Emma L. Miller Friday Family Focus
Be Kind, Be Awesome, Be Present!
Friday, 11/8
Good morning E.L.M. Families,
Happy Friday! I hope everyone had a great week. We appreciate you all keeping an eye on the weather each day and preparing your children accordingly. At this point I'm not sure whether to recommend wearing t-shirts & shorts or winter gear. 😊
Also, there is no school on Monday in observance of Veteran's Day. On behalf of the faculty & staff at Emma Miller, we'd like to send sincere gratitude to all veterans within our school family. Thank you for your service. 🧡🤍💙
Photo of the Week: Red Bows & Pumpkins!
Next Week at a Glance:
Mon. 11/11 - No School Today - Veteran's Day
Tues. 11/12 -
Wed. 11/13 -
Thurs. 11/14 - MA MOCA Field Trip/Papa Ginos
Fri. 11/15 -
News, Updates & Reminders:
* Permission slips were sent home this week for our field trips to MA MOCA. Please sign and return them as soon as possible. Thank you.
* We will be having lunch at Papa Ginos on Thursday, after the MA MOCA performance. If your student does not like pizza, we recommend packing a lunch on that day. Our regular lunch will not be available.
* This evening at 6:00pm I will be sending a "Test" robocall to prepare for the upcoming winter. If you do not receive a call, please reach out to me, so I can be sure that your phone number is put into our system.
* Last call on ordering school apparel. If you would like to place an order for school apparel through Becks, please follow the link below. Orders are due on Monday, Nov. 11th. Please note that if you would like an order sent to the school, and it is a gift, please let us know and we'll hold the items for you to pick up. Otherwise, we will send home the orders with your student when they arrive around Dec. 5th.
* Our alternate lunch choices will change next week. Please keep this list handy. These choices will be offered alongside the main choice for any given day.
Monday - Popcorn Chicken
Tuesday - Turkey & Cheese Sandwiches
Wednesday - Ham & Cheese Croissant
Thursday - Beef Burger
Friday - Pizza
* Great news...this week the power went out in Savoy while we were in session, and our new generator kicked in and got us through the day without hesitation. This upgrade to our school has already proven to be a worthwhile investment. In case you didn't know, we have also installed a more efficient heating system. All of these upgrades have been provided through various grants.
* Aftercare payments are due today. Thank you.
Planning Ahead:
* Speaking of weather...It's that time of year to begin thinking about winter in Savoy. We highly recommend keeping a set of winter gear at school. These items include a coat, hat, gloves, boots, and snow pants. If students are unable to have a set left at school, then they will need them brought to school each day. We go outside for PE and recess every day, unless it is icy or extremely cold.
* There will be a half day of school on Thursday, Dec. 5th for parent/teacher conferences.
PTG Updates:
* The next PTG meeting will be on Monday, Dec. 2nd at 5:00pm.
Health & Safety:
* Nothing new for today.
🧡Mrs. Tierney🧡
Contact Information
Email: ttierney@savoyelementary.com
Website: www.savoyelementary.com
Location: 26 Chapel Rd, Savoy, MA, USA
Phone: 413-743-1992
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100074472651098