Huesken Highlights
September 2024
Hello Huesken Middle School Families,
Happy October! We have a number of updates for parents. Regarding goals, changes to our schedule and opportunities for students. Please review the following pieces of communication and reach out to the main office with any questions.
Grade Reporting Switch: Moving to marking periods versus trimesters
This year the middle school has switched to marking periods in place of trimesters. This allows us to have additional communication with families regarding grades and progress as well as open additional class opportunities for students at GHMS. Last week was the half way point of the first marking period.Parents will be receiving 4 report cards this year. The end of the 1st marking period is October 30th, 2024.
Core Extension: 7th and 8th grade Students ONLY
This year students have a period on their schedule called Core Extension. This is not a study hall class but an academic period that is an extension of students core class. During this time students are receiving enrichment, remediation or extra practice for their four core classes (English, Math, Science and History). Students rotate on a four day cycle and will see their core teachers twice in a day. This is also when students receive gifted, interventions and reading and math support if needed. Please reach out to school counselors with any questions.
Lunch Period: All grades
This year the middle school has extended the lunch period to provide additional down time for students. Students have the option to go outside for 20 minutes during the lunch period. There are additional options such as board games, trivia, drawing, or reading. Please encourage students to bring jackets (placed in their lockers) or wear warm clothing as we get into the winter months. Students will still have the opportunity to go outside as long as the temperature is appropriate.
This year students have an advisory period first thing in the morning. Throughout the year you may hear the term homeroom and advisory being used interchangeably but the advisory period is designed for building relationships in small groups with a mentor teacher. When students arrive at school they watch announcements with their peers and participate in some community building activities. Next week will focus on safety. More information will be coming home next week regarding our safety procedures at the middle school.
Title 1: Annual Parent update
Please review our Annual Right to Know letter from Dr. Koser. This letter explains federal programming and services at the middle school.
Student Data Sheets/ PSSA reports/ and Progress Reports
All students will be bringing home their marking period 1 progress reports and their 23-24 PSSA score reports TODAY 10/4/24. Students will also have a copy of their data sheets on their iPads today or Monday. Please take a few minutes to review your son and daughters grades and data. Each student also wrote S.M.A.R.T goals for the year. We will be celebrating the first marking period on Oct. 25th.
We will continue sharing our monthly communication via the Huesken Highlights newsletter. Teams also will be sharing monthly newsletters with families starting in October so please keep an eye out for team communication around Oct. 18th. Additionally, check out and follow our instagram account @ghms_cvsd for all things middle school. All of our school newsletters are posted on the Conestoga Valley Website.
Reach out anytime with questions or concerns.
Dr. Rachel Metzinger
Gerald G. Huesken Middle School
If your student is just getting started at Gerald Huesken Middle School, welcome from the GHMS PTO! And if you have a returning student, welcome back! We hope that everyone has had a fun, safe, adventurous summer, and that you are as excited as we are to get the 2024-25 school year underway. If you are new to the GHMS PTO, we are so glad to have you join us. Our goal is to support fun, community-building events for our middle school students, to show the teachers and staff appreciation for the extremely hard work that they do, and to raise funds for items outside of the school budget that enhance the school experience for students. This year our goal with fundraising is to add some outdoor equipment for students to use during their lunch period or other time that they get to spend outdoors, such as soccer goals and a gaga pit, and more!
If you do not have a student at GHMS anymore, please reply to this email and let us know so that we can take you off our list!
We have a calendar of events for the 2024-25 school year below so that you can add dates for our meetings and events to your calendar! We hope to update any events that are "TBD" soon.
Our next meeting is November 11th at 6:00 pm.
Look for more information on these events and more to come in emails and on social media. Thank you for your support. We look forward to a great year!
Calendar of Events
Save the Dates:
- October 4th- PTO Tailgate
- October 8th- GHMS Pasquale's Night (PTO)
- October 10th- Early Dismissal
- October 11th- No School (Teacher Professional Development Day)
- October 14th- No School
- October 24th- Fall Cruise the Halls- Parent Resource Night
- October 25th- Early Dismissal
- October 30th- End of Marking Period 1
Please use the link above to submit questions, ideas, or additions that you would find helpful. If you have something positive to share that you would not mind sharing in the following newsletter, please include that as well.