PTO is thrilled to continue our partnership for the annual Holiday Experience Family Photo Fundraiser. This year, they’re offering two stunning settings for your family photo sessions. Link HERE for Sign-ups
Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Nominations Are Underway! Please consider nominating one of our wonderful Stony Brook educators for the Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Program. This award honors exceptional teachers and educational service professionals.Click here for the Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Nomination Form. Click here for the Support Professional Nomination Form. Click here for Eligible Certification Areas for Educational Services Professionals. Nominations are due to the HES main office by 11/15.
School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
Absences & Late Arrivals - Parents/Guardians should call our TeleSafe number, 609-737- 4007, Ext 2, by 8:00 a.m. to report an absence or late arrival. Thank you.
HES Changes in Students’ Dismissal - If there is a change in how students will be going home (pick up, take the bus, after-school program, etc.), please be sure to call or email the main office at 609-737-4007 hwmainoffice@hvrsd.org
Dismissal Waiver Form - A reminder to please complete the 2024-2025 HES Dismissal Waiver Form for each child that attends HES. Review the various choices within the form and make a selection for each day of the week.
Dates to Remember:
October 7th-11th - Week of Respect & Fire Prevention Week
October 10th - Picture Day
October 11th - Preschool Collab Day - NO PEECH
October 14th - Indigenous Peoples’ Day - Schools Closed - Staff Development Day
Principal’s Newsletter - “The Scoop” has details on upcoming events and is emailed to families weekly. Also check out the Principal’s Page on the SB website.
Pretzel Days - Forms due today! Sign up to get a soft pretzel delivered to your classroom! Use this form. and submit it to the main office with your payment.
YMCA Afterschool Enrichment - Registration closes today! Fall classes will run Oct- Dec. Programs are designed to keep your child engaged from 4:00 PM-5:00 PM, right at their school. YMCA staff provides supervision from school dismissal until the program begins.
***Get an All-Star Shine - Sat. Oct. 5th!! Our 5th-Grade PTO Car Wash fundraiser will be held from 11am-1pm in the South Lot. A $10 donation is suggested.
Week of Respect - October 7th-11th is the Week of Respect in NJ public schools.
- On 10/8: Respect Yourself! Wear something that makes you feel Confident!
- On 10/9 Respect Our Earth! Wear something comfy & walk to school!
- On 10/11: Respect Our School! Wear All Star Spirit Gear!
Walk & Roll to School Wednesdays - Please join us every Wednesday in October to walk or bike to school. Teachers & celebrity walkers will start at SB at 8am. Those students will be entered into a drawing to have Pizza with the Police! (10/2, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23, 10/30)
PTO All-Star Donation Drive! Don’t forget to donate by October 11 to be entered into a raffle to be “Principal for the Morning,” “Lunchtime DJ,” “Announcement Reader” or win “Lunch with the Principal.” Click here to donate or send in cash or check (made out to SB PTO) in an envelope to the Main Office with your child’s name, homeroom. Donations are tax deductible and can be matched by employers. Help us meet our goal of $3,000!
Picture Day - Make up Day for yearbook pictures will be on Wednesday, November 13th.
Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Nominations Are Underway! Please consider nominating an exceptional teacher and/or educational service professional fot the Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Program. Click here for the Governor’s Educator-of-the-Year Nomination Form. Click here for the Support Professional Nomination Form. Click here for Eligible Certification Areas for Educational Services Professionals. Nominations are due by 11/15 to the Stony Brook Main Office.
School Lunch Information: Please click this link for the 2024-2025 information.
Absences, Late Arrivals & Changes In Students’ Dismissal.
- Please call our TelSafe line at 609-737-4006, Ext 2, by 8:00 am to report an absence, late arrival or last minute change in your student's dismissal.
- When possible, lease email the main office in advance at sbmainoffice@hvrsd.org about a dismissal change.
- Please refer to our Attendance Procedures for details regarding school absences, late arrivals and early dismissals.
Membership Toolkit - Click here to register for volunteer opportunities, class lists & apparel. Contact StonyBrookPTO@gmail.com with any questions.
*Dates To Remember*
10/4 - Pretzel Forms Due / YMCA Registration Closes
10/5 - PTO/Grade 5 Car Wash!
10/7 - 10/11 Week of Respect
10/9, 10/16, 10/23 &10/30 - Walk & Roll to School Wednesdays
10/14 - Indigenous Peoples’ Day - Schools Closed - Staff Development Day
11/13 - Picture Day Make Ups
Toll Gate Grammar School Website
Toll Gate Grammar on Instagram
Email the Toll Gate Main Office
The TG Quilt Design Contest has begun! Please complete the Quilt Design Contest submission sheet and return it to Ms. Rosikiewicz by October 4th, 2024. This project is supported by the Hopewell Valley Educational Foundation.
