a day at the beach
August 13, 2024
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Class Assignments
Your child's teacher is now listed in ParentVUE. Simply log into ParentVUE to see which of our dedicated educators will be spending most of their time with your child(ren) this year! Please note: There is a very slight chance that class placements will change between now and the beginning of the school year based on new enrollment. Classes will be finalized on August 25th. Not sure how to access ParentVUE? See below.
Accessing ParentVUE
ParentVUE is a website that offers secure, private access to school and student information, including assessment results, grades, attendance, the school calendar, and teacher contact details. ParentVUE allows you to see information for all of your children in one place. You can use this on a computer, tablet or phone.
Set up takes about 15 minutes and involves a phone call or email to Beach and time on your device.
If you do not yet have an account, begin at step one. If you already have an account, begin at step two.
- First, you need an activation key provided by Beach. Please call 503-916-6236 or email eromero@pps.net and/or tmyers2@pps.net to get your code.
- Then you click this link and then click the link that is relevant to you.
- Then you follow the steps as outlined in this document.
Beach Communication - Remind - Please Sign Up
Remind is the platform that PPS uses to communicate with you. This will look like texts and emails that have information related to PPS, in general, or Beach, specifically. The message can come from the Beach office or your child(ren)'s teacher(s). It's incredibly helpful for all of our families to be included in Remind so that you get the information that you need to stay in the loop. And guess what? The app is not necessary! You are welcome to simply provide your phone number.
Beach Bike Train
We need your ideas to make the Beach Bike Train the best it can be! We are volunteers with the Beach Community Union (BCU), adults who help Beach students go by bike to school together, on-time and safely!
The Beach Bike Train started back up in the Spring of 2023 with the help of community volunteers. Each Friday at 8:20am, volunteers and students meet together at the corner of Killingsworth and Concord and go to school together by bike. We would love to expand participation and make sure the Beach Bike Train happens every week in the coming school year. Your ideas will help us to grow and make the Beach Bike Train more accessible to all of the students and parents who'd like to participate in the 2024-2025 school year.
In order to make that happen, we would love to hear from you! Please take a few minutes to fill out our Bike Train Survey so we have a sense of who might be interested.
Nic Cota, BCU Volunteer
Katrina De Boer, Beach Elementary Counselor
Staff Update
We are nearly fully staffed! Below you will see our staff for the upcoming school year. We are still hiring for a couple of support staff positions and hope to have them with us before school begins. We've got a great team!
Community Care Day (Reminder)
Come join us this Saturday from 10:00-12:00 to spruce up our campus! The majority of the projects are weeding and spreading mulch; nothing very strenuous. If you have a string trimmer (weed whacker/eater) it would be great if you would bring it. Weed pulling tools will also be helpful. Gloves, hats, sunscreen and water bottle are recommended. We will have gloves and small hand tools available as well.
This is an event for all ages - we look forward to seeing you!
Family/Loved Ones Photo (Reminder)
We have been, and continue to be, focused on increasing students' sense of belonging in school. There is clear evidence that a strong sense of belonging is protective of mental health, improves academic outcomes and increases continuing enrollment - all wonderful things! This year we invite you to send in a 4x6 or 5x7 family/loved ones photo for us to frame and put in our hallways. Please bring this photo to Kinder Connect or bring it to school and give it to your child's teacher (please write your child's name and grade on the back). If you would rather not print the picture, feel free to email me the jpeg at njohnson@pps.net (please write your child's name and grade in the email). This does NOT need to be a fancy picture! A fun, casual pic will do the trick.
School Supplies (Reminder)
We are happy to announce that we will continue to use the shared school supply process that we used last year for school supplies. This means there's no need to shop for pencils, markers and notebooks yourself! It also means that your child will not run out of supplies throughout the school year because we will have additional supplies available as needed.
We are asking for a $30 contribution for each student for their annual school supplies. Materials will be ready for all children on the first day of school. Please use the QR code above or click this link to pay.
Beach School Website
Upcoming Events - Mark Your Calendars
- Thursday, August 15 from 9:00-10:30 - Kinder Connect (play on the playground)
- Saturday, August 17 from 10:00-12:00 - Community Care Day
- Tuesday, August 27 at 8:00am - First Day of School for Grades 1-5
- Monday, September 2 - Labor Day, No School
- Tuesday, September 3 at 8:00am - First Day of Kindergarten
- Wednesday, September 11 - Dental Sealants for Grades 2-3
- Thursday, September 19 from 5:30-7:30pm - Back to School Night
- Monday, September 30 - School Picture Day