Timberwolf Times
Volume 6, Issue 3 - August 13, 2023
A Message from Dr. Lowry
Good afternoon Timberwolves!
This past week was absolutely amazing and I enjoyed meeting our newest Timberwolves and their families. It was also great seeing our returning Timberwolves and hearing about their amazing summer experiences.
I want to say thank you to our incredible PTA for their hospitality this week. They welcomed our staff back and providing breakfast and lunch. If you are not already a PTA member, I encourage you to join our PTA. Your membership supports the programs and events that help enhance students' experiences at school.
Click the link and join now!
Thank you for your support!
Speaking of PTA, we would like to thank them for the purchase of our beautiful Timberwolf mural. Watching this painting come to life was an amazing sight. The new mural is located in our main hallway towards the gym.
Below you will find information about this week and what everyone can expect on the first day of school, as well of a few changes we have made here at WCJH. Parents, please be aware of the new cell phone policy, the district's dress code, and vaping/e-cigarette policies that have been put in place for this school year. During the first couple weeks of school we will emphasize and teach the expectations to all Timberwolves. It will take a couple weeks to ensure everyone knows what to expect and we are grateful for your patience while everyone learns these expectations.
Lastly, please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions. It is important that the lines of communication between all members of our school community remain open and available. Together, WCJH will be a community of kindness, excellence, and trust. We are all looking forward to a fantastic school year.
Dr. Andrew Lowry
WoodCreek Junior High
This Week in Timberwolf Nation
Monday, August 14
- Summer Break
- 8th Grade Football Equipment Check-Out @ WCJH 8-11am
Tuesday, August 15
- Summer Break
- 7th Grade Football Equipment Check-Out @ WCJH 8-11am
Wednesday, August 16
- Doors Open at 8:30am (Parents are not permitted to enter the building).
- 8th Grade Volleyball Tryouts 4:00pm-6:00pm
Thursday, August 17
- 8th Grade Volleyball Tryouts 6:00am-8:30am
- 7th Grade Volleyball Tryouts 4:00pm-6:00pm
- Football Parent Meeting 5:30-6:30pm
Friday, August 18
- 7th Grade Volleyball Tryouts 6:00am-8:30am
A Look Ahead...
- Volleyball Parent Meeting
Tuesday, August 22
- Orchestra Parent Meeting
- XC Parent Meeting
Wednesday, August 23
- 6th Grade Open House 6:00 - 7:15pm - Parents Follow Student Schedule and Meet Teachers
Thursday, August 24
- Orchestra Midwest Trip Parent Meeting 6:00-7:00pm
Friday, August 25
Saturday, August 26
- 7th & 8th Pre-Season Volleyball Tournament
On the first day of school, students will report to their first period class.
All students will receive their official schedule on the first day of school in 1st period when they arrive. The schedule will be on white paper and will match what is viewable in HAC. Green schedules from schedule pickup on August 11, 2023 are a draft, and are no longer valid.
Please contact your child's counselor if you have questions about schedules.
6th Grade: jessamyneyclay@katyisd.org
7th Grade: meghanemccarthy@katyisd.org
8th Grade: aieshabmercadel@katyisd.org
Student Drop-Off Procedures
Drop-Off Procedures and Map - BEFORE 8:30 AM
Morning Drop-Off
Students that are being dropped off will be dropped in the front of the school. We highly encourage students to walk, ride their bike or take the bus to and from school. With 1600 students attending WCJH this year, the parent drop off is expected to be busy. We need everyone's help to ensure a safe and speedy drop-off each morning.**** If you plan to wait in the car rider line until the front doors open at 8:30am to drop off your child, please stay in the right lane of the car rider line****
Expectations for morning drop-off.
- From WoodCreek Bend Lane, right turn only to enter our drop-off line. For the safety of our staff and students, Katy ISD Police and Katy PD are NOT PERMITTING LEFT TURNS from WoodCreek Bend Lane into our entrance drive.
- Drop-off occurs in the front of the school, please do not drop-off your students at the back of the school. That area is reserved for buses.
- The front doors open at 8:30am. If you plan to wait in the car rider line until the front doors open at 8:30am, please stay in the right lane of the car rider line. If you are dropping your child off in the front before the doors open at 8:30am, please use the left lane as it should be continuously moving prior to 8:30am.
- Once the doors open at 8:30am, vehicles will form two lines and zipper, or merge, at the cones to form one line at the front of the building for drop-off. When merging, please allow cars to merge one after another.
- Prior to drop-off, please instruct your student to have all their belongings ready to go for them to safely and quickly exit the vehicle.
- At the front of the building, please pull all the way forward in the front drive before allowing your student to get out of the car.
- Other individuals in the vehicle need to remain in the vehicle and allow the student to retrieve their own belongings.
- Do not go around other cars when exiting unless instructed by our security or staff.
Our main entrance will open at 8:30am. You are permitted to drop your student off earlier; however, students will not be supervised until 8:30am.
All traffic entering WoodCreek Junior High School must TURN RIGHT into our driveway. The police have told us that no lefts turns will be permitted this year. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding in keeping everyone safe and traffic moving.
Student Pick-Up Procedures
Afternoon Pick-Up
Dismissal will begin at 4:05pm. Bus riders will exit at the back of the building to meet their bus. Car riders, bike riders, and walkers will exit at the front of the building.
Parents are permitted to park in the following areas after school.
- WCJH Student Pick-Up Line
- North Side of WoodCreek Bend Lane past the turn in for the school.
Parents are NOT PERMITTED to park in the following areas after school.
- South Side of WoodCreek Bend Lane directly in front of WCJH. This area is ONLY for individuals who are planning to enter the car rider pick-up line and retrieve their child at the front school doors.
- Katy Flewellen Rd.
- Surrounding area business parking lots
- Grayson Lakes community entrance
Directly in front of our school on WoodCreek Bend Lane, the city has installed several signs asking individuals to not park, stand, or stop. Students are not permitted to walk through the car rider pick-up traffic as this is a major safety concern. These signs were placed in front of the school to discourage students from walking through traffic and entering their vehicles at the street. Parents who want to pick up their students at the street need to park on the north side of WoodCreek Bend Lane past the turn in for the school. The lane where the signs are located are ONLY for individuals who are planning to enter the car rider pick-up line and retrieve their child at the front school doors.
We do understand the limited number of spaces available to park and pick-up students afterschool. We always do our best to move traffic quickly out each afternoon with the assistance of many staff members, crossing guards and police. It takes approximately 30 minutes for all the traffic to clear out. Many parents wait until 4:25pm to pick up their student as most of the traffic is gone. We understand traffic is a daily frustration and we do appreciate everyone's patience as we focus on student safety.
Additional Tips
*Woodcreek Bend Lane is two lanes but technically only just past the school. HOWEVER, to keep traffic from backing up, the road becomes two lanes even though the white line isn't painted on the road from that point all the way to the stop sign at Kingsland.
*The school zone in front of the elementary school is in effect until 9:00am in the morning and in the afternoon until 4:15pm.
*Regarding the light at Katy Flewellen and Woodcreek Bend, DO NOT TURN RIGHT ON RED during school zone hours.
Transportation Bus Service & Route Information
Katy ISD Transportation WebQuery is how you determine if your student is eligible for bus service. If you student is eligible, this WebQuery will tell you the location/time of your bus pick-up/drop-off. Find your bus number, bus stop, pick-up and drop-off times by using the WebQuery. Enter your house number and street, select your child's grade, or school and find out about your eligibility for service, or when and where your child can catch the bus.
SMART Tag Information
On the first day of school, most students will recieve their ID cards. If they don't recieve one, we will have time during the first week for students to get an ID for the year. Students will be permitted to utilize their schedule to purchase lunches and ride the bus.
These new ID cards do operate as a SMART tag card. For eligible bus riders, this will allow them to badge on and off the bus. For those that are not eligible, we want all students to have a SMART ID in case of emergencies: ex: a campus is being forced to relocate due to an emergency (reunification)
Students will receive ID, lanyard and plastic sleeve with purchase. Information on how to purchase will be forthcoming.
** It is imperative that students have their ID’s when riding the bus. Although we will still transport eligible students, a student without an ID will slow down the loading process significantly.
Transportation Contact: Any concerns or questions related to SMART tag can be directed to your students Assistant Principal.
WoodCreek Junior High School Attendance Clerk
Meghann Slayden
Email: meghannslayden@katyisd.org
Phone: 281-234-0923
This year, we will continue to emphasize safety and security in our school. It is the expectation that as a community we set an example and enforce all safety policies. During the year we will enforce and strengthen our safety practices. Below you will find some information about school safety. If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact our school.
Safety Plans and Training: Our safety plans are updated, and all staff and students will receive instruction and training during the first week of school and throughout the year.
Staff and Student IDs: Staff and students must wear their ID badges at all times during school hours, while on school property. If a student loses their ID, a replacement must be purchased promptly from the school library.
Visitor and Volunteer Management: All visitors are expected to check-in at the front office and must be cleared before entering the building during instructional hours.
Cameras and Doors: Our campus and Katy ISD buses have a robust system of cameras that are monitored and used daily to assist us in creating a safe environment. Exterior doors throughout our building are all monitored through an access control system and have alarms. All exterior doors are to remain closed and locked during school business hours. Interior classroom doors are expected to be locked at all times.
Safety Personnel: Our WCJH Safety and Security Team continuously plans, reviews, and oversees safety. Our junior high school is staffed with a full time and armed Katy ISD police officer. This year, Police Detective Matthew Graham and Officer Torres will assist us at WCJH.
Anonymous Reporting Platform (SpeakUP): Everyone in the community is encouraged if they see something, say something. SpeakUP is the anonymous reporting platform that students, parents, and patrons can use to report safety concerns, bullying, threats of violence, drug use, as well as any other concerns related to student physical or mental health. SpeakUP is available for download in the Apple Store or Google Play. It is also available on all District websites, computers and District devices. SpeakUP provides an opportunity for the Katy ISD community to anonymously provide valuable information to campus/district administration and law enforcement that will help keep our students safe.
2023-2024 Discipline Management Plan and Code of Conduct
Mandatory disciplinary alternative education program (DAEP) placements for first-time offenses of e-cigarettes or tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). (Students are no longer sent to the DAEP “on the subsequent vaping infraction” due to legislative changes in HB 114 that add e-cigarettes and THC as specific mandatory placements.)
Over the past year we have gained feedback from community members, staff and administration about concerns of student cell phone use impacting their learning during the instructional day. From this feedback we as a campus have developed a student cell phone/earbud policy for the 2023-2024 school year. This has been designed to remove barriers to learning, improve engagement in the classroom and to minimize student safety concerns. Below we have outlined the policy in its entirety which includes when and where students can and cannot use their devices during the instructional day. This document also outlines the possible discipline consequences for misuse of their devices during the instructional day. We are looking forward to the school year and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out. Thank you for your cooperation.
Secondary English Classrooms
2023-2024 WCJH Bell Schedule
6th Grade Open House - Wednesday, August 23rd
7th & 8th Grades Open House - Wednesday, August 30th
The Katy ISD Technology Department is excited to host back-to-school webinars for parents and guardians. Join us to learn more about student registration, classroom applications, Home Access Center, devices, Canvas, Family Technology Support, and more. The webinars and will be offered the following dates and times:
Join via Zoom.
Tuesday, August 15th 1:30 PM - https://katyisd-org.zoom.us/j/85044057853
Technology Support:
- Family Technology Resources & Support - Great information and orientation for district technology and how to receive support.
- Password Self Service Tool - Using this tool, you can retrieve your username and/or reset your password using a verification code.
- MyKaty Cloud - Portal for all district applications including HAC and Canvas.
Timberwolf Trek Presentation
It’s almost that time of year! Students will have the opportunity to request a locker. Please watch for more details to follow in Timberwolf Times.
Dear Katy ISD Parents and Guardians,
The first day of school is fast approaching and Katy ISD parents can Power Up for Back to School by taking note of two important dates:
A new student is defined as a learner who is new to Katy ISD and has never attended a school in the District, or a previous Katy ISD student that withdrew and is re-enrolling. A current student is any student actively enrolled during the 2022-2023 school year.
For New Students:
Before beginning the online registration process for new students, it is recommended that parents have the following documents ready to upload:
- Proof of Residence: A utility bill (light, water or gas), purchasing paperwork or lease agreement. If a lease agreement or purchasing paperwork is provided at the time of registration, a utility bill must be provided within 30 days of occupancy.
- Official Birth Certificate or Passport of Student
- Government-issued Identification Card of Person Registering Student
- Proof of Immunization
- Report Card or Transcript at Recently Attended School
Registration is very simple and can be completed by clicking the Online Registration icon found on Katy ISD’s home page.
If you have questions, please contact Betty Covert, WCJH Registrar- bettytcovert@katyisd.org
If you need technology assistance, please contact the Parent Tech Center https://www.katyisd.org/Page/7645
Notices were mailed to parents of all 6th grade students in need of updated immunizations at the end of the last school year. Documentation for the following required shots can be emailed to brittanykemery@katyisd.org, faxed to 281-644-1861 or dropped off in the front office. Remember to keep a copy for your records.
- Tetanus, Diphtheria, Pertussis (Tdap): Tdap is required for all students entering 7th grade if at least 5 years has lapsed since the last dose of a tetanus containing vaccine (DTap, DPT, DT). If 5 years have not elapsed since the last dose of a tetanus containing vaccine at entry into 7th grade, then this dose will become due as soon as the 5 year interval has passed. Td is acceptable if Tdap is medically contraindicated.
- Meningococcal Vaccine: One dose is required for all students entering 7th grade.
- Varicella Vaccine (chickenpox): Two doses are required, with the first on or after the first birthday and the second dose prior to entry in the 7th grade (unless a parent or physician statement of disease is on file).
THANK YOU to those who have already forwarded this information. Keep them coming to ensure that your student will able to pick up his/her schedule!!!
All students enrolled in Katy ISD must be in compliance with state required immunizations. Immunization requirements can be found on the Katy ISD Health Services Immunizations page. Texas Vaccine Institute will be offering the following dates and times for any student enrolled in Katy ISD, insured or uninsured, to receive the necessary required immunizations for school entry:
August 15 and 16
9:00AM–12:00PM; 2:00PM–5:00PM
Katy ISD Professional Development Annex
6301 S. Stadium Lane, Katy, 7749.
- 1 vaccine: $15
- 2 vaccines: $25
- 3 vaccines or more: $30
Accepting credit/debit cards or cash
Personal immunization record and insurance card if you have insurance. Parent Notification of Immunization Due form completed by your campus nurse.
For additional information you may contact the Health Services Department at 281-396-2629.
Free & Reduced Application Now Open!
To determine eligibility for free meals for the 2023-2024 school year, families will need to complete a Meal Benefits/Free & Reduced meals application. More information about free and reduced benefits can be found here. The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Child Nutrition Programs Income Eligibility Guidelines can be found here.
Child Find
Child Find is a process designed to identify, locate, and evaluate individuals from birth to 21 years of age who may need special education and related services. If you are concerned that your child may have a disability, contact your student’s school for more information about the Child Find process or click on the following link: Katy ISD Child Find Information Page
we are better as a pack
Don't forget you can join WCJH PTA online! Not only can parents join but students, neighbors, businesses, family, and friends can join as well. Just like last year, there will be monthly drawings for yard signs, gift cards, and spirit wear. The membership helps support the programs and events that help enhance students' experiences at school. Join now! PTA Membership — WoodCreek Junior High PTA (wcjhpta.com) Thank you for your support!
Any questions or concerns please feel free to contact membership@wcjhpta.com.
*If you purchased school supplies through the PTA that includes one membership.
Sign-Up for Important Updates - Join Remind
Contact Information
Mission Statement: WoodCreek Junior High, in partnership with the community, parents, and students, will provide a safe, positive, engaging learning environment that is devoted to empowering each student to become a productive, responsible, respectful citizen while achieving academic excellence.
Website: https://www.katyisd.org/WCJH
Location: 1801 Woodcreek Bend Lane, Katy, TX, USA
Phone: (281) 234-0800
Facebook: facebook.com/woodcreekjrhigh/
Twitter: @WoodCreekJrHigh
WCJH Administrative Team
Dr. Andrew Lowry - Principal
Karla Beek Assistant Principal - Student Support
Lauren Merriman Assistant Principal - 6th Grade
Ryan Saam Assistant Principal - 7th Grade
Derek Ankney Assistant Principal - 8th Grade
Jessie Clay Counselor - 6th Grade
Meghan McCarthy Counselor - 7th Grade
Aiesha Mercadel Counselor - 8th Grade
School Information
Instructional Calendar 2023-2024 Click Here
Lunch Menus Click Here
Bus Transportation Click Here
Student Code of Conduct Click Here
Registration Information Click Here