Toll Gate PTO Information: If you'd like to receive the PTO Gator Gram newsletter or join the student directory CLICK HERE. Also, please support the Annual Appeal! Please click this link to Learn More and Donate.
Week of Respect: From Monday, October 7th through Friday, October 11th (next week), Toll Gate will be recognizing Week of Respect with activities and events organized by the School Safety Climate Team.
- Each morning during Week of Respect our students at Toll Gate will participate in morning meetings that have been prepared by the School Safety Climate Team. The theme of each morning meeting is centralized around one of the five C.A.R.E.S. competencies (cooperation, assertion, responsibility, empathy, and self-control). The C.A.R.E.S. framework, which is derived from our Responsive Classroom Curriculum, supports our students' social-emotional and behavioral growth and emphasizes how our interactions with one another can impact our school culture and overall sense of community and belonging.
- Students will engage with their homeroom teacher and students across grade-levels during morning meeting activities and school-wide activities, including a Gator Gathering to kick off the Week of Respect on Monday, October 7th and Gator Buddy Meetings on Friday, October 11th organized by their homeroom teacher and their homeroom Gator Buddy teacher!
- Students and families are encouraged and welcome to join in the school spirit with our Week of Respect Spirit Days. Please visit the link to our spirit days for further descriptions!
Lifetouch Picture Day is coming on Monday, October 21! You can place your order on mylifetouch.com using your Picture Day ID: EVTJDXRRF. Order before midnight on Picture Day to get FREE shipping! Your child can also bring their completed flier with cash or check on Picture Day.
School Lunch Information: Please click this link for 2024-2025 information on school lunch.
Reporting Student Absences: Please remember to call the Telsafe line 609-737-4008, option 2) by 8:00am for any absences or tardiness. Emails to a teacher may not be seen in a timely manner. Telsafe is the best way to report an absence. If your child is not at school and you haven’t reported them absent or tardy, you will get a phone call from Mrs. Smith, our school nurse.
Dates to Remember:
Monday, 10/7-Friday, 10/11: Week of Respect
Thursday, 10/10: Fire Safety Presentation
Friday, 10/11: Preschool Collab Day - NO PEECH
Monday, 10/14: Indigenous Peoples’ Day - Schools Closed - Staff Development Day
Wednesday, 10/16: Fall Assembly
Monday, 10/21: School Picture Day
Community Events and Programs
Hopewell Recreation Movies in the Park, "Scooby Doo" Sat. Oct 5th, Woolsey Park, Free
Parking Opens at 5:30pm, movie starts at 6:30.
Hopewell Recreation Fall and Winter 2024-25 Program Guide is now available!
McCarter Theatre “Encanto: The Sing-Along Film Concert,” Friday, Oct 4-7 p.m.:
Create magical memories with the whole family! This interactive performance and screening features live music by Banda de la Casita, bringing Disney’s beloved film to life.
The Princeton Children's Book Festival, Hinds Plaza, Sat. Oct. 5th, 11am-4pm: with 50 authors and illustrators of children’s and teens’ literature, free arts and crafts activities, and more.
The Trenton Cyrus Lodge Presents "5th Annual Hopewell Community Oktoberfest" Sat. Oct. 5th, 131 Burd Street, Pennington Food, craft , cornhole, music, face-painting, pumpkin-painting, and more!
Palmer Square Princeton Fall Events:
- Fall Music Series, Sat. Oct. 5th Palmer Square Princeton, 12:00pm-2:00pm Grab a seat at a picnic table or bring your own chairs and blankets to the lawn for an afternoon of great tunes! Additional shows on the 12th, 19th and 26th.
- Music Fest Sundays, 1:00pm-4:00pm
- Oct 6: John McDermott Band, 60's Rock & Roll Revue Oct 13: Jerzy Merzy Beatles Tribute
- Oct 20: Epic Soul, Motown Oct 27: Cosmic Jerry Band, Grateful Dead Tribute
10th Annual Amazing Pumpkin Carve: Wed 10/9 - Sun 10/13! Celebrate the 10th year of the Amazing Pumpkin Carve! Enjoy awe-inspiring pumpkins carved by 30 talented artists inside our big top tent at Woolsey Park. Enjoy live music at the new Woolsey Park bandshell and storytellers around fire pits on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday night, a kids haybale playground plus lots more! Check out the schedule for details. Rain or shine! For details and tickets, visit www.hvartscouncil.org/amazingpumpkincarve
5th Annual Pennington Fire Co. "Car Show", Oct. 13th, 10am-3pm, 120 Broemel Place
Food, Music, Awards & More!
Hopewell Recreation presents "Haunted Hopewell", Sat. Oct. 19th, 3:00pm-5:00pm Woolsey Park
Halloween Themed Show, Trick or Treating, Games and More! Costumes are encouraged!
Trunk or Treat, Oct. 19th 5pm-8pm, Trenton Cyrus Lodge, Pennington. Sponsored by Pennington Police Dept and Pennington Borough. Please click HERE for more information.
Lawrenceville Main Street Events:
- Music on Main: Friday Nights in Weeden Park -10/4 and 10/11!
- Fall Arts Festival, Oct. 19th! Join us for a day or art, music, Food and community at this street fair style event with over 170 artists, crafters and vendors!
Paws for Our Cause Walk & Family Wellness Fair, Sat. Oct. 19th, Rosedale Park, 1-3pm
This event will raise critical funding for Senior Nutritional Services as well as the Meals on Wheels of Mercer County Pet Pantry - keeping our homebound seniors and their pets healthy, happy & together.
The Watershed Institute:
- Origins of Halloween Night Hike, Oct 26th, 6-8:30pm: join us on a journey through the woods to meet the characters in an Irish folktale that unfolds along the path. Designed to educate and enchant, not to fright. Register HERE
- Tour De Towpath! Cadwalader Park, Trenton. First-ever bike-run-walk event to celebrate the 50th anniversary of D&R Canal State Park! This family friendly event has something for everyone. Enjoy our canal festival with food, music and games. All participants and volunteers will receive a t-shirt and continental breakfast. Sign up now to participate or volunteer on Oct. 26th.
HomeFront Halloween 5K Run and one-mile walk, Sunday, Oct 27th, Carnegie Center 9am Halloween-themed course, live music, trunk-or-treat, costume contest, trophies, tee shirts, and more. Preschooler 100 yard Pumpkin Dash. Please click on link to register or volunteer.
In October, the Princeton Garden Theatre will present a series of films to mark the spookiest time of the year. For young viewers, the October $5 Family Matinee title is the animated creature feature, Hotel Transylvania. Tickets are available at the box office or online at princetongardentheatre.org/specials.
The Princeton University KIDS Club - Free to kids 12 and under, provides free admission to select Princeton Athletics events throughout the year
• Exclusive email newsletter & announcements • Information about other campus youth events
• Birthday email from the Princeton Tiger Register HERE
- Fall Family Weekends thru November: Pick your own apples and pumpkins, go on pony rides, play with tractors, games, mazes, barnyard, and much more!
- Read & Pick Programs: Each session includes reading stories and discussing how crops are grown or learning about an area of the farm. Children have hands-on picking time or complete a craft activity. Click on link to register!
NEW - from Mercer County Library System: Little Pim, the leading language teaching method designed just for children. The short 5-minute videos hold their focus so they can begin their language learning journey on their own. Little Pim covers 12 languages: Spanish, French, Italian, German, Mandarin Chinese, Korean, Japanese, Hebrew, Russian, Arabic, Portuguese, English/ESL. For access information, please click HERE.
Grounds for Sculpture, Family Events: Unleash your inner artist through a variety of hands-on classes and workshops. Includes Programs such as "Tots for Sculpture" and "Family Open Studios"
Night Skies at the Crossing: Simpson Observatory at Washington Crossing
Open to the public on clear Friday evenings from April through October!
Experience a free tour of the night sky with the Amateur Astronomers Association of Princeton.
The Harlem Wizards Are Coming to Town! On 11/13, Timberlane Middle School gym. The game begins at 7:00 PM and the doors will open at 6:00 PM. Be sure to purchase your tickets in advance - click here for ticket information. The Wizards are a show basketball entity delivering fundraising events for schools. The comedy, the audience participation, the spontaneity in a community setting adds up to a night to be experienced and treasured.
Hopewell Basketball Association:
- Girls Basketball Skill Camp: learn the fundamentals and improve your skills! 5 wks at TMS gym, starting 11/11. All levels and skills welcome. Register online @ HopewellBasketball.com
- Winter Hoops Registration is Open! Games are played on Saturdays at the Timberlane Middle School Gyms. Winter Hoops is open to anyone who wants to play basketball Boys and Girls Grades 3rd to 12th
Hopewell Valley Annual Turkey Trot 2024: Join us in support of Hopewell Valley Wrestling Nov 28, 2024 @ 9:00am!
Music Mountain Theatre: 2024 Young Audience Season: The perfect introduction to live theater for children. Upcoming shows include: Disney's Frozen Jr and the Great Pumpkin.
Roxey Ballet: Here is a link to the upcoming productions, one of which The Nutcracker, has a children's matinee on 12/6.
Here are the links to the local libraries for upcoming storytimes, events and programs: