Thundercat Weekly
Parent Newsletter: August 30-September 6
Newsletter Contents
· Upcoming Dates
· RTMS Daily 4 Point Check
· Locker Request
· Tardies
· Student ID Badges
· 1:1 Laptop Program
· Picture Day
· Yearbooks
· Attendance Office FAQ
· Dress Code
· Student Safety After Dismissal
· Parent Volunteers (Watch.Walk.Repeat)
· Schedule Change Request
· MAP Assessments
· Administration Alpha Split
· Counselor Alpha Split
· Counselor’s Corner
· Level Down Information
· Supply List
· Bus Route Locator
· Sports You
· School Calendar
· PE uniforms
We’re thrilled to kick off the school year with such excitement and energy!
It’s amazing to see our students diving into new experiences with enthusiasm.
This year is full of opportunities for learning and growth. Our team is dedicated to creating a supportive and vibrant environment where every student can thrive.
We’re excited to partner with you and make this year truly special!
Here’s to a fantastic year ahead at Ronald Thornton Middle School!
Upcoming Dates
- September 2 – No School, Labor Day
- September 27 – No School
- October 9 – End of Term 1
- October 10-15 – No School
- October 16 – Start of Term 2
RTMS 4 Point Check
With the school year already in full swing, let’s make sure each day begins smoothly. Please follow these simple steps when entering the building
Cell Phone Policy
- Students may bring their cell phones to school, but they must be turned off and kept out of sight from the moment they enter RTMS until dismissal at 4:10 pm.
- If a student is seen with a cell phone during the school day, the phone will be confiscated.
- On the third confiscation, there will be a $10 fee to retrieve the phone, and a parent/guardian must come to the school to collect it.
- It is the student's responsibility to inform their parent that their cell phone has been confiscated.
- Cell phones may only be used before and after school.
Students have had two weeks to familiarize themselves with the quickest routes to their classes, and now it's time to ensure they are in class and ready to learn.
Starting Monday, the following tardy policy will be enforced:
- 1st Tardy: Teacher/Student Conference
- 2nd Tardy: Teacher contacts the parent regarding the tardies
- 3rd Tardy: Teacher follows up with another call to the parent
- 4th Tardy: Student receives a referral and after-school detention
- 5th Tardy: Referral and after-school detention
- 6th Tardy (within a 9-week period): Referral, Saturday detention, and a face-to-face meeting with the student, parent, teacher, and administration
Please encourage your student to be on time and ready to learn every day! Let's work together to ensure a successful and punctual school year
Dress Code
The full FBISD dress code can be found in the Student Code of Conduct. Key points to remember:
- Midriffs (stomach or back) must be covered.
- Hoods, hats, caps, do-rags, wave caps, bonnets, and bandanas are not allowed.
- Pajamas, house shoes, and slippers are not permitted.
- Shorts should be no shorter than slightly above mid-thigh.
Students should dress comfortably for all school activities, including sitting in chairs or stools, working in groups, moving between classes, and navigating stairs. Please review the FBISD Dress Code before the school year begins to ensure your student is dressed appropriately for school.
Student ID Badges
Our students have received their ID badges, which they are required to wear daily around their neck. Please ensure your child does not place stickers over their photo, as these IDs will be used for riding the bus, scanning for lunch purchases, and checking out books in the library. We appreciate your help in reinforcing this important new policy.
Student Laptops
RTMS students have received their laptops! Please make sure your child charges their laptop every night and brings it to school each day. As laptops will be used in all classes, it's crucial that they are brought to school daily
Picture Day!
Get ready to capture the memories.
Picture Day is just around the corner!
Make sure your student is dressed in their best and brings their brightest smile.
Yearbooks on Sale NOW!
Capture the memories of this school year by ordering your yearbook today! Yearbooks are now on sale, so be sure to reserve your copy early. You can place your order directly through this link.
Attendance Office FAQs
Have questions about attendance? Our Attendance Office FAQ section has the answers you need! From reporting absences to understanding attendance policies, we’ve got you covered.
Student Safety After Dismissal
RTMS dismissal begins at 4:10 PM. To ensure the safety of all students, please make sure your child is picked up by 4:45 PM. Please be aware that any students not picked up by 4:45 PM will be unsupervised in the front of the building.
Join Walk.Watch.Repeat. Volunteer and Make a Difference at RTMS!
Walk. Watch. Repeat. is a great way for parents to get involved at Ronald Thornton Middle School! We need volunteers to help keep our campus safe and welcoming by being extra eyes and ears throughout the school day. Your presence makes a big difference, and it’s a fun way to connect with our school community. We’d love to have you on our team!
A Message from the PTO President
Hello Thundercat Families,
Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year! My name is Betsy George, and I'm honored to serve as your PTO President. The RTMS PTO Board is filled with an amazing group of volunteers who have worked hard this summer to prepare for the upcoming school year. We are excited to serve our students and teachers! There will be many opportunities for you to volunteer as well—check out our PTO website. Facebook pages and newsletter for the most up to date information on how to get involved. Please feel free to reach out at any time at rtmspresident@gmail.com.
Go Thundercats!
Betsy George
RTMS PTO President
Purchase RTMS Spirit Wear
Show your school pride! Don’t miss out on purchasing our exclusive spirit wear. From t-shirts to hoodies, we have a variety of options to help you and your student represent RTMS in style. Visit our online store today and gear up for a spirited year ahead!
Beginning this year, students in Fort Bend ISD will complete NWEA MAP computer-adaptive assessments three times a year to gain information about what students know and what they are ready to learn next. MAP also gives insight into how students are growing academically, allowing you to track your student's progress throughout the school year and across multiple years. Families will have access to their child's results after each testing window. NWEA MAP is replacing Renaissance 360. For more information, visit the NWEA Family Toolkit linked here or contact your child’s teacher.
Administration Alpha Split
This school year, RTMS is implementing a new grade level split to better serve our students.
Counselor Alpha Splits
To enhance our support for students, RTMS counselors will now be assigned based on the first letter of students' last names. We're excited to offer more tailored support for every Thundercat!
Counselor's Corner
We’re thrilled to announce our upcoming Parent Boot Camp! This event is designed to provide valuable tools and strategies to help support your child’s educational journey.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA)
Join us in the library on September 6 at 8:10 AM for the exciting kickoff of FCA! Coach Rick LaFavers from RPHS Football will be starting the year off right. This event is open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students.
Important Details:
Arrival: Please go to the front of the school by 8:05 AM, where Coach Barger will open the doors for attendees.
No one will be admitted to the library after 8:10 AM, so please arrive on time.
FCA Shirts:
Available for purchase at this link.
Join Us:
Don’t forget to join our SportsYou group with the code E8S74MXK.
For more details, contact Coach Barger at Dana.Barger@fortbendisd.gov.
Grab a friend and come join the fun!
Student Council
Join us for an informational meeting about Student Council on Wednesday, September 4 at 8:20 AM in the library. Open to all 6th, 7th, and 8th grade students, this is a great opportunity to learn more about how you can get involved. We hope to see you there!
Grade Level Supply Lists
As we prepare for the upcoming school year, please check the specific supply list for your child's grade level. Having the right supplies ensures that every student is ready for a successful start.
Bus Route Locator
Get ready for the 2024-2025 school year with FBISD Bus Route Locator! Follow the link to enter your address and access the latest bus route details: Bus Route Locator.
PINK OUT Shirts Available
PINK OUT Shirts Available!
October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month, and we’re excited to offer PINK OUT shirts for the RTMS PINK OUT games and spirit days!
- Price: $10
- Available for Everyone: All students, staff, and families can purchase.
Ordering Details:
- Store Closes: September 11
- Shirts Delivered By: October 1
How to Order:
- Order Here
- When placing your order, please enter your child’s first period teacher's name in the “Delivered To” field.
Don’t miss out on this opportunity to support breast cancer awareness and show your school spirit!
Contact: Coach Barger at Dana.Barger@fortbendisd.gov for any questions.
Stay Connected with Sports You!
To stay updated on all RTMS sports activities, join the Sports You group for your child:
- Boys Sports: Use code GEMN4S2U
- Girls Sports: Use code 4J5U-RAQH
Join the group to receive important updates and information throughout the season.
PE Uniforms Sold Out
PE Uniforms are sold out. We have placed a new order that should be in with in the next couple of weeks. As soon as uniforms are delivered we will fulfill all the unfulfilled orders.
- $10 for shirts
- $10 for shorts
Purchase Options:
- Online: Purchase Here
- Print your receipt – Do NOT email the receipt to the PE teacher!
- Cash or Check:
- Make payable to RTMS
- Send your cash or check with your student the week of August 12-16
Uniform Distribution:
- Students need a receipt or screenshot of receipt to pick up uniforms if ordered online
- Do NOT email receipt to the PE teacher
Dress Code:
- All students MUST dress out for PE
- If not purchasing a PE uniform, students must bring long shorts and a t-shirt in school colors (purple, gold, white, grey)
- No sleeveless shirts allowed
School Calendar
As you begin planning vacations for the upcoming year, please review the 2024-25 FBISD Academic Calendar. Keep in mind that family trips and vacations are considered unexcused absences. It is no secret that our students learn best when they are here for us to teach them.
RTMS Social Media
- Twitter: https://twitter.com/RTMSThundercats
- Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/rtms
- RTMS PTO https://www.rtmspto.net/
Links and Resources
Ronald Thornton Middle School
Website: https://www.fortbendisd.com/rtms
Location: 1909 Water Lakes Blvd., Missouri City, TX 77459
Phone: (281) 327-3